Troubleshoot CI-CD, Azure DevOps, and GitHub issues in Azure Data Factory and Synapse Analytics

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics


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In this article, let us explore common troubleshooting methods for Continuous Integration-Continuous Deployment (CI-CD), Azure DevOps and GitHub issues in Azure Data Factory and Synapse Analytics.

If you have questions or issues in using source control or DevOps techniques, here are a few articles you may find useful:

  • Refer to Source Control to learn how source control is practiced in the service.
  • Refer to CI-CD to learn more about how DevOps CI-CD is practiced in the service.

Common errors and messages

Connect to Git repository failed due to different tenant


Sometimes you encounter Authentication issues like HTTP status 401. Especially when you have multiple tenants with guest account, things could become more complicated.


The token was obtained from the original tenant, but the service is in guest tenant trying to use the token to visit DevOps in guest tenant. This type of token access isn't the expected behavior.


You should use the token issued from guest tenant. For example, you have to assign the same Microsoft Entra ID to be your guest tenant and your DevOps, so it can correctly set token behavior and use the correct tenant.

Template parameters in the parameters file aren't valid


If we delete a trigger in Dev branch, which is already available in Test or Production branch with same configuration (like frequency and interval), then release pipeline deployment succeeds and corresponding trigger are deleted in their respective environments. But if you have different configuration (like frequency and interval) for trigger in Test/Production environments and if you delete the same trigger in Dev, then deployment fails with an error.


CI/CD Pipeline fails with the following error:

2020-07-20T11:19:02.1276769Z ##[error]Deployment template validation failed: 'The template parameters 'Trigger_Salesforce_properties_typeProperties_recurrence_frequency, Trigger_Salesforce_properties_typeProperties_recurrence_interval, Trigger_Salesforce_properties_typeProperties_recurrence_startTime, Trigger_Salesforce_properties_typeProperties_recurrence_timeZone' in the parameters file are not valid; they are not present in the original template and can therefore not be provided at deployment time. The only supported parameters for this template are 'factoryName, PlanonDWH_connectionString, PlanonKeyVault_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl


The error occurs because we often delete a trigger, which is parameterized, therefore, the parameters won't be available in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template (because the trigger doesn't exist anymore). Since the parameter isn't in the ARM template anymore, we have to update the overridden parameters in the DevOps pipeline. Otherwise, each time the parameters in the ARM template change, they must update the overridden parameters in the DevOps pipeline (in the deployment task).

Updating property type isn't supported


CI/CD release pipeline failing with the following error:

2020-07-06T09:50:50.8716614Z There were errors in your deployment. Error code: DeploymentFailed.
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8760242Z ##[error]At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8771655Z ##[error]Details:
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8772837Z ##[error]DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported: Updating property type is not supported.
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8774148Z ##[error]DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported: Updating property type is not supported.
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8775530Z ##[error]Check out the troubleshooting guide to see if your issue is addressed:
2020-07-06T09:50:50.8776801Z ##[error]Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.


This error is due to an integration runtime with the same name in the target service instance, but with a different type. Integration Runtime needs to be of the same type during deployment.


  • Refer to the Best Practices for CI/CD

  • Integration runtimes don't change often and are similar across all stages in your CI/CD, so the service expects you to have the same name and type of integration runtime across all stages of CI/CD. If the name and types & properties are different, make sure to match the source and target integration runtime configuration and then deploy the release pipeline.

  • If you want to share integration runtimes across all stages, consider using a ternary factory just to contain the shared integration runtimes. You can use this shared factory in all of your environments as a linked integration runtime type.

Document creation or update failed because of invalid reference


When trying to publish changes, you get following error message:

"error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference '<entity>'.", "target": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/<rgname>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<datafactory>/pipelines/<pipeline>", "details": null }


You have detached the Git configuration and set it up again with the "Import resources" flag selected, which sets the service as "in sync". This means no change during publication.


Detach Git configuration and set it up again, and make sure NOT to check the "import existing resources" checkbox.

Data factory move failing from one resource group to another


You're unable to move a data factory from one Resource Group to another, failing with the following error: { "code": "ResourceMoveProviderValidationFailed", "message": "Resource move validation failed. Please see details. Diagnostic information: timestamp 'xxxxxxxxxxxxZ', subscription id 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', tracking id 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', request correlation id 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.", "details": [ { "code": "BadRequest", "target": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories", "message": "One of the resources contain integration runtimes that are either SSIS-IRs in starting/started/stopping state, or Self-Hosted IRs which are shared with other resources. Resource move is not supported for those resources." } ] }


You can delete the SSIS-IR and Shared IRs to allow the move operation. If you don't want to delete the integration runtimes, then the best way is to follow the copy and clone document to do the copy and after it's done, delete the old data factory.

Unable to export and import ARM template


Unable to export and import ARM template. No error was on the portal, however, in the browser trace, you could see the following error:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status code of 401 (Unauthorized)


You have created a customer role as the user and it didn't have the necessary permission. When the UI is loaded, a series of exposure control values is checked. In this case, the user's access role doesn't have permission to access queryFeaturesValue API. To access this API, the global parameters feature is turned off. The ARM template export code path is partly relying on the global parameters feature.


