cameraStartTimedOut UFD

The cameraStartTimedOut UFD event with a true value occurs when the SDK is unable to acquire the camera stream because the promise returned by getUserMedia browser method doesn't resolve within a certain period of time. This issue can happen when the user starts a call with video enabled, but the browser displays a UI permission prompt and the user doesn't respond to it.

cameraStartTimedOut Details
UFD type MediaDiagnostics
value type DiagnosticFlag
possible values true, false


call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics).media.on('diagnosticChanged', (diagnosticInfo) => {
    if (diagnosticInfo.diagnostic === 'cameraStartTimedOut') {
       if (diagnosticInfo.value === true) {
           // show a warning message on UI
       } else {
           // The cameraStartTimedOut UFD recovered, notify the user

How to mitigate or resolve

The application should invoke DeviceManager.askDevicePermission before the call starts to check whether the permission was granted or not. Invoking DeviceManager.askDevicePermission also reduces the possibility that the user doesn't respond to the UI permission prompt after the call starts.

If the timeout issue is caused by hardware problems, users can try selecting a different camera device when starting the video stream.

Next steps