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Troubleshoot the MongoDB connector in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics


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This article provides suggestions to troubleshoot common problems with the MongoDB connector in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse.

Error code: MongoDbUnsupportedUuidType

  • Message: Failed to read data via MongoDB client., Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.MongoDbV2Connector,Type=System.FormatException, Message=The GuidRepresentation for the reader is CSharpLegacy which requires the binary sub type to be UuidLegacy not UuidStandard.,Source=MongoDB.Bson,’“,

  • Cause: When you copy data from Azure Cosmos DB MongoAPI or MongoDB with the universally unique identifier (UUID) field, there are two ways to represent the UUID in Binary JSON (BSON): UuidStandard and UuidLegacy. By default, UuidLegacy is used to read data. You will receive an error if your UUID data in MongoDB is UuidStandard.

  • Resolution: In the MongoDB connection string, add the uuidRepresentation=standard option. For more information, see MongoDB connection string.

Migrate to the new version of MongoDB connector

  • Symptoms: You meet the following error code and error message:

    • Error code: DeprecatedMongoDbOdbcConnector
    • Error message: The legacy MongoDB connector has been deprecated. To ensure your pipeline works, please create a new MongoDB linked service. Detailed instructions can be found in this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/data-factory/connector-mongodb#upgrade-the-mongodb-linked-service
  • Cause: Your pipeline is still running on a legacy MongoDB connector that causes the error.

  • Resolution: Upgrade your MongoDB linked service to the latest version. Refer to this article.

For more troubleshooting help, try these resources: