Microsoft Customer Agreement reservation recommendations file schema

This article lists all of the data fields available in the Microsoft Customer Agreement reservation recommendations file. The reservation recommendations file is a data file that contains all of the reservation recommendation details for savings. The savings are calculated in addition to your negotiated, or discounted, if applicable, prices.

Version 2023-05-01

Column Fields Description
1 Cost With No ReservedInstances The total amount of cost without reserved instances.
2 First UsageDate The usage date for looking back.
3 Instance Flexibility Ratio The instance Flexibility Ratio.
4 Instance Flexibility Group The instance Flexibility Group.
5 Location Resource location.
6 LookBackPeriod The number of days of usage to look back for recommendation.
7 MeterID The meter ID (GUID).
8 Net Savings Total estimated savings with reserved instances.
9 Normalized Size The normalized Size.
10 Recommended Quantity Recommended quantity for reserved instances.
11 Recommended Quantity Normalized The recommended quantity that is normalized.
12 ResourceType The Azure resource type.
13 scope Shared or single recommendation.
14 SkuName The Azure Resource Manager SKU name.
15 Sku Properties List of SKU properties
16 SubscriptionId
17 Term Reservation recommendations in one or three-year terms.
18 Total Cost With ReservedInstances Cost of reservation recommendations in one or three-year terms.