Support for government clouds

Developers can integrate Azure Communication Services to connect to Microsoft Teams also in government clouds. Azure Communication Services allows connecting to Microsoft 365 cloud that meets government security and compliance requirements. The following sections show supported clouds and scenarios for external users from Azure Communication Services.

Supported cloud parity between Microsoft 365 and Azure

The following table shows pair of government clouds that are currently supported by Azure Communication Services:

Microsoft 365 cloud Azure cloud Support
GCC Public
GCC-H US Government ✔️

Supported use cases

The following table show supported use cases for Gov Cloud user with Azure Communication Services:

Scenario Supported
Join Teams meeting ✔️
Join channel Teams meeting [1] ✔️
Join Teams webinar
Join Teams live events.
Join Teams meeting scheduled in application for personal use
Join Teams 1:1 or group call
Join Teams 1:1 or group chat
  • [1] Gov cloud users can join a channel Teams meeting with audio and video, but they won't be able to send or receive any chat messages