Quickstart: Create and manage Email Communication Service resources

Get started with Email by provisioning your first Email Communication Service resource. Provision Email Communication Service resources through the Azure portal or with the .NET management client library. The management client library and the Azure portal enable you to create, configure, update, and delete your resources and interface with Azure Resource Manager, Azure's deployment and management service. All functions available in the client libraries are available in the Azure portal.

Create the Email Communications Service resource using portal

  1. Open the Azure portal to create a new resource.

  2. Search for Email Communication Services.

  3. Select Email Communication Services and press Create

    Screenshot that shows how to search Email Communication Service in market place.

    Screenshot that shows Create link to create Email Communication Service.

  4. Complete the required information on the basics tab:

    • Select an existing Azure subscription.

    • Select an existing resource group, or create a new one by clicking the Create new link.

    • Provide a valid name for the resource.

    • Select United States as the data location.

    • If you would like to add tags, click Next: Tags

      • Add any name/value pairs.
    • Click Next: Review + create.

      Screenshot that shows how to the summary for review and create Email Communication Service.

  5. Wait for the validation to pass, then click Create.

  6. Wait for the Deployment to complete, then click Go to Resource. This opens the Email Communication Service Overview.

    Screenshot that shows the overview of Email Communication Service resource.

Next steps