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Azure Data Factory known issues

This page lists the known issues in Azure Data factory. Before submitting an Azure support request, review this list to see if the issue that you're experiencing is already known and being addressed.

Active known issues

ADF Component Known Issue Status
Snow Flake Connector Issue Intermittent data retrieval issue with LookUp using the Snowflake Connector V2 Has workaround
Self-Hosted IR IP Address Retrieval Issue in Azure Data Factory Studio Issue Retrieving IP Address for Self-hosted IR in Azure Data Factory Studio Has workaround

Recently ADF Closed known issues

ADF Component Issue Status Date Resolved

Intermittent data retrieval issue with LookUp using the Snowflake Connector v2

Intermittently, lookup queries against Snowflake return no values even when results are expected. No errors are generated, and the lookup activity completes successfully. This issue has been observed with Managed VNet IR and SHIR.

Workaround: Add an If-condition activity after the Lookup to check its output. If the Lookup returns data, proceed without further action. If no data is returned, re-execute the Lookup activity. Diagram of Snowflake v2 Known issue.

Issue Retrieving IP Address for Self-hosted IR in Azure Data Factory Studio

When attempting to retrieve the IP address for a Self-hosted Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory Studio by navigating to Manage -> Integration Runtimes -> selecting the specific Self-hosted IR -> Nodes -> Get IP Address, users may encounter a 'Failed' message

Impacted regions: This issue affects East Asia, South East Asia and all regions in US, including West US, West US 2, West US 3, East US, East US 2,  West Central US, South Central US, North Central US, Central US and US Fairfax.

Estimated ETA: The rollout of the fix is scheduled in December.

Workaround: To find out SHIR outbound IP, customers can visit the website e.g. https://whatismyipaddress.com/ on the SHIR machine, assuming no proxy is configured on it.