Get started with asynchronous document translation

Document Translation is a cloud-based feature of the Azure AI Translator service that asynchronously translates whole documents in supported languages and various file formats. In this quickstart, learn to use Document Translation with a programming language of your choice to translate a source document into a target language while preserving structure and text formatting.



  • Java and JavaScript Document Translation SDKs are currently available in public preview. Features, approaches and processes may change, prior to the general availability (GA) release, based on user feedback.

  • C# and Python SDKs are general availability (GA) releases ready for use in your production applications

  • Document Translation is currently supported in the Translator (single-service) resource only, and is not included in the Azure AI services (multi-service) resource.

  • Document Translation is only supported in the S1 Standard Service Plan (Pay-as-you-go) or in the D3 Volume Discount Plan. See Azure AI services pricing—Translator.

To get started, you need:

  • An active Azure account. If you don't have one, you can create a free account

  • An Azure Blob Storage account. You also need to create containers in your Azure Blob Storage account for your source and target files:

    • Source container. This container is where you upload your files for translation (required).
    • Target container. This container is where your translated files are stored (required).
  • A single-service Translator resource (not a multi-service Azure AI services resource):

    Complete the Translator project and instance details fields as follows:

    1. Subscription. Select one of your available Azure subscriptions.

    2. Resource Group. You can create a new resource group or add your resource to a pre-existing resource group that shares the same lifecycle, permissions, and policies.

    3. Resource Region. Choose Global unless your business or application requires a specific region. If you're planning on using a system-assigned managed identity for authentication, choose a geographic region like West US.

    4. Name. Enter the name you chose for your resource. The name you choose must be unique within Azure.


      Document Translation requires a custom domain endpoint. The value that you enter in the Name field will be the custom domain name parameter for your endpoint.

    5. Pricing tier. Document Translation isn't supported in the free tier. Select Standard S1 to try the service.

    6. Select Review + Create.

    7. Review the service terms and select Create to deploy your resource.

    8. After your resource successfully deploys, select Go to resource.

Retrieve your key and document translation endpoint

Requests to the Translator service require a read-only key and custom endpoint to authenticate access. The custom domain endpoint is a URL formatted with your resource name, hostname, and Translator subdirectories and is available in the Azure portal.

  1. If you created a new resource, after it deploys, select Go to resource. If you have an existing Document Translation resource, navigate directly to your resource page.

  2. In the left rail, under Resource Management, select Keys and Endpoint.

  3. You can copy and paste your key and document translation endpoint into the code samples to authenticate your request to the Document Translation service. Only one key is necessary to make an API call.

    Screenshot showing the get your key field in Azure portal.

Create Azure Blob Storage containers

You need to create containers in your Azure Blob Storage account for source and target files.

  • Source container. This container is where you upload your files for translation (required).
  • Target container. This container is where your translated files are stored (required).

Required authentication

The sourceUrl , targetUrl , and optional glossaryUrl must include a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token, appended as a query string. The token can be assigned to your container or specific blobs. See Create SAS tokens for Document Translation process.

  • Your source container or blob must designate read and list access.
  • Your target container or blob must designate write and list access.
  • Your glossary blob must designate read and list access.


  • If you're translating multiple files (blobs) in an operation, delegate SAS access at the container level.
  • If you're translating a single file (blob) in an operation, delegate SAS access at the blob level.
  • As an alternative to SAS tokens, you can use a system-assigned managed identity for authentication.

Sample document

For this project, you need a source document uploaded to your source container. You can download our document translation sample document for this quickstart. The source language is English.

Set up your C#/.NET environment

For this quickstart, we use the latest version of Visual Studio IDE to build and run the application.

  1. Start Visual Studio.

  2. On the Get started page, choose Create a new project.

    Screenshot of Visual Studio 2022 get started window.

  3. On the Create a new project page, enter console in the search box. Choose the Console Application template, then choose Next.

    Screenshot of Visual Studio 2022 create new project page.

  4. In the Configure your new project dialog window, enter document-translation-qs in the Project name box. Then choose Next.

    Screenshot of Visual Studio 2022 configure new project set-up window.

  5. In the Additional information dialog window, select .NET 6.0 (Long-term support), and then select Create.

    Screenshot of Visual Studio 2022 additional information set-up window.

