Secure Key Release feature with AKV and Azure Confidential Computing (ACC)
Secure Key Release (SKR) is a functionality of Azure Key Vault (AKV) Managed HSM and Premium offering. Secure key release enables the release of an HSM protected key from AKV to an attested Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), such as a secure enclave, VM based TEEs etc. SKR adds another layer of access protection to your data decryption/encryption keys where you can target an application + TEE runtime environment with known configuration get access to the key material. The SKR policies defined at the time of exportable key creation govern the access to these keys.
SKR can only release keys based on the Microsoft Azure Attestation (MAA) generated claims. There's a tight integration on the SKR policy definition to MAA claims.
Make sure to set the value of [--sku] to "premium".
Step 2: Create a Secure Key Release Policy
A Secure Key Release Policy is a json format release policy as defined here that specifies a set of claims required in addition to authorization to release the key. The claims here are MAA based claims as referenced here for SGX and here for AMD SEV-SNP CVM.
Before you set an SKR policy make sure to run your TEE application through the remote attestation flow. Remote attestation isn't covered as part of this tutorial.
"version": "1.0.0",
"anyOf": [ // Always starts with "anyOf", meaning you can multiple, even varying rules, per authority.
"authority": "",
"allOf": [ // can be replaced by "anyOf", though you cannot nest or combine "anyOf" and "allOf" yet.
"claim": "x-ms-isolation-tee.x-ms-attestation-type", // These are the MAA claims.
"equals": "sevsnpvm"
"claim": "x-ms-isolation-tee.x-ms-compliance-status",
"equals": "azure-compliant-cvm"
Step 3: Create an exportable key in AKV with attached SKR policy
Exact details of the type of key and other attributes associated can be found here.
Azure CLI
az keyvault key create --exportabletrue--vault-name"vault name from step 1"--kty RSA-HSM--name"keyname"--policy"jsonpolicyfromstep3 -can be a path to JSON"
Step 4: Application running within a TEE doing a remote attestation
This step can be specific to the type of TEE you're running your application Intel SGX Enclaves or AMD SEV-SNP based Confidential Virtual Machines (CVM) or Confidential Containers running in CVM Enclaves with AMD SEV-SNP etc.
Follow these references examples for various TEE types offering with Azure:
Demonstrate the skills needed to implement security controls, maintain an organization’s security posture, and identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.