Review subscription billing using REST APIs

Azure Reporting APIs help you review and manage your Azure costs.

Filters help customize results to meet your needs.

Here, you learn to use a REST API to return subscription billing details for a given date range.

GET${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/${billingPeriod}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails?$filter=properties/usageEnd ge '${startDate}' AND properties/usageEnd le '${endDate}'
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer

Build the request

The {subscriptionID} parameter is required and identifies the target subscription.

The {billingPeriod} parameter is required and specifies a current billing period. The billingPeriod parameter must be formatted without dashes. For example, 202112. If a day of the month is added to billingPeriod, it is ignored.

The ${startDate} and ${endDate} parameters are required for this example, but optional for the endpoint. They specify the date range as strings in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2018-05-01 and 2018-06-15. Dashes are required for startDate and endDate.

The following headers are required:

Request header Description
Content-Type: Required. Set to application/json.
Authorization: Required. Set to a valid Bearer access token.


Status code 200 (OK) is returned for a successful response, which contains a list of detailed costs for your account.

  "value": [
      "id": "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/201702/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails/{$detailsID}",
      "name": "{$detailsID}",
      "type": "Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails",
      "properties": {
        "billingPeriodId": "/subscriptions/${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/${billingPeriod}",
        "invoiceId": "/subscriptions/${subscriptionID}/providers/Microsoft.Billing/invoices/${invoiceID}",
        "usageStart": "${startDate}}",
        "usageEnd": "${endDate}",
        "currency": "USD",
        "usageQuantity": "${usageQuantity}",
        "billableQuantity": "${billableQuantity}",
        "pretaxCost": "${cost}",
        "meterId": "${meterID}",
        "meterDetails": "${meterDetails}"
  "nextLink": "${nextLinkURL}"

Each item in value represents a details regarding the use of a service:

Response property Description
subscriptionGuid Globally unique ID for the subscription.
startDate Date the use started.
endDate Date the use ended.
usageQuantity Quantity used.
billableQuantity Quantity actually billed.
pretaxCost Cost invoiced, before applicable taxes.
meterDetails Detailed information about the use.
nextLink When set, specifies a URL for the next "page" of details. Blank when the page is the last one.

This example is abbreviated; see List usage details for a complete description of each response field.

Other status codes indicate error conditions. In these cases, the response object explains why the request failed.

  "error": [
      "code": "Error type.",
      "message": "Error response describing why the operation failed."

Next steps