CycleCloud version 7.9.9

New Features:

  • Added deallocate_node command to the CLI
  • Scalesets can now be deleted directly from the UI, if necessary
  • Support installation of LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 11
  • The PublicIp for nodes is now available in the REST API
  • Detailed information about REST API calls is now logged (at DEBUG level)

Resolved Issues:

  • The "Copy Cluster" feature did not handle nodearrays properly on active clusters
  • The CycleCloud CLI would fail on MacOS Catalina with Abort trap 6
  • The node's "Stage resources" phase time would sometimes appear much too large.
  • Starting nodes via the CLI could sometimes start nodes in other clusters
  • After restarting CycleServer, some nodes would not report their PrivateIP or Hostname via the CycleCloud REST API.
  • Incorrect version of selinux tools would sometimes be installed on CentOS 8
  • Pre-existing disks referenced with VolumeId were deleted on termination
  • Clusters were limited to 20 scalesets of a given type. This has been raised to 200.
  • Improved scaleset throttling behavior when node definitions were changed