Install Newtonsoft.Json

  1. Right-click on your document-translation-qs project and select Manage NuGet Packages... .

    Screenshot of select NuGet package window in Visual Studio.

  2. Select the Browse tab and type NewtonsoftJson.

    Screenshot of select prerelease NuGet package in Visual Studio.

  3. Select the latest stable version from the dropdown menu and install the package in your project.

    Screenshot of install selected NuGet package window.

Translate all documents in a storage container


  • Starting with .NET 6, new projects using the console template generate a new program style that differs from previous versions.
  • The new output uses recent C# features that simplify the code you need to write.
  • When you use the newer version, you only need to write the body of the Main method. You don't need to include top-level statements, global using directives, or implicit using directives.
  • For more information, see New C# templates generate top-level statements.
  1. Open the Program.cs file.

  2. Delete the pre-existing code, including the line Console.WriteLine("Hello World!").

  3. Copy and paste the document translation code sample into the Program.cs file.

    • Update {your-document-translation-endpoint} and {your-key} with values from your Azure portal Translator instance.

    • Update {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

Code sample


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.

using System.Text;

class Program
    private static readonly string endpoint = "{your-document-translator-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1";

    private static readonly string key = "{your-key}";

    static readonly string route = "/batches";
    static readonly string sourceURL = "\" {your-source-container-SAS-URL}\"";
    static readonly string targetURL = " \"{your-target-container-SAS-URL}\"";

    static readonly string json = ("{\"inputs\": [{\"source\": {\"sourceUrl\":"+sourceURL+" ,\"storageSource\": \"AzureBlob\",\"language\": \"en\"}, \"targets\": [{\"targetUrl\":"+targetURL+",\"storageSource\": \"AzureBlob\",\"category\": \"general\",\"language\": \"es\"}]}]}");

    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        using HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        using HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();

            StringContent content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            request.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
            request.RequestUri = new Uri(endpoint + route);
            request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", key);
            request.Content = content;

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);
            string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Console.WriteLine($"Status code: {response.StatusCode}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Response Headers:");




Run your application

Once you've added a code sample to your application, choose the green Start button next to document-translation-qs to build and run your program, or press F5.

Screenshot: run your Visual Studio program.

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

Set up your Go environment

You can use any text editor to write Go applications. We recommend using the latest version of Visual Studio Code and the Go extension.


If you're new to Go, try the Get started with Go Learn module.

If you haven't already done so, download and install Go.

  1. Download the Go version for your operating system.

  2. Once the download is complete, run the installer.

  3. Open a command prompt and enter the following to confirm Go was installed:

    go version

Translate all documents in a storage container

  1. In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), create a new directory for your app called document-translation-qs, and navigate to it.

  2. Create a new Go file named document-translation.go in the document-translation-qs directory.

  3. Copy and paste the document translation code sample into your document-translation.go file.

    • Update {your-document-translation-endpoint} and {your-key} with values from your Azure portal Translator instance.

    • Update the {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

Code sample


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.

package main

import (

func main() {

    httpposturl := "{your-document-translation-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches"
    fmt.Println("Response", httpposturl)

    var jsonData = []byte(`{
        "inputs": [
                "source": {
                    "sourceUrl": "{your-source-container-SAS-URL}"
                "targets": [
                        "language": "fr"

    request, error := http.NewRequest("POST", httpposturl, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonData))
    request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    request.Header.Set("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", "{your-key}")

    client := &http.Client{}
    response, error := client.Do(request)
    if error != nil {
    defer response.Body.Close()

    fmt.Println("response Status:", response.Status)
    var printHeader = (response.Header)
    prettyJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(printHeader, "", "  ")
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", prettyJSON)

Run your Go application

Once you've added a code sample to your application, your Go program can be executed in a command or terminal prompt. Make sure your prompt's path is set to the document-translation-qs folder and use the following command:

go run document-translation.go

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

Set up your Java environment

For this quickstart, we use the Gradle build automation tool to create and run the application.

  • You should have the latest version of Visual Studio Code or your preferred IDE. See Java in Visual Studio Code.


