Ingest data with the Serilog sink into Azure Data Explorer


This connector can be used in Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric. Use the instructions in this article with the following exceptions:

Serilog is a popular logging framework for .NET applications. Serilog allows developers to control which log statements are output with arbitrary granularity based on the logger's name, logger level, and message pattern. The Serilog sink, also known as an appender, for Azure Data Explorer streams your log data to Azure Data Explorer, where you can analyze and visualize your logs in real time.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

For a complete list of data connectors, see Data connectors overview.


Set up your environment

In this section, you'll prepare your environment to use the Serilog sink.

Install the package

Add the Serilog.Sinks.AzureDataExplorer NuGet package. Use the Install-Package command specifying the name of the NuGet package.

Install-Package Serilog.Sinks.AzureDataExplorer

Create a Microsoft Entra app registration

Microsoft Entra application authentication is used for applications that need to access Azure Data Explorer without a user present. To ingest data using the Serilog connector, you need to create and register a Microsoft Entra service principal, and then authorize this principal to ingest data an Azure Data Explorer database.

  1. Using your Azure Data Explorer cluster, follow steps 1-7 in Create a Microsoft Entra application registration in Azure Data Explorer.
  2. Save the following values to be used in later steps:
    • Application (client) ID
    • Directory (tenant) ID
    • Client secret key value

Grant the Microsoft Entra app permissions

  1. In the query tab of the web UI, connect to your cluster. For more information on how to connect, see Add clusters.

  2. Browse to the database in which you want to ingest data.

  3. Run the following management command, replacing the placeholders. Replace DatabaseName with the name of the target database and ApplicationID with the previously saved value. This command grants the app the database ingestor role. For more information, see Manage database security roles.

    .add database <DatabaseName> ingestors ('aadapp=<ApplicationID>') 'Azure Data Explorer App Registration'


    The last parameter is a string that shows up as notes when you query the roles associated with a database. For more information, see View existing security roles.

Create a table and ingestion mapping

Create a target table for the incoming data, mapping the ingested data columns to the columns in the target table. In the following steps, the table schema and mapping correspond to the data sent from the sample app.

  1. In your query editor, run the following table creation command, replacing the placeholder TableName with the name of the target table:

    .create table <TableName> (Timestamp: datetime, Level: string, Message: string, Exception: string, Properties: dynamic, Position: dynamic, Elapsed: int)
  2. Run the following ingestion mapping command, replacing the placeholders TableName with the target table name and TableNameMapping with the name of the ingestion mapping:

    .create table <TableName> ingestion csv mapping '<TableNameMapping>' '[{"Name":"Timestamp","DataType":"","Ordinal":"0","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Level","DataType":"","Ordinal":"1","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Message","DataType":"","Ordinal":"2","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Exception","DataType":"","Ordinal":"3","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Properties","DataType":"","Ordinal":"4","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Position","DataType":"","Ordinal":"5","ConstValue":null},{"Name":"Elapsed","DataType":"","Ordinal":"6","ConstValue":null}]'

Add the Serilog sink to your app

Use the following steps to:

  • Add the Serilog sink to your app
  • Configure the variables used by the sink
  • Build and run the app
  1. Add the following code to your app:

    using Serilog.Sinks.AzureDataExplorer;
  2. Configure the Serilog sink, replacing placeholders using the information in the table that follows:

    var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.AzureDataExplorerSink(new AzureDataExplorerSinkOptions
        IngestionEndpointUri = "<cluster>",
        DatabaseName = "<MyDatabase>",
        TableName = "<MyTable>",
        BufferBaseFileName = "<BufferBaseFileName>"
    Variable Description
    IngestionEndPointUri The ingest URI for your cluster in the format https://ingest-<cluster>.<region>
    DatabaseName The case-sensitive name of the target database.
    TableName The case-sensitive name of an existing target table. For example, SerilogTest is the name of the table created in Create a table and ingestion mapping.
    AppId The application client ID required for authentication. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    AppKey The application key required for authentication. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    Tenant The ID of the tenant in which the application is registered. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    BufferBaseFileName Optional base file name for the buffer file. Set this value if you require your logs to be durable against loss resulting connection failures to your cluster. For example, C:/Temp/Serilog.

    For more options, see Sink Options.

  3. Send data to Azure Data Explorer using the Serilog sink. For example:

    log.Verbose("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", position, elapsedMs);
    log.Information("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", position, elapsedMs);
    log.Warning("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", position, elapsedMs);
    log.Error(new Exception(), "Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms.", position, elapsedMs);
    log.Debug("Processed {@Position} in {Elapsed:000} ms. ", position, elapsedMs);
  4. Build and run the app. For example, if you are using Visual Studio, press F5.

  5. Verify that the data is in your cluster. In the web UI, run the following query replacing the placeholder with the name of the table that used earlier:

    | take 10

Run the sample app

Use the sample log generator app as an example showing how to configure and use the Serilog sink.

  1. Clone the Serilog sink's git repo using the following git command:

    git clone
  2. Set the following environmental variables to configure the Serilog sink:

    Variable Description
    IngestionEndPointUri The ingest URI for your cluster in the format https://ingest-<cluster>.<region>
    DatabaseName The case-sensitive name of the target database.
    TableName The case-sensitive name of an existing target table. For example, SerilogTest is the name of the table created in Create a table and ingestion mapping.
    AppId Application client ID required for authentication. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    AppKey Application key required for authentication. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    Tenant The ID of the tenant in which the application is registered. You saved this value in Create a Microsoft Entra App registration.
    BufferBaseFileName The base file name for the buffer file. Set this value if you require your logs to be durable against loss resulting connection failures to your cluster. For example, C:/Temp/Serilog

    You can set the environment variables manually or using the following commands:

  3. In your terminal, navigate to the root folder of the cloned repo and run the following .NET command to build the app:

    dotnet build src
  4. In your terminal, navigate to the samples folder and run the following .NET command to run the app:

    dotnet build run
  5. In the web UI, select the target database, and run the following query to explore the ingested data, replacing the placeholder TableName with the name of the target table:

    | take 10

    Your output should look similar to the following image:

    Screenshot of table with take 10 function and results.