Common Issues: Node Storage Resolution Failure

Possible Error Messages

  • Phase timeout expired while awaiting system boot-up


Cyclecloud nodes use custom script extension to install jetpack. The jetpack installer is staged into the locker during the initial node phase and downloaded by the node at start time. Cyclecloud transmits the blob url and the access key to the node via the script extension.

The installer is downloaded to the following location on the node:


In some cases the download can fail without raising an error. The indication for such a failure is that this is a zero-byte file.

Most commonly the storage account either can't be reached or the name can't be resolved. A minimal reproduction of this issue can be done with cURL example here with the 7.9.4 version.

curl https://<storage-account>

A "success" results in a 404 http response. Afflicted nodes will show a cURL error: host not resolvable or host timeout.

To fix this and subsequent nodes, take action to repair the storage account resolution either by investigating the node DNS resolution or firewall rules.