Review copy errors in uploads from Azure Data Box Disk
This article describes review and follow-up for errors that occasionally prevent files from uploading to the Azure cloud from an Azure Data Box Disk device.
The error notification and options vary depending on whether you can fix the error in the current upload:
Retryable errors - You can fix many types of copy error and resume the upload. The data is then successfully uploaded in your current order.
An example of a retryable error is when Large File Shares are not enabled for a storage account that requires shares with data more than 5 TiB. To resolve this, you will need to enable this setting and then confirm to resume data copy. This type of error is referred to as a retryable error in the discussion that follows.
Non-retryable errors - These are errors that can't be fixed. For those errors, the upload pauses to give you a chance to review the errors. But the order completes without the data that failed to upload, and the data is secure erased from the device. You'll need to create a new order after you resolve the issues in your data.
An example of a non-retryable error is if a blob storage container is configured as Write Once, Read Many (WORM). Upload of any blobs that are already stored in the container will fail. This type of error is referred to as a non-retryable error in the discussion that follows.
Upload errors notification
When a file upload fails because of an error, you'll receive a notification in the Azure portal. You can tell whether the error can be fixed by the status and options in the order overview.
Retryable errors: If you can fix the error in the current order, the notification looks similar to the following one. The current order status is Data copy halted. You can either choose to resolve the error or proceed with data erasure without making any change. If you select Resolve error, a Resolve error screen will tell you how to resolve each error. For step-by-step instructions, see Review errors and proceed.
Non-retryable errors: If the error can't be fixed in the current order, the notification looks similar to the following one. The current order status is Data copy halted for disks in this order. Provide your input by selecting Resolve in Data copy details. The errors are listed in the data copy log, which you can open using the Copy Log Path. For guidance on resolving the errors, see Summary of upload errors.
You can't fix these errors. The upload has completed with errors. The notification lets you know about any configuration issues you need to fix before you try another upload via network transfer or a new import order.
After you review the errors and confirm you're ready to proceed, the data is secure erased from the device. If you don't respond to the notification, the order is completed automatically after 14 days.
Review errors and proceed
How you proceed with an upload depends on whether the errors can be fixed and the current upload resumed (see Retryable errors tab), or the errors can't be fixed in the current order (see the Non-retryable errors tab).
When a