Bing Web Search SDK samples


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

The Bing Web Search SDK is available in Python, Node.js, C#, and Java. Code samples, prerequisites, and build instructions are provided on GitHub. The following scenarios are covered:

  • Query a single word and print the name and URL of the first result for web pages, images, news articles, and videos.
  • Query a phrase, verify the number of results, and print out the name and URL of first result.
  • Query a search term with response filters set to news and print the details of news results.
  • Query a search term with answerCount and promote parameters, then print details of results.

SDKs and libraries

Use these links to access the SDK for your preferred language.