Deploy a container group with custom DNS settings

In Azure Virtual Network, you can deploy container groups using the az container create command in the Azure CLI. You can also provide advanced configuration settings to the az container create command using a YAML configuration file.

This article demonstrates how to deploy a container group with custom DNS settings using a YAML configuration file.

For more information on deploying container groups to a virtual network, see the Deploy in a virtual network article.


Previously, the process of deploying container groups on virtual networks used network profiles for configuration. However, network profiles have been retired as of the 2021-07-01 API version. We recommend you use the latest API version, which relies on subnet IDs instead.


  • An active Azure subscription. If you don't have an active Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

  • Azure CLI. The command-line examples in this article use the Azure CLI and are formatted for the Bash shell. You can install the Azure CLI locally or use the Azure Cloud Shell.

  • A resource group to manage all the resources you use in this how-to guide. We use the example resource group name ACIResourceGroup throughout this article.

    az group create --name ACIResourceGroup --location westus


For networking scenarios and limitations, see Virtual network scenarios and resources for Azure Container Instances.


Container group deployment to a virtual network is available for Linux containers in most regions where Azure Container Instances is available. For details, see Regions and resource availability. Examples in this article are formatted for the Bash shell. For PowerShell or command prompt, adjust the line continuation characters accordingly.

Create your virtual network

You need a virtual network to deploy a container group with a custom DNS configuration. This virtual network requires a subnet with permissions to create Azure Container Instances resources and a linked private DNS zone to test name resolution.

This guide uses a virtual network named aci-vnet, a subnet named aci-subnet, and a private DNS zone named We use Azure Private DNS Zones, which you can learn about in the Private DNS Overview.

If you have an existing virtual network that meets these criteria, you can skip to Deploy your container group.


You can modify the following commands with your own information as needed.

  1. Create the virtual network using the az network vnet create command. Enter address prefixes in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format (for example:

    az network vnet create \
      --name aci-vnet \
      --resource-group ACIResourceGroup \
      --location westus \
  2. Create the subnet using the az network vnet subnet create command. The following command creates a subnet in your virtual network with a delegation that permits it to create container groups. For more information about working with subnets, see the Add, change, or delete a virtual network subnet. For more information about subnet delegation, see the Virtual Network Scenarios and Resources article section on delegated subnets.

    az network vnet subnet create \
      --name aci-subnet \
      --resource-group ACIResourceGroup \
      --vnet-name aci-vnet \
      --address-prefixes \
      --delegations Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups
  3. Record the subnet ID key-value pair from the output of this command. You use this key-value pair in your YAML configuration file later. It takes the form "id": "/subscriptions/<subscription-ID>/resourceGroups/ACIResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/aci-vnet/subnets/aci-subnet".

  4. Create the private DNS Zone using the az network private-dns zone create command.

    az network private-dns zone create -g ACIResourceGroup -n
  5. Link the DNS zone to your virtual network using the az network private-dns link vnet create command. The DNS server is only required to test name resolution. The -e flag enables automatic hostname registration, which is unneeded, so we set it to false.

    az network private-dns link vnet create \
      -g ACIResourceGroup \
      -n aciDNSLink \
      -z \
      -v aci-vnet \
      -e false

Once you complete the previous steps, you should see an output with a final key-value pair that reads "virtualNetworkLinkState": "Completed".

Deploy your container group


Custom DNS settings are not currently available in the Azure portal for container group deployments. They must be provided with YAML file, Resource Manager template, REST API, or an Azure SDK.

Copy the following YAML into a new file named custom-dns-deploy-aci.yaml. Edit the following configurations with your values:

  • dnsConfig: DNS settings for your containers within your container group.
    • nameServers: A list of name servers to be used for DNS lookups.
    • searchDomains: DNS suffixes to be appended for DNS lookups.
  • ipAddress: The private IP address settings for the container group.
    • ports: The ports to open, if any.
    • protocol: The protocol (TCP or UDP) for the opened port.
  • subnetIDs: Network settings for the subnet(s) in the virtual network.
    • id: The full Resource Manager resource ID of the subnet, which you obtained earlier.


The DNS config fields aren't automatically queried at this time, so these fields must be explicitly filled out.

apiVersion: '2021-07-01'
location: westus
name: pwsh-vnet-dns
  - name: pwsh-vnet-dns
      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - echo hello; sleep 10000
      environmentVariables: []
      - port: 80
          cpu: 1.0
          memoryInGB: 2.0
    - # DNS Server 1
    - # DNS Server 2
    searchDomains: # DNS search suffix
    type: Private
    - port: 80
    - id: /subscriptions/<subscription-ID>/resourceGroups/ACIResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/aci-vnet/subnets/aci-subnet
  osType: Linux
tags: null
type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups

Deploy the container group with the az container create command, specifying the YAML file name with the --file parameter:

az container create --resource-group ACIResourceGroup \
  --file custom-dns-deploy-aci.yaml

Once the deployment is complete, run the az container show command to display its status. Sample output:

az container show --resource-group ACIResourceGroup --name pwsh-vnet-dns -o table
Name              ResourceGroup    Status    Image                                       IP:ports     Network    CPU/Memory       OsType    Location
----------------  ---------------  --------  ------------------------------------------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------  ----------
pwsh-vnet-dns     ACIResourceGroup  Running        Private    1.0 core/2.0 gb  Linux     westus

After the status shows Running, execute the az container exec command to obtain bash access within the container.

az container exec --resource-group ACIResourceGroup --name pwsh-vnet-dns --exec-command "/bin/bash"

Validate that DNS is working as expected from within your container. For example, read the /etc/resolv.conf file to ensure proper configuration of the DNS settings provided in the YAML file.

root@wk-caas-81d609b206c541589e11058a6d260b38-90b0aff460a737f346b3b0:/# cat /etc/resolv.conf


Clean up resources

Delete container instances

When you're finished with the container instance you created, delete it with the az container delete command:

az container delete --resource-group ACIResourceGroup --name pwsh-vnet-dns -y

Delete network resources

If you don't plan to use this virtual network again, you can delete it with the az network vnet delete command:

az network vnet delete --resource-group ACIResourceGroup --name aci-vnet

Delete resource group

If you don't plan to use this resource group outside of this guide, you can delete it with az group delete command:

az group delete --name ACIResourceGroup

Enter y when prompted if you're sure you wish to perform the operation.

Next steps

For more information on how to deploy a container group within a virtual network, see the Azure Quickstart Template Create an Azure container group with virtual network.