In order to resolve the issue, you need to add the following permission to your role: Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/queryFeaturesValue/action. This permission is included by default in the Data Factory Contributor role for Data Factory, and the Contributor role In Synapse Analytics.

Can't automate publishing for CI/CD


Until recently, it was only possible to publish a pipeline for deployments by clicking the UI in the Portal. Now, this process can be automated.


CI/CD process has been enhanced. The Automated publish feature takes, validates, and exports all ARM template features from the UI. It makes the logic consumable via a publicly available npm package @microsoft/azure-data-factory-utilities. This method allows you to programmatically trigger these actions instead of having to go to the UI and select a button. This method gives your CI/CD pipelines a true continuous integration experience. Follow CI/CD Publishing Improvements for details.

Can't publish because of 4-MB ARM template limit


You can't deploy because you hit Azure Resource Manager limit of 4-MB total template size. You need a solution to deploy after crossing the limit.


Azure Resource Manager restricts template size to be 4 MB. Limit the size of your template to 4 MB, and each parameter file to 64 KB. The 4-MB limit applies to the final state of the template after it has been expanded with iterative resource definitions, and values for variables and parameters. But, you have crossed the limit.


For small to medium solutions, a single template is easier to understand and maintain. You can see all the resources and values in a single file. For advanced scenarios, linked templates enable you to break down the solution into targeted components. Follow best practice at Using Linked and Nested Templates.

DevOps API limit of 20 MB causes ADF trigger twice or more instead of once


While publishing resources, the Azure pipeline triggers twice or more instead of once.


Azure DevOps has the 20-MB REST API limit. When the ARM template exceeds this size, ADF internally splits the template file into multiple files with linked templates to solve this issue. As a side effect, this split could result in customer's triggers being run more than once.


Use ADF Automated publish (preferred) or manual trigger method to trigger once instead of twice or more.

Can't connect to GIT Enterprise


You can't connect to GIT Enterprise because of permission issues. You can see error like 422 - Unprocessable Entity.


  • You haven't configured Oauth for the service.
  • Your URL is misconfigured. The repoConfiguration should be of type FactoryGitHubConfiguration


You grant Oauth access to the service at first. Then, you have to use correct URL to connect to GIT Enterprise. The configuration must be set to the customer organization(s). For example, the service tries https://hostname/api/v3/search/repositories?q=user%3<customer credential>.... at first and fail. Then, it tries https://hostname/api/v3/orgs/<org>/<repo>..., and succeed.

Can't recover from a deleted instance


An instance of the service, or the resource group containing it, was deleted and needs to be recovered.


It's possible to recover the instance only if source control was configured for it with DevOps or Git. This action brings all the latest published resources, but will not restore any unpublished pipelines, datasets, or linked services. If there's no Source control, recovering a deleted instance from the Azure backend isn't possible because once the service receives the delete command, the instance is permanently deleted without any backup.


To recover a deleted service instance that has source control configured, refer the steps below:

  • Create a new instance of the service.

  • Reconfigure Git with the same settings, but make sure to import existing resources to the selected repository, and choose New branch.

  • Create a pull request to merge the changes to the collaboration branch and publish.

  • If there was a Self-hosted Integration Runtime in a deleted data factory or Synapse workspace, a new instance of the IR must be created in a new factory or workspace. The on-premises or virtual machine IR instance must be uninstalled and reinstalled, and a new key obtained. After setup of the new IR is completed, the Linked Service must be updated to point to new IR and the connected tested again, or it will fail with error invalid reference.

Can't deploy to different stage using automatic publish method


Customer followed all necessary steps like installing NPM package and setting up a higher stage using Azure DevOps, but deployment still fails.


While npm packages can be consumed in various ways, one of the primary benefits is being consumed via Azure Pipeline. On each merge into your collaboration branch, a pipeline can be triggered that first validates all of the code and then exports the ARM template into a build artifact that can be consumed by a release pipeline. In Starter pipeline, YAML file should be valid and complete.


Following section isn't valid because package.json folder isn't valid.

- task: Npm@1
    command: 'custom'
    workingDir: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/<folder-of-the-package.json-file>' #replace with the package.json folder
    customCommand: 'run build validate $(Build.Repository.LocalPath) /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/testResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/yourFactoryName'
  displayName: 'Validate'

It should have DataFactory included in customCommand like 'run build validate $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/DataFactory/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/testResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/yourFactoryName'. Make sure the generated YAML file for higher stage should have required JSON artifacts.

Extra left [ displayed in published JSON file


When publishing with DevOps, there's an extra [ displayed. The service adds one more [ in an ARM template in DevOps automatically. You'll see an expression like [[ in JSON file.


Because [ is a reserved character for ARM templates, an extra [ is added automatically to escape [.


This is normal behavior during the publishing process for CI/CD.

Perform CI/CD during progress/queued stage of pipeline run


You want to perform CI/CD during progress and queuing stage of pipeline run.


When pipeline is in progress/queued stage, you have to monitor the pipeline and activities at first. Then, you can decide to wait until pipeline to finish or you can cancel the pipeline run.


