Create an Azure Cosmos DB for Table account


An Azure Cosmos DB for Table account contains all of your Azure Cosmos DB resources: tables and items. The account provides a unique endpoint for various tools and SDKs to connect to Azure Cosmos DB and perform everyday operations. For more information about the resources in Azure Cosmos DB, see Azure Cosmos DB resource model.


Create an account

Create a single Azure Cosmos DB account using the API for Table.

  1. Create shell variables for accountName, resourceGroupName, and location.

    # Variable for resource group name
    # Variable for location
    # Variable for account name with a randomnly generated suffix
    let suffix=$RANDOM*$RANDOM
  2. If you haven't already, sign in to the Azure CLI using the az login command.

  3. Use the az group create command to create a new resource group in your subscription.

    az group create \
        --name $resourceGroupName \
        --location $location
  4. Use the az cosmosdb create command to create a new Azure Cosmos DB for Table account with default settings.

    az cosmosdb create \
        --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
        --name $accountName \
        --capabilities EnableTable \
        --locations regionName=$location

Next steps

In this guide, you learned how to create an Azure Cosmos DB for Table account.