CycleCloud version 7.9.2

Resolved Issues:

  • CycleCloud did not handle certain immediate allocation failures that left VMs in a deallocated state
  • Keepalive did not work on PBSPro nodes.
  • Azure API responses which return non-standard JSON beginning with a UTF-8 BOM are now handled without throwing an error
  • Manually installing jetpack on a VM would result in an error.
  • Jetpack pre-installed on custom images would not show as booted even though they were.
  • The cyclecloud SSH key would sometimes not be properly deployed on CentOS 6 VMs.
  • The "Awaiting bootup" message re-appeared for deallocated VMs that were restarted
  • If a VM in a scaleset was deallocated outside CycleCloud, it was not automatically restarted
  • Spurious "The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal" errors appeared on shutdown
  • Node configuration failures would cause "invalid installation status" errors in the event log.
  • LAMMPS clusters would silently fail to fully install.


  • Removed Blender cluster type.