Use PowerShell to create a data share in Azure

This PowerShell script adds a blob dataset to an existing Data Share.

Sample script

# Set variables with your own values
$resourceGroupName = "<Resource group name>"
$dataShareAccountName = "<Data share account name>"
$dataShareName = "<Data share name>"
$blobDatasetName = "<Dataset name>"
$blobContainer = "<Blob container name>"
$blobFilePath = "<Blob file path>"
$storageAccountResourceId = "<Storage account resource id>"

#Add a blob dataset to the datashare
New-AzDataShareDataSet -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $dataShareAccountName -ShareName $dataShareName -Name $blobDataSetName -StorageAccountResourceId $storageAccountResourceId -FilePath $blobFilePath

Script explanation

This script uses the following commands:

Command Notes
New-AzDataShareDataSet Adds a dataset to a data share.

Next steps

For more information on the Azure PowerShell, see Azure PowerShell documentation.

Other Azure Data Share PowerShell script samples can be found in the Azure Data Share PowerShell samples.