Azure Enterprise REST APIs

This article describes the REST APIs for use with your Azure enterprise enrollment. It also explains how to resolve common issues with REST APIs.

Consumption and Usage APIs

Microsoft Enterprise Azure customers can get usage and billing information through REST APIs. The role owner (Enterprise Administrator, Department Administrator, Account Owner) must enable access to the API by generating a key from the Azure portal. Then, anyone provided with the enrollment number and key can access the data through the API.

Available APIs

Balance and Summary - The Balance and Summary API provides a monthly summary of information about balances, new purchases, Azure Marketplace service charges, adjustments, and overage charges. For more information, see Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Balance and Summary.

Usage Detail - The Usage Detail API provides a daily breakdown of consumed quantities and estimated charges by an enrollment. The result also includes information about instances, meters, and departments. You can query the API by billing period or by a specified start and end date. For more information, see Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Usage Details.

Marketplace Store Charge - The Marketplace Store Charge API returns usage-based marketplace charges, broken down day for the specified billing period or start and end dates. For more information, see Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Marketplace Store Charge.

Price Sheet - The Price Sheet API provides the applicable rate for each meter for an enrollment and billing period. For more information, see Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Price Sheet.

Billing Periods - The Billing Periods API returns a list of billing periods that have consumption data for an enrollment in reverse chronological order. Each period contains a property pointing to the API route for the four sets of data, BalanceSummary, UsageDetails, Marketplace Charges, and PriceSheet. For more information, see Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Billing Periods.

API key generation

Role owners can perform the following steps in the Azure portal to enable API data access.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Search for Cost Management + Billing and then select it.
  3. Select Billing scopes from the navigation menu and then select the billing account that you want to work with.
  4. In the left navigation menu, select Usage + Charges.
  5. Select Manage API Access Keys to open the Manage API Access Keys window.
    Screenshot showing the Manage API Access Keys option.

In the Manage API Access Keys window, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Generate and view primary and secondary access keys
  • View start and end dates for access keys
  • Disable access keys


  1. If you are on Enrollment Admin, then you can generate the keys from only Usage & Charges blade at enrollment level but not at Accounts & department level.
  2. If you are an Department owner only, then you can generate the keys at Department level and at the Account level for which you are an account owner for.
  3. If you are Account owner only, then you can generate the keys at Account level only.

Generate the primary or secondary API key

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an enterprise administrator.
  2. Select Cost Management + Billing.
  3. Select Billing scopes from the navigation menu and then select the billing account that you want to work with.
  4. In the navigation menu, select Usage + Charges.
  5. Select Manage API Access Keys.
  6. Select Generate to generate the key.
    Screenshot showing the Manage API Access Keys window.
  7. Select the expand symbol or select Copy to get the API access key for immediate use.
    Screenshot showing the expand symbol and Copy option.

Regenerate the primary or secondary API key

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an enterprise administrator.
  2. Select Cost Management + Billing.
  3. Select Billing scopes from the navigation menu and then select the billing account that you want to work with.
  4. In the navigation menu, select Usage + Charges.
  5. Select Manage API Access Keys.
  6. Select Regenerate to regenerate the key.

Revoke the primary or secondary API key

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an enterprise administrator.
  2. Search for and select Cost Management + Billing.
  3. Select Billing scopes from the navigation menu and then select the billing account that you want to work with.
  4. In the navigation menu, select Usage + Charges.
  5. Select Manage API Access Keys.
  6. Select Revoke to revoke the key.

Allow API access to non-administrators

If you want to give the API access keys to people who aren't enterprise administrators in your enrollment, perform the following steps.

The steps give API access to key holders so they can view cost and pricing information in usage reports.

  1. In the left navigation window, select Policies.
  2. Select On under the DEPARTMENT ADMINS CAN VIEW CHARGES section and then select Save.
  3. Select On under the ACCOUNT OWNERS CAN VIEW CHARGES section and then select Save.
    Screenshot showing the Polices window where you change view charges options.

Pass keys in the API

Pass the API key for each call for authentication and authorization. Pass the following property to HTTP headers:

Request header key Value
Authorization Specify the value in this format: bearer {API_KEY}
Example: bearer <APIKey>


A Swagger endpoint is available at Enterprise Reporting v3 APIsfor the following APIs. Swagger helps inspect the API. Use Swagger to generate client SDKs using AutoRest or Swagger CodeGen. Data available after May 1, 2014 is available through the API.

API response codes

When you're using an API, response status codes are shown. The following table describes them.

Response status code Message Description
200 OK No error
401 Unauthorized API Key not found, Invalid, Expired etc.
404 Unavailable Report endpoint not found
400 Bad Request Invalid parameters – Date ranges, EA numbers etc.
500 Server Error Unexpected error processing request

Usage and billing data update frequency

Usage and billing data files are updated every 24 hours for the current billing month. However, data latency can occur for up to three days. For example, if usage is incurred on Monday, data might not appear in the data file until Thursday.

