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Using the Bing Spell Check API


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

Use this article to learn about using the Bing Spell Check API to perform contextual grammar and spell checking. While most spell-checkers rely on dictionary-based rule sets, the Bing spell-checker leverages machine learning and statistical machine translation to provide accurate and contextual corrections.

Spell check modes

The API supports two proofing modes, Proof and Spell. Try examples here.

Proof - for documents

The default mode is Proof. The Proof spelling mode provides the most comprehensive checks, adding capitalization, basic punctuation, and other features to aid document creation. but it is available only in the en-US (English-United States), es-ES(Spanish), pt-BR(Portuguese) markets (Note: only in beta version for Spanish and Portuguese). For all other markets, set the mode query parameter to Spell.


If the length of query text exceeds 4096, it will be truncated to 4096 characters, then get processed.

Spell - for web searches/queries

Spell is more aggressive in order to return better search results. The Spell mode finds most spelling mistakes but doesn't find some of the grammar errors that Proof catches, for example, capitalization and repeated words.


  • The maximum supported query length is below. If the query exceeds the max length, the query and its results will not be altered.
    • 130 characters for the following language codes: en, de, es, fr, pl, pt, sv, ru, nl, nb, tr-tr, it, zh, ko.
    • 65 characters for all others.
  • The Spell mode does not support square bracket characters ([ and ]) in queries, and may cause inconsistent results. We recommend removing them from your queries when using the Spell mode.

Market setting

A market code should be specified with the mkt query parameter in your request. The API will otherwise use a default market based on the request's IP address.

HTTP POST and GET support

The API supports either HTTP POST or HTTP GET. Which you use depends on the length of text you plan to proof. If the strings are always less than 1,500 characters, you'd use a GET. But if you want to support strings up to 10,000 characters, you'd use POST. The text string may include any valid UTF-8 character.

The following example shows a POST request to check the spelling and grammar of a text string. The example includes the mode query parameter for completeness (it could have been left out since mode defaults to Proof). The text query parameter contains the string to be proofed.

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  
Content-Length: 47  
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 123456789ABCDE  
X-MSEdge-ClientIP: 999.999.999.999  
X-Search-Location: lat:47.60357;long:-122.3295;re:100  
X-MSEdge-ClientID: <blobFromPriorResponseGoesHere>  

If you use HTTP GET, you'd include the text query parameter in the URL's query string

The following shows the response to the previous request. The response contains a SpellCheck object.

    "_type" : "SpellCheck",  
    "flaggedTokens" : [{  
        "offset" : 5,  
        "token" : "its",  
        "type" : "UnknownToken",  
        "suggestions" : [{  
            "suggestion" : "it's",  
            "score" : 1  
        "offset" : 25,  
        "token" : "john",  
        "type" : "UnknownToken",  
        "suggestions" : [{  
            "suggestion" : "John",  
            "score" : 1  
        "offset" : 19,  
        "token" : "turn",  
        "type" : "RepeatedToken",  
        "suggestions" : [{  
            "suggestion" : "",  
            "score" : 1  
        "offset" : 35,  
        "token" : "runing",  
        "type" : "UnknownToken",  
        "suggestions" : [{  
            "suggestion" : "running",  
            "score" : 1  

The flaggedTokens field lists the spelling and grammar errors that the API found in the text string. The token field contains the word to be replaced. You'd use the zero-based offset in the offset field to find the token in the text string. You'd then replace the word at that location with the word in the suggestion field.

If the type field is RepeatedToken, you'd still replace the token with suggestion but you'd also likely need to remove the trailing space.

Throttling requests

The service and your subscription type determine the number of queries per second (QPS) that you can make. Make sure your application includes the logic to stay within your quota. If the QPS limit is met or exceeded, the request fails and an HTTP 429 status code is returned. The response includes the Retry-After header, which indicates how long you must wait before sending another request.

Denial-of-service versus throttling

The service makes a differentiation between a denial-of-service (DoS) attack and a QPS violation. If the service suspects a DoS attack, the request succeeds (HTTP status code is 200 OK). However, the body of the response is empty.

Next steps