Connect to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore from Azure Databricks

This article explains how to connect Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB vCore from Azure Databricks. It walks through basic Data Manipulation Language(DML) operations like Read, Filter, SQLs, Aggregation Pipelines and Write Tables using python code.


Configure dependencies for connectivity

The following are the dependencies required to connect to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore from Azure Databricks:

  • Spark connector for MongoDB Spark connector is used to connect to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore. Identify and use the version of the connector located in Maven central that is compatible with the Spark and Scala versions of your Spark environment. We recommend an environment that supports Spark 3.2.1 or higher, and the spark connector available at maven coordinates org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.12:3.0.1.

  • Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB connection strings: Your Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore connection string, user name, and passwords.

Provision an Azure Databricks cluster

You can follow instructions to provision an Azure Databricks cluster. We recommend selecting Databricks runtime version 7.6, which supports Spark 3.0.

Diagram of databricks new cluster creation.

Add dependencies

Add the MongoDB Connector for Spark library to your cluster to connect to both native MongoDB and Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB endpoints. In your cluster, select Libraries > Install New > Maven, and then add org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.12:3.0.1 Maven coordinates.

Diagram of adding databricks cluster dependencies.

Select Install, and then restart the cluster when installation is complete.


Make sure that you restart the Databricks cluster after the MongoDB Connector for Spark library has been installed.

After that, you may create a Scala or Python notebook for migration.

Create Python notebook to connect to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

Create a Python Notebook in Databricks. Make sure to enter the right values for the variables before running the following codes.

Update Spark configuration with the Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB connection string

  1. Note the connect string under the Settings -> Connection strings in Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB vCore Resource in Azure portal. It has the form of "mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<database_name>"
  2. Back in Databricks in your cluster configuration, under Advanced Options (bottom of page), paste the connection string for both the spark.mongodb.output.uri and spark.mongodb.input.uri variables. Populate the username and password field appropriate. This way all the workbooks, which running on the cluster uses this configuration.
  3. Alternatively you can explicitly set the option when calling APIs like:"mongo").option("spark.mongodb.input.uri", connectionString).load(). If you configure the variables in the cluster, you don't have to set the option.

Data sample set

For the purpose with this lab, we're using the CSV 'Citibike2019' data set. You can import it: CitiBike Trip History 2019. We loaded it into a database called "CitiBikeDB" and the collection "CitiBike2019". We're setting the variables database and collection to point to the data loaded and we're using variables in the examples.


Read data from Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

The general syntax looks like this:

df_vcore ="mongo").option("database", database).option("spark.mongodb.input.uri", connectionString_vcore).option("collection",collection).load()

You can validate the data frame loaded as follows:


Let's see an example:

df_vcore ="mongo").option("database", database).option("spark.mongodb.input.uri", connectionString_vcore).option("collection",collection).load()


Schema Screenshot of the Print Schema.

DataFrame Screenshot of the Display DataFrame.

Filter data from Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

The general syntax looks like this:

df_v = df_vcore.filter(df_vcore[column number/column name] == [filter condition])

Let's see an example:

df_v = df_vcore.filter(df_vcore[2] == 1970)

Output: Screenshot of the Display Filtered DataFrame.

Create a view or temporary table and run SQL queries against it

The general syntax looks like this:

df_[dataframename].createOrReplaceTempView("[View Name]")
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM [View Name]")

Let's see an example:

df_v = spark.sql(" SELECT * FROM T_VCORE WHERE birth_year == 1970 and gender == 2 ")

Output: Screenshot of the Display SQL Query.

Write data to Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

The general syntax looks like this:

df.write.format("mongo").option("spark.mongodb.output.uri", connectionString).option("database",database).option("collection","<collection_name>").mode("append").save()

Let's see an example:

df_vcore.write.format("mongo").option("spark.mongodb.output.uri", connectionString_vcore).option("database",database).option("collection","CitiBike2019").mode("append").save()

This command doesn't have an output as it writes directly to the collection. You can cross check if the record is updated using a read command.

Read data from Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore collection running an Aggregation Pipeline

[!Note] Aggregation Pipeline is a powerful capability that allows to preprocess and transform data within Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB. It's a great match for real-time analytics, dashboards, report generation with roll-ups, sums & averages with 'server-side' data post-processing. (Note: there's a whole book written about it).

Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB even supports rich secondary/compound indexes to extract, filter, and process only the data it needs.

For example, analyzing all customers located in a specific geography right within the database without first having to load the full data-set, minimizing data-movement and reducing latency.

Here's an example of using aggregate function:

pipeline = "[{ $group : { _id : '$birth_year', totaldocs : { $count : 1 }, totalduration: {$sum: '$tripduration'}} }]"
df_vcore ="mongo").option("database", database).option("spark.mongodb.input.uri", connectionString_vcore).option("collection",collection).option("pipeline", pipeline).load()


Screenshot of the Display Aggregate Data.

The following articles demonstrate how to use aggregation pipelines in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore: