FOCUS cost and usage details file schema

This article lists the cost details and usage (formerly known as usage details) fields found in the FOCUS cost and usage details file. The FOCUS version of the cost and usage details file uses columns, values, and semantics as they're defined in the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS) project. The file contains all of the same cost and usage data for the Microsoft Cloud services that got used or purchased as what you get in the actual and amortized files.

To learn more about FOCUS, see FOCUS: A new specification for cloud cost transparency.


You can view the latest changes to the FOCUS cost and usage details file schema in the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification changelog.

Version 1.0

Column Fields Description
1 BilledCost A charge serving as the basis for invoicing, inclusive of all reduced rates and discounts while excluding the amortization of upfront charges (one-time or recurring).
2 BillingAccountId Unique identifier assigned to a billing account by the provider.
3 BillingAccountName Display name assigned to a billing account.
4 BillingAccountType Provider label for the kind of entity the BillingAccountId represents.
5 BillingCurrency Currency that a charge was billed in.
6 BillingPeriodEnd Exclusive end date and time of the billing period.
7 BillingPeriodStart Inclusive start date and time of the billing period.
8 ChargeCategory Highest-level classification of a charge based on the nature of how it gets billed.
9 ChargeClass Indicates whether the row represents a correction to one or more charges invoiced in a previous billing period.
10 ChargeDescription Self-contained summary of the charge's purpose and price.
11 ChargeFrequency Indicates how often a charge occurs.
12 ChargePeriodEnd Exclusive end date and time of a charge period.
13 ChargePeriodStart Inclusive start date and time of a charge period.
14 CommitmentDiscountCategory Indicates whether the commitment-based discount identified in the CommitmentDiscountId column is based on usage quantity or cost, also called spend.
15 CommitmentDiscountId Unique identifier assigned to a commitment-based discount by the provider.
16 CommitmentDiscountName Display name assigned to a commitment-based discount.
17 CommitmentDiscountStatus Indicates whether the charge corresponds with the consumption of a commitment-based discount or the unused portion of the committed amount.
18 CommitmentDiscountType Label assigned by the provider to describe the type of commitment-based discount applied to the row.
19 ConsumedQuantity Volume of a given SKU associated with a resource or service used, based on the ConsumedUnit.
20 ConsumedUnit Provider-specified measurement unit indicating how a provider measures usage of a given SKU associated with a resource or service.
21 ContractedCost Cost calculated by multiplying ContractedUnitPrice and the corresponding PricingQuantity.
22 ContractedUnitPrice The agreed-upon unit price for a single PricingUnit of the associated SKU, inclusive of negotiated discounts, if present, while excluding negotiated commitment-based discounts or any other discounts.
23 EffectiveCost The amortized cost of the charge after applying all reduced rates, discounts, and the applicable portion of relevant, prepaid purchases (one-time or recurring) that covered the charge.
24 InvoiceIssuerName The name of the entity responsible for invoicing for the resources or services consumed.
25 ListCost Cost calculated by multiplying ListUnitPrice and the corresponding PricingQuantity.
26 ListUnitPrice Suggested provider-published unit price for a single PricingUnit of the associated SKU, exclusive of any discounts.
27 PricingCategory Describes the pricing model used for a charge at the time of use or purchase.
28 PricingQuantity Volume of a given SKU associated with a resource or service used or purchased, based on the Pricing Unit.
29 PricingUnit Provider-specified measurement unit for determining unit prices, indicating how the provider rates measured usage and purchase quantities after applying pricing rules like block pricing.
30 ProviderName Name of the entity that made the resources or services available for purchase.
31 PublisherName Name of the entity that produced the resources or services that were purchased.
32 RegionId Provider-assigned identifier for an isolated geographic area where a resource is provisioned or a service is provided.
33 RegionName Name of an isolated geographic area where a resource is provisioned or a service is provided.
34 ResourceId Unique identifier assigned to a resource by the provider.
35 ResourceName Display name assigned to a resource.
36 ResourceType The kind of resource for which you're being charged.
37 ServiceCategory Highest-level classification of a service based on the core function of the service.
38 ServiceName An offering that can be purchased from a provider. For example, cloud virtual machine, SaaS database, or professional services from a systems integrator.
39 SkuId Unique identifier that defines a provider-supported construct for organizing properties that are common across one or more SKU Prices.
40 SkuPriceId Unique identifier that defines the unit price used to calculate the charge.
41 SubAccountId Unique identifier assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access and/or cost.
42 SubAccountName Name assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access or cost.
43 SubAccountType Provider label for the kind of entity the SubAccountId represents.
44 Tags List of custom key-value pairs applied to a charge defined as a JSON object.
45 x_AccountId Unique identifier for the identity responsible for billing for this subscription. It is your EA enrollment account owner or MOSA account admin. Not applicable to MCA.
46 x_AccountName Name of the identity responsible for billing for this subscription. It is your EA enrollment account owner or MOSA account admin. Not applicable to MCA.
47 x_AccountOwnerId Email address of the identity responsible for billing for this subscription. It is your EA enrollment account owner or MOSA account admin. Not applicable to MCA.
48 x_BilledCostInUsd BilledCost in USD.
49 x_BilledUnitPrice Unit price for a single PricingUnit of the associated SKU that was charged per unit.
50 x_BillingAccountId Unique identifier for the Microsoft billing account. Same as BillingAccountId for EA.
51 x_BillingAccountName Name of the Microsoft billing account. Same as BillingAccountName for EA.
52 x_BillingExchangeRate Exchange rate to multiply by when converting from the pricing currency to the billing currency.
53 x_BillingExchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was determined.
54 x_BillingProfileId Unique identifier for the Microsoft billing profile. Same as BillingAccountId for MCA.
55 x_BillingProfileName Name of the Microsoft billing profile. Same as BillingAccountName for MCA.
56 x_ContractedCostInUsd ContractedCost in USD.
57 x_CostAllocationRuleName Name of the Microsoft Cost Management cost allocation rule that generated this charge. Cost allocation is used to move or split shared charges.
58 x_CostCenter Custom value defined by a billing admin for internal chargeback.
59 x_CustomerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customer tenant.
60 x_CustomerName Display name for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customer tenant.
61 x_EffectiveCostInUsd EffectiveCost in USD.
62 x_EffectiveUnitPrice Unit price for a single PricingUnit of the associated SKU after applying all reduced rates, discounts, and the applicable portion of relevant, prepaid purchases (one-time or recurring) that covered the charge.
63 x_InvoiceId Unique identifier for the invoice the charge was billed on.
64 x_InvoiceIssuerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner.
65 x_InvoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the MCA invoice section or EA department.
66 x_InvoiceSectionName Display name for the MCA invoice section or EA department.
67 x_ListCostInUsd ListCost in USD.
68 x_PartnerCreditApplied Indicates when the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner Earned Credit (PEC) was applied for a charge.
69 x_PartnerCreditRate Rate earned based on the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner Earned Credit (PEC) applied.
70 x_PricingBlockSize Indicates the number of usage units grouped together for block pricing. This number is usually a part of the PricingUnit. Divide UsageQuantity by PricingBlockSize to get the PricingQuantity.
71 x_PricingCurrency Currency used for all price columns.
72 x_PricingSubcategory Describes the kind of pricing model used for a charge within a specific PricingCategory.
73 x_PricingUnitDescription Indicates what measurement type is used by the PricingQuantity, including pricing block size. It's what gets used in the price list or on the invoice.
74 x_PublisherCategory Indicates whether a charge is from a cloud provider or third-party Marketplace vendor.
75 x_PublisherId Unique identifier of the entity that produced the resources and/or services that were purchased.
76 x_ResellerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) reseller.
77 x_ResellerName Name of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) reseller.
78 x_ResourceGroupName Grouping of resources that make up an application or set of resources that share the same lifecycle. For example, created and deleted together.
79 x_ResourceType Azure Resource Manager resource type.
80 x_ServicePeriodEnd Exclusive end date of the service period applicable for the charge.
81 x_ServicePeriodStart Start date of the service period applicable for the charge.
82 x_SkuDescription Description of the SKU that got used or purchased.
83 x_SkuDetails Additional information about the SKU. This column is formatted as a JSON object.
84 x_SkuIsCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible for Azure credits
85 x_SkuMeterCategory Name of the service the SKU falls within.
86 x_SkuMeterId Unique identifier (sometimes a GUID, but not always) for the usage meter. It usually maps to a specific SKU or range of SKUs that have a specific price.
87 x_SkuMeterName Name of the usage meter. It usually maps to a specific SKU or range of SKUs that have a specific price. Not applicable for purchases.
88 x_SkuMeterSubcategory Group of SKU Classes that address the same core need within the SKU Group.
89 x_SkuOfferId Microsoft Cloud subscription type.
90 x_SkuOrderId Unique identifier of the entitlement product for this charge. Same as MCA ProductOrderId. Not applicable for EA.
91 x_SkuOrderName Display name of the entitlement product for this charge. Same as MCA ProductOrderId. Not applicable for EA.
92 x_SkuPartNumber Identifier to help categorize specific usage meters.
93 x_SkuRegion Region that the SKU operated in. It might be different from the resource region.
94 x_SkuServiceFamily Highest-level classification of a SKU based on the core function of the SKU.
95 x_SkuTerm Number of months a purchase covers.
96 x_SkuTier Pricing tier for the SKU when that SKU supports tiered or graduated pricing.

Version 1.0-preview(v1)

Column Fields Description
1 AvailabilityZone Provider-assigned identifier for a physically separated and isolated area within a region that provides high availability and fault tolerance.
2 BilledCost A charge serving as the basis for invoicing, inclusive of all reduced rates and discounts while excluding the amortization of upfront charges (one-time or recurring).
3 BillingAccountId Unique identifier assigned to a billing account by the provider.
4 BillingAccountName Display name assigned to a billing account.
5 BillingAccountType Provider label for the kind of entity the BillingAccountId represents.
6 BillingCurrency Currency that a charge was billed in.
7 BillingPeriodEnd End date and time of the billing period.
8 BillingPeriodStart Beginning date and time of the billing period.
9 ChargeCategory Indicates whether the row represents an upfront or recurring fee.
10 ChargeDescription Brief, human-readable summary of a row.
11 ChargeFrequency Indicates how often a charge occurs.
12 ChargePeriodEnd End date and time of a charge period.
13 ChargePeriodStart Beginning date and time of a charge period.
14 ChargeSubcategory Indicates the kind of usage or adjustment the row represents.
15 CommitmentDiscountCategory Indicates whether the commitment-based discount identified in the CommitmentDiscountId column is based on usage quantity or cost, also called spend.
16 CommitmentDiscountId Unique identifier assigned to a commitment-based discount by the provider.
17 CommitmentDiscountName Display name assigned to a commitment-based discount.
18 CommitmentDiscountType Label assigned by the provider to describe the type of commitment-based discount applied to the row.
19 EffectiveCost The cost inclusive of amortized upfront fees.
20 InvoiceIssuerName Name of the entity responsible for invoicing for the resources or services consumed.
21 ListCost The cost without any discounts or amortized charges based on the public retail or market prices.
22 ListUnitPrice The unit price for the SKU, excluding any discounts or amortized charges, based on the standard retail or market prices charged to consumers per unit.
23 PricingCategory Indicates how the charge was priced.
24 PricingQuantity Amount of a particular service that got used or purchased based on the PricingUnit. PricingQuantity is the same as UsageQuantity divided by PricingBlocksize.
25 PricingUnit Indicates what measurement type is used by the PricingQuantity.
26 ProviderName Name of the entity that made the resources or services available for purchase.
27 PublisherName Name of the entity that produced the resources or services that were purchased.
28 Region Isolated geographic area where a resource is provisioned in or a service is provided from.
29 ResourceId Unique identifier assigned to a resource by the provider.
30 ResourceName Display name assigned to a resource.
31 ResourceType The kind of resource for which you're being charged.
32 ServiceCategory Highest-level classification of a service based on the core function of the service.
33 ServiceName An offering that can be purchased from a provider. For example, cloud virtual machine, SaaS database, or professional services from a systems integrator.
34 SkuId Unique identifier for the SKU that got used or purchased.
35 SkuPriceId Unique ID for the SKU inclusive of other pricing variations, like tiering and discounts.
36 SubAccountId Unique identifier assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access or cost.
37 SubAccountName Name assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access or cost.
38 SubAccountType Provider label for the kind of entity the SubAccountId represents.
39 Tags List of custom key-value pairs applied to a charge defined as a JSON object.
40 UsageQuantity Number of units of a resource or service that got used or purchased based on the UsageUnit.
41 UsageUnit Indicates what measurement type is used by the UsageQuantity.
42 x_AccountName Name of the identity responsible for billing for the subscription. It is your EA enrollment account owner or MOSA account admin. Not applicable to MCA.
43 x_AccountOwnerId Email address of the identity responsible for billing for this subscription. It is your EA enrollment account owner or MOSA account admin. Not applicable to MCA.
44 x_BilledCostInUsd BilledCost in USD.
45 x_BilledUnitPrice Unit price for the SKU that a consumer would be charged per unit.
46 x_BillingAccountId Unique identifier for the Microsoft billing account. Same as BillingAccountId for EA.
47 x_BillingAccountName Name of the Microsoft billing account. Same as BillingAccountName for EA.
48 x_BillingExchangeRate Exchange rate to multiply by when converting from the pricing currency to the billing currency.
49 x_BillingExchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was determined.
50 x_BillingProfileId Unique identifier for the Microsoft billing profile. Same as BillingAccountId for MCA.
51 x_BillingProfileName Name of the Microsoft billing profile. Same as BillingAccountName for MCA.
52 x_ChargeId Unique ID for the row.
53 x_CostAllocationRuleName Name of the Microsoft Cost Management cost allocation rule that generated this charge. Cost allocation is used to move or split shared charges.
54 x_CostCenter Custom value defined by a billing admin for internal chargeback.
55 x_CustomerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customer tenant.
56 x_CustomerName Display name for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customer tenant.
57 x_EffectiveCostInUsd EffectiveCost in USD.
58 x_EffectiveUnitPrice Unit price for the SKU inclusive of amortized upfront fees, amortized recurring fees, and the usage cost that a consumer would be charged per unit.
59 x_InvoiceId Unique identifier for the invoice this charge was billed on.
60 x_InvoiceIssuerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner.
61 x_InvoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the MCA invoice section or EA department.
62 x_InvoiceSectionName Display name for the MCA invoice section or EA department.
63 x_OnDemandCost A charge inclusive of negotiated discounts that a consumer would be charged for each billing period.
64 x_OnDemandCostInUsd OnDemandCost in USD.
65 x_OnDemandUnitPrice Unit price for the SKU after negotiated discounts that a consumer would be charged per unit.
66 x_PartnerCreditApplied Indicates when the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner Earned Credit (PEC) was applied for a charge.
67 x_PartnerCreditRate Rate earned based on the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner Earned Credit (PEC) applied.
68 x_PricingBlockSize Indicates the number of usage units grouped together for block pricing. This number is usually a part of the PricingUnit. Divide UsageQuantity by PricingBlockSize to get the PricingQuantity.
69 x_PricingCurrency Currency used for all price columns.
70 x_PricingSubcategory Describes the kind of pricing model used for a charge within a specific Pricing Category.
71 x_PricingUnitDescription Indicates what measurement type is used by the PricingQuantity, including pricing block size. It's what is used in the price list or on the invoice.
72 x_PublisherCategory Indicates whether a charge is from a cloud provider or third-party Marketplace vendor.
73 x_PublisherId Unique identifier of the entity that produced the resources and/or services that were purchased.
74 x_ResellerId Unique identifier for the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) reseller.
75 x_ResellerName Name of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) reseller.
76 x_ResourceGroupName Grouping of resources that make up an application or set of resources that share the same lifecycle. For example, created and deleted together.
77 x_ResourceType Azure Resource Manager resource type.
78 x_ServicePeriodEnd Exclusive end date of the service period applicable for the charge.
79 x_ServicePeriodStart Start date of the service period applicable for the charge.
80 x_SkuDescription Description of the SKU that got used or purchased.
81 x_SkuDetails Additional information about the SKU. This column is formatted as a JSON object.
82 x_SkuIsCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible for Azure credits.
83 x_SkuMeterCategory Name of the service the SKU falls within.
84 x_SkuMeterId Unique identifier (sometimes a GUID, but not always) for the usage meter. It usually maps to a specific SKU or range of SKUs that have a specific price.
85 x_SkuMeterName Name of the usage meter. It usually maps to a specific SKU or range of SKUs that have a specific price. Not applicable for purchases.
86 x_SkuMeterSubcategory Group of SKU Classes that address the same core need within the SKU Group.
87 x_SkuOfferId Microsoft Cloud subscription type.
88 x_SkuOrderId Unique identifier of the entitlement product for this charge. Same as MCA ProductOrderId. Not applicable for EA.
89 x_SkuOrderName Display name of the entitlement product for this charge. Same as MCA ProductOrderId. Not applicable for EA.
90 x_SkuPartNumber Identifier to help categorize specific usage meters.
91 x_SkuRegion Region that the SKU operated in. It might be different from the resource region.
92 x_SkuServiceFamily Highest-level classification of a SKU based on the core function of the SKU.
93 x_SkuTerm Number of months a purchase covers.
94 x_SkuTier Pricing tier for the SKU when that SKU supports tiered or graduated pricing.