Azure Communication Services Closed Captions logs

Azure Communication Services offers logging capabilities that you can use to monitor and debug your Communication Services solution. You configure these capabilities through the Azure portal.

The content in this article refers to logs enabled through Azure Monitor (see also FAQ). To enable these logs for Communication Services, see Enable logging in diagnostic settings.

Usage log schema

Property Description
TimeGenerated The timestamp (UTC) of when the log was generated.
OperationName The operation associated with log record. ClosedCaptionsSummary
Type The log category of the event. Logs with the same log category and resource type have the same property fields. ACSCallClosedCaptionsSummary
Level The severity level of the operation. Informational
CorrelationId The ID for correlated events. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables.
ResourceId The ID of Azure ACS resource to which a call with closed captions belongs
ResultType The status of the operation.
SpeechRecognitionSessionId The ID given to the closed captions this log refers to.
SpokenLanguage The spoken language of the closed captions.
EndReason The reason why the closed captions ended.
CancelReason The reason why the closed captions cancelled.
StartTime The time that the closed captions started.
Duration Duration of the closed captions in seconds.

Here's an example of a closed caption summary log:

  "TimeGenerated": "2023-11-14T23:18:26.4332392Z",
  "OperationName": "ClosedCaptionsSummary",
  "Category": "ACSCallClosedCaptionsSummary",
  "Level": "Informational",
  "CorrelationId": "336a0049-d98f-48ca-8b21-d39244c34486",
  "ResourceId": "d2241234-bbbb-4321-b789-cfff3f4a6666",
  "ResultType": "Succeeded",
  "SpeechRecognitionSessionId": "eyJQbGF0Zm9ybUVuZHBvaW50SWQiOiI0MDFmNmUwMC01MWQyLTQ0YjAtODAyZi03N2RlNTA2YTI3NGYiLCJffffffXJjZVNwZWNpZmljSWQiOiIzOTc0NmE1Ny1lNzBkLTRhMTctYTI2Yi1hM2MzZTEwNTk0Mwwwww",
  "SpokenLanguage": "cn-zh",
  "EndReason": "Stopped",
  "CancelReason": "",
  "StartTime": "2023-11-14T03:04:05.123Z",
  "Duration": "666.66"