Azure service catalog

You can download all Azure services in the Azure portal as part of the Price Sheet download. For more information about downloading your price sheet, see Download pricing for an Enterprise Agreement.

CSV data file details

The following information describes the properties of API reports.

Usage summary

JSON format is generated from the CSV report. As a result, the format is same as the summary CSV format. The column name is wielded, so you should deserialize into a data table when you consume the JSON summary data.

CSV column name JSON column name JSON new column Comment
AccountOwnerId AccountOwnerLiveId AccountOwnerLiveId
Account Name AccountName AccountName
ServiceAdministratorId ServiceAdministratorLiveId ServiceAdministratorLiveId
SubscriptionId SubscriptionId SubscriptionId
SubscriptionGuid MOSPSubscriptionGuid SubscriptionGuid
Subscription Name SubscriptionName SubscriptionName
Date Date Date Shows the date that the service catalog report ran. The format is a date string without a time stamp.
Month Month Month
Day Day Day
Year Year Year
Product BillableItemName Product
Meter ID ResourceGUID MeterId
Meter Category Service MeterCategory Useful to help find services. Relevant for services that have multiple ServiceType. For example, Virtual Machines.
Meter Sub-Category ServiceType MeterSubCategory Provides a second level of details for a service. For example, A1 VM (Non-Windows).
Meter Region ServiceRegion MeterRegion The third level of detail required for a service. Useful to find the region context of the ResourceGUID.
Meter Name ServiceResource MeterName The name of the service.
Consumed Quantity ResourceQtyConsumed ConsumedQuantity
ResourceRate ResourceRate ResourceRate
ExtendedCost ExtendedCost ExtendedCost
Resource Location ServiceSubRegion ResourceLocation
Consumed Service ServiceInfo ConsumedService
Instance ID Component InstanceId
ServiceInfo1 ServiceInfo1 ServiceInfo1
ServiceInfo2 ServiceInfo2 ServiceInfo2
AdditionalInfo AdditionalInfo AdditionalInfo
Tags Tags Tags
Store Service Identifier OrderNumber StoreServiceIdentifier
Department Name DepartmentName DepartmentName
Cost Center CostCenter CostCenter
Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure Example values: Hours, GB, Events, Pushes, Unit, Unit Hours, MB, Daily Units
ResourceGroup ResourceGroup ResourceGroup

Azure Marketplace report

CSV column name JSON column name JSON new column
AccountOwnerId AccountOwnerId AccountOwnerId
Account Name AccountName AccountName
SubscriptionId SubscriptionId SubscriptionId
SubscriptionGuid SubscriptionGuid SubscriptionGuid
Subscription Name SubscriptionName SubscriptionName
Date BillingCycle Date (Date String only. No time stamp)
Month Month Month
Day Day Day
Year Year Year
Meter ID MeterResourceId MeterId
Publisher Name PublisherFriendlyName PublisherName
Offer Name OfferFriendlyName OfferName
Plan Name PlanFriendlyName PlanName
Consumed Quantity BilledQty ConsumedQuantity
ResourceRate ResourceRate ResourceRate
ExtendedCost ExtendedCost ExtendedCost
Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure
Instance ID InstanceId InstanceId
Additional Info AdditionalInfo AdditionalInfo
Tags Tags Tags
Order Number OrderNumber OrderNumber
Department Name DepartmentNames DepartmentName
Cost Center CostCenters CostCenter
Resource Group ResourceGroup ResourceGroup

Price sheet

CSV column name JSON column name Comment
Service Service No change to price
Unit of Measure UnitOfMeasure
Overage Part Number ConsumptionPartNumber
Overage Unit Price ConsumptionPrice
Currency Code CurrencyCode

Common API issues

As you use Azure Enterprise REST APIs, you might encounter any of the following common issues.

You might try to use an API key that doesn't have the correct authorization type. API keys are generated by:

  • Enterprise Administrator
  • Department Administrator (DA)
  • Account Owner (AO)

A key generated by the EA admin gives access to all information for that enrollment. A read-only EA admin can't generate an API key.

A key generated by a DA or AO doesn't provide access to balance, charge, and price sheet information.

An API key expires every six months. If expired, you need to regenerate it.

If you receive a timeout error, you can resolve it by increasing the timeout threshold limit.

You might receive a 401 error (unauthorized) expiration error. The error is normally caused by an expired key. If the key is expired, you can regenerate it.

You might receive 400 and 404 (unavailable) errors returned from an API call when there's no current data available for the date range selected. For example, this error might occur because an enrollment transfer was recently initiated. Data from a specific date and later now resides in a new enrollment. Otherwise, the error might occur if you're using a new enrollment number to retrieve information that resides in an old enrollment.