Review subscription billing using REST APIs
Azure Reporting APIs help you review and manage your Azure costs.
Filters help customize results to meet your needs.
Here, you learn to use a REST API to return subscription billing details for a given date range.
GET${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/${billingPeriod}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails?$filter=properties/usageEnd ge '${startDate}' AND properties/usageEnd le '${endDate}'
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer
Build the request
The {subscriptionID}
parameter is required and identifies the target subscription.
The {billingPeriod}
parameter is required and specifies a current billing period. The billingPeriod parameter must be formatted without dashes. For example, 202112
. If a day of the month is added to billingPeriod, it is ignored.
The ${startDate}
and ${endDate}
parameters are required for this example, but optional for the endpoint. They specify the date range as strings in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2018-05-01
and 2018-06-15
. Dashes are required for startDate and endDate.
The following headers are required:
Request header | Description |
Content-Type: | Required. Set to application/json . |
Authorization: | Required. Set to a valid Bearer access token. |
Status code 200 (OK) is returned for a successful response, which contains a list of detailed costs for your account.
"value": [
"id": "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/201702/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails/{$detailsID}",
"name": "{$detailsID}",
"type": "Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails",
"properties": {
"billingPeriodId": "/subscriptions/${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/${billingPeriod}",
"invoiceId": "/subscriptions/${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/invoices/${invoiceID}",
"usageStart": "${startDate}}",
"usageEnd": "${endDate}",
"currency": "USD",
"usageQuantity": "${usageQuantity}",
"billableQuantity": "${billableQuantity}",
"pretaxCost": "${cost}",
"meterId": "${meterID}",
"meterDetails": "${meterDetails}"
"nextLink": "${nextLinkURL}"
Each item in value represents a details regarding the use of a service:
Response property | Description |
subscriptionGuid | Globally unique ID for the subscription. |
startDate | Date the use started. |
endDate | Date the use ended. |
usageQuantity | Quantity used. |
billableQuantity | Quantity actually billed. |
pretaxCost | Cost invoiced, before applicable taxes. |
meterDetails | Detailed information about the use. |
nextLink | When set, specifies a URL for the next "page" of details. Blank when the page is the last one. |
This example is abbreviated; see List usage details for a complete description of each response field.
Other status codes indicate error conditions. In these cases, the response object explains why the request failed.
"error": [
"code": "Error type.",
"message": "Error response describing why the operation failed."