    • Visual Studio Code offers a Coding Pack for Java for Windows and macOS.The coding pack is a bundle of VS Code, the Java Development Kit (JDK), and a collection of suggested extensions by Microsoft. The Coding Pack can also be used to fix an existing development environment.
    • If you are using VS Code and the Coding Pack For Java, install the Gradle for Java extension.
  • If you aren't using Visual Studio Code, make sure you have the following installed in your development environment:

Create a new Gradle project

  1. In console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), create a new directory for your app called document-translation, and navigate to it.

    mkdir document-translation && document-translation
    mkdir document-translation; cd document-translation
  2. Run the gradle init command from the document-translation directory. This command creates essential build files for Gradle, including build.gradle.kts, which is used at runtime to create and configure your application.

    gradle init --type basic
  3. When prompted to choose a DSL, select Kotlin.

  4. Accept the default project name (document-translation) by selecting Return or Enter.


    It may take a few minutes for the entire application to be created, but soon you should see several folders and files including build-gradle.kts.

  5. Update build.gradle.kts with the following code:

plugins {
application {
repositories {
dependencies {

Translate all documents in a storage container

  1. From the document-translation directory, run the following command:

    mkdir -p src/main/java

    The command creates the following directory structure:

    Screenshot: Java directory structure.

  2. Navigate to the java directory and create a file named


    • You can create a new file using PowerShell.

    • Open a PowerShell window in your project directory by holding down the Shift key and right-clicking the folder.

    • Enter the following command New-Item

    • You can also create a new file in your IDE named and save it to the java directory.

  3. Copy and paste the document translation code sample into your file.

    • Update {your-document-translation-endpoint} and {your-key} with values from your Azure portal Translator instance.

    • Update the {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

Code sample


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.

import java.util.*;
import okhttp3.*;

public class DocumentTranslation {
    String key = "{your-key}";

    String endpoint = "{your-document-translation-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1";

    String path = endpoint + "/batches";

    String sourceSASUrl = "{your-source-container-SAS-URL}";

    String targetSASUrl = "{your-target-container-SAS-URL}";

    String jsonInputString = (String.format("{\"inputs\":[{\"source\":{\"sourceUrl\":\"%s\"},\"targets\":[{\"targetUrl\":\"%s\",\"language\":\"fr\"}]}]}", sourceSASUrl, targetSASUrl));

    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

    public void post() throws IOException {
        MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,  jsonInputString);
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .addHeader("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", key)
                .addHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            DocumentTranslation sampleRequest = new DocumentTranslation();
        } catch (Exception e) {

Build and run your Java application

  • Once you've added a code sample to your application, navigate back to your main project directory, document-translation, open a console window, and enter the following commands:

    1. Build your application with the build command:

      gradle build
    2. Run your application with the run command:

      gradle run

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

Set up your Node.js environment

For this quickstart, we use the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment to create and run the application.

  1. If you haven't done so already, install the latest version of Node.js. Node Package Manager (npm) is included with the Node.js installation.


    If you're new to Node.js, try the Introduction to Node.js Learn module.

  2. In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), create and navigate to a new directory for your app named document-translation.

    mkdir document-translation && cd document-translation
    mkdir document-translation; cd document-translation
  3. Run the npm init command to initialize the application and scaffold your project.

    npm init
  4. Specify your project's attributes by accepting the prompts presented in the terminal.

    • The most important attributes are name, version number, and entry point.
    • We recommend keeping index.js for the entry point name. The description, test command, GitHub repository, keywords, author, and license information are optional attributes—they can be skipped for this project.
    • Accept the suggestions in parentheses by selecting Return or Enter.
    • After you've completed the prompts, a package.json file will be created in your document-translation directory.
  5. Use npm to install the axios HTTP library and uuid package in your document-translation app directory:

    npm install axios uuid

Translate all documents in a storage container

  1. Create the index.js file in the app directory.


    • You can create a new file using PowerShell.

    • Open a PowerShell window in your project directory by holding down the Shift key and right-clicking the folder.

    • Enter the following command New-Item index.js.

    • You can also create a new file named index.js in your IDE and save it to the document-translation directory.

  2. Copy and paste the document translation code sample into your index.js file.

    • Update {your-document-translation-endpoint} and {your-key} with values from your Azure portal Translator instance.