You can monitor the pipeline using SDK, Azure Monitor or Monitor. Then, you can follow CI/CD Best Practices to guide you further.

Perform UNIT TESTING during development and deployment


You want to perform unit testing during development and deployment of your pipelines.


During development and deployment cycles, you may want to unit test your pipeline before you manually or automatically publish your pipeline. Test automation allows you to run more tests, in less time, with guaranteed repeatability. Automatically retesting all your pipelines before deployment gives you some protection against regression faults. Automated testing is a key component of CI/CD software development approaches: inclusion of automated tests in CI/CD deployment pipelines can significantly improve quality. In long run, tested pipeline artifacts are reused saving you cost and time.


Because customers may have different unit testing requirements with different skill sets, usual practice is to follow following steps:

  1. Setup Azure DevOps CI/CD project or develop .NET/PYTHON/REST type SDK driven test strategy.
  2. For CI/CD, create a build artifact containing all scripts and deploy resources in release pipeline. For an SDK driven approach, develop Test units using PyTest in Python, Nunit in C# using .NET SDK and so on.
  3. Run unit tests as part of release pipeline or independently with ADF Python/PowerShell/.NET/REST SDK.

For example, you want to delete duplicates in a file and then store curated file as table in a database. To test the pipeline, you set up a CI/CD project using Azure DevOps. You set up a TEST pipeline stage where you deploy your developed pipeline. You configure TEST stage to run Python tests for making sure table data is what you expected. If you don't use CI/CD, you use Nunit to trigger deployed pipelines with tests you want. Once you're satisfied with the results, you can finally publish the pipeline to a production instance.

Pipeline runs temporarily fail after CI/CD deployment or authoring updates


After some amount of time, new pipeline runs begin to succeed without any user action after temporary failures.


There are several scenarios, which can trigger this behavior, all of which involve a new version of a dependent resource being called by the old version of the parent resource. For example, suppose an existing child pipeline called by “Execute pipeline” is updated to have required parameters and the existing parent pipeline is updated to pass these parameters. If the deployment occurs during a parent pipeline execution, but before the Execute Pipeline activity, the old version of the pipeline calls the new version of the child pipeline, and the expected parameters won't be passed. This causes the pipeline to fail with a UserError. This can also occur with other types of dependencies, such as if a breaking change is made to linked service during a pipeline run that references it.


New runs of the parent pipeline will automatically begin succeeding, so typically no action is needed. However, to prevent these errors, customers should consider dependencies while authoring and planning deployments to avoid breaking changes.

Can't parameterize integration run time in linked service


Need to parameterize linked service integration run time


This feature isn't supported.


You have to select manually and set an integration runtime. You can use PowerShell API to change as well. This change can have downstream implications.

Update/change Integration runtime during CI/CD.


Changing Integration runtime name during CI/CD deployment.


Parameterizing an entity reference (Integration runtime in Linked service, Dataset in activity, Linked Service in dataset) isn't supported. Changing the runtime name during deployment causes the depended resource (Resource referencing the Integration runtime) to become malformed with invalid reference.


Data Factory requires you to have the same name and type of integration runtime across all stages of CI/CD.

ARM template deployment failing with error DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported


ARM template deployment fails with an error such as DataFactoryPropertyUpdateNotSupported: Updating property type isn't supported.


The ARM template deployment is attempting to change the type of an existing integration runtime. This isn't allowed and will cause a deployment failure because data factory requires the same name and type of integration runtime across all stages of CI/CD.


If you want to share integration runtimes across all stages, consider using a ternary factory just to contain the shared integration runtimes. You can use this shared factory in all of your environments as a linked integration runtime type. For more information, see Continuous integration and delivery - Azure Data Factory

GIT publish may fail because of PartialTempTemplates files


When you have 1000 s of old temporary ARM template json files in PartialTemplates folder, publish may fail.


On publish, ADF fetches every file inside each folder in the collaboration branch. In the past, publishing generated two folders in the publish branch: PartialArmTemplates and LinkedTemplates. PartialArmTemplates files are no longer generated. However, because there can be many old files (thousands) in the PartialArmTemplates folder, this may result in many requests being made to GitHub on publish and the rate limit being hit.


Delete the PartialTemplates folder and republish. You can delete the temporary files in that folder as well.

Include global parameters in ARM template option doesn't work


If you're using old default parameterization template, new way to include global parameters from Manage Hub won't work.


Default parameterization template should include all values from global parameter list.


  • Use updated default parameterization template. as one time migration to new method of including global parameters. This template references to all values in global parameter list. You also have to update the deployment task in the release pipeline if you're already overriding the template parameters there.
  • Update the template parameter names in CI/CD pipeline if you're already overriding the template parameters (for global parameters).

Error code: InvalidTemplate


Message says Unable to parse expression. The expression passed in the dynamic content of an activity isn't being processed correctly because of a syntax error.


Dynamic content isn't written as per expression language requirements.


  • For debug run, check expressions in pipeline within current git branch.
  • For Triggered run, check expressions in pipeline within Live mode.

For more help with troubleshooting, try the following resources: