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Quickstart: Suggest search queries with the Bing Autosuggest REST API and Python


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

Follow this quickstart to learn how to make calls to the Bing Autosuggest API and read the JSON response. This simple Python application sends a partial search query to the API, and returns suggestions for searches. While this application is written in Python, the API is a RESTful Web service compatible with most programming languages. The source code for this sample is available on GitHub


Create an Azure resource

Start using the Bing Autosuggest API by creating one of the following Azure resources.

Bing Autosuggest resource

  • Available through the Azure portal until you delete the resource.
  • Use the free pricing tier to try the service, and upgrade later to a paid tier for production.
  • Bing Autosuggest is also offered in paid tiers of the Bing Search v7 resource.

Multi-service resource

  • Available through the Azure portal until you delete the resource.
  • Use the same key and endpoint for your applications, across multiple Azure AI services.

Create a new application

  1. Create a new Python file in your favorite IDE or editor. Add the following imports:

    import http.client, urllib.parse, json
  2. Create variables for your API host and path, market code, and partial search query. Use the global endpoint in the following code, or use the custom subdomain endpoint displayed in the Azure portal for your resource.

    subscriptionKey = 'enter key here'
    host = ''
    path = '/bing/v7.0/Suggestions'
    mkt = 'en-US'
    query = 'sail'
  3. Create a parameters string by appending your market code to the mkt= parameter, and appending your query to the q= parameter.

    params = '?mkt=' + mkt + '&q=' + query

Create and send an API request

  1. Add your subscription key to a Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header.

    headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscriptionKey}
  2. Connect to the API using HTTPSConnection(), and send the GET request containing your request parameters.

    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
    conn.request ("GET", path + params, None, headers)
    response = conn.getresponse ()
    return ()
  3. Get and print the JSON response.

    result = get_suggestions ()
    print (json.dumps(json.loads(result), indent=4))

Example JSON response

A successful response is returned in JSON, as shown in the following example:

  "_type": "Suggestions",
  "queryContext": {
    "originalQuery": "sail"
  "suggestionGroups": [
      "name": "Web",
      "searchSuggestions": [
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dgvtP9TS9NwhajSapY2Se6y1eCbP2fq_GiP2n-cxi6OY\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5003.1",
          "displayText": "sailrite",
          "query": "sailrite",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dBTS0G6AakxntIl9rmbDXtk1n6rQpsZZ99aQ7ClE7dTY\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5004.1",
          "displayText": "sail sand point",
          "query": "sail sand point",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dc0QOA_j6swCZJy9FxqOwke2KslJE7ZRmMooGClAuCpY\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5005.1",
          "displayText": "sailboats for sale",
          "query": "sailboats for sale",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dmnMdREUH20SepmHQH1zlh9Hy_w7jpOlZFm3KG2R_BoA\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5006.1",
          "displayText": "sailing anarchy",
          "query": "sailing anarchy",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dWLFO-B1GG5qtBGnoU1Bizz02YKkg5fgAQtHwhXn4z8I\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5007.1",
          "displayText": "sailpoint",
          "query": "sailpoint",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003dquBMwmKlGwqC5wAU0K7n416plhWcR8zQCi7r-Fw9Y0w\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5008.1",
          "displayText": "sailflow",
          "query": "sailflow",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003d0udadFl0gCTKCp0QmzQTXS3_y08iO8FpwsoKPHPS6kw\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5009.1",
          "displayText": "sailboatdata",
          "query": "sailboatdata",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"
          "url": "\u003d2ACC4FE8B02F4AACB9182A6502B0E556\u0026CID\u003d1D546424A4CB64AF2D386F26A5CD6583\u0026rd\u003d1\u0026h\u003deSSt0MRSbl2V0RFPSuVd-gC7fGOT4717pz55EBUgPec\u0026v\u003d1\u0026r\\u0026p\u003dDevEx,5010.1",
          "displayText": "sailor 2025",
          "query": "sailor 2025",
          "searchKind": "WebSearch"

Next steps

See also