    • Update the {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

Code sample


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.

const axios = require('axios').default;

let endpoint = '{your-document-translation-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1';
let route = '/batches';
let key = '{your-key}';
let sourceSASUrl = "{your-source-container-SAS-URL}";
let targetSASUrl = "{your-target-container-SAS-URL}"

let data = JSON.stringify({"inputs": [
      "source": {
          "sourceUrl": sourceSASUrl,
          "storageSource": "AzureBlob",
          "language": "en"
      "targets": [
              "targetUrl": targetSASUrl,
              "storageSource": "AzureBlob",
              "category": "general",
              "language": "es"}]}]});

let config = {
  method: 'post',
  baseURL: endpoint,
  url: route,
  headers: {
    'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  data: data

.then(function (response) {
  let result = { statusText: response.statusText, statusCode: response.status, headers: response.headers };
  console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
.catch(function (error) {

Run your JavaScript application

Once you've added the code sample to your application, run your program:

  1. Navigate to your application directory (document-translation).

  2. Enter and run the following command in your terminal:

    node index.js

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

Set up your Python project

  1. If you haven't done so already, install the latest version of Python 3.x. The Python installer package (pip) is included with the Python installation.


    If you're new to Python, try the Introduction to Python Learn module.

  2. Open a terminal window and use pip to install the Requests library and uuid0 package:

    pip install requests uuid

Translate all documents in a storage container

  1. Using your preferred editor or IDE, create a new directory for your app named document-translation.

  2. Create a new Python file called in your document-translation directory.

  3. Copy and paste the document translation code sample into your file.

    • Update {your-document-translation-endpoint} and {your-key} with values from your Azure portal Translator instance.

    • Update the {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

Code sample


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.

import requests

endpoint = '{your-document-translation-endpoint}'
key =  '{your-key}'
path = 'translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches'
constructed_url = endpoint + path

sourceSASUrl = '{your-source-container-SAS-URL}'

targetSASUrl = '{your-target-container-SAS-URL}'

body= {
    "inputs": [
            "source": {
                "sourceUrl": sourceSASUrl,
                "storageSource": "AzureBlob",
                "language": "en"
            "targets": [
                    "targetUrl": targetSASUrl,
                    "storageSource": "AzureBlob",
                    "category": "general",
                    "language": "es"
headers = {
  'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',

response =, headers=headers, json=body)
response_headers = response.headers

print(f'response status code: {response.status_code}\nresponse status: {response.reason}\n\nresponse headers:\n')

for key, value in response_headers.items():
    print(key, ":", value)

Run your Python application

Once you've added a code sample to your application, build and run your program:

  1. Navigate to your document-translation directory.

  2. Enter and run the following command in your console:


Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

Set up your programming environment

In this quickstart, we use the cURL command line tool to make Document Translation REST API calls.


The cURL package is pre-installed on most Windows 10 and Windows 11 and most macOS and Linux distributions. You can check the package version with the following commands: Windows: curl.exe -V. macOS curl -V Linux: curl --version

If cURL isn't installed, here are links for your platform:

Translate documents (POST Request)

  1. Using your preferred editor or IDE, create a new directory for your app named document-translation.

  2. Create a new json file called document-translation.json in your document-translation directory.

  3. Copy and paste the document translation request sample into your document-translation.json file. Replace {your-source-container-SAS-URL} and {your-target-container-SAS-URL} with values from your Azure portal Storage account containers instance.

    Request sample:


Build and run the POST request

Before you run the POST request, replace {your-document-translator-endpoint} and {your-key} with the values from your Azure portal Translator instance.


Remember to remove the key from your code when you're done, and never post it publicly. For production, use a secure way of storing and accessing your credentials like Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Azure AI services security.


cmd /c curl "{your-document-translator-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches" -i -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {your-key}" --data "@document-translation.json"

command prompt / terminal

curl "{your-document-translator-endpoint}/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches" -i -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {your-key}" --data "@document-translation.json"

Upon successful completion:

  • The translated documents can be found in your target container.
  • The successful POST method returns a 202 Accepted response code indicating that the service created the batch request.
  • The POST request also returns response headers including Operation-Location that provides a value used in subsequent GET requests.

That's it, congratulations! In this quickstart, you used Document Translation to translate a document while preserving it's original structure and data format.

Next steps