networkRelaysNotReachable UFD

The networkRelaysNotReachable UFD event with a true value occurs when the media connection fails to establish and no relay candidates are available. This issue usually happens when the firewall policy blocks connections between the local client and relay servers.

When users see the networkRelaysNotReachable UFD event, it also indicates that the local client isn't able to make a direct connection to the remote endpoint.

networkRelaysNotReachable UFD Details
UFD type NetworkDiagnostics
value type DiagnosticFlag
possible values true, false


call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics).network.on('diagnosticChanged', (diagnosticInfo) => {
    if (diagnosticInfo.diagnostic === 'networkRelaysNotReachable') {
       if (diagnosticInfo.value === true) {
           // show a warning message on UI
       } else {
           // The networkRelaysNotReachable UFD recovered, notify the user

How to mitigate or resolve

Your application should subscribe to events from the User Facing Diagnostics. Display a message on your user interface and inform users of network setup issues.

Users should follow the Firewall Configuration guideline mentioned in the Network recommendations document. It's also recommended that the user also checks their Network address translation (NAT) settings or whether their firewall policy blocks User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.

If the organization policy doesn't allow users to connect to Microsoft TURN relay servers, custom TURN servers can be configured to avoid connection failures. For more information, see Force calling traffic to be proxied across your own server tutorial.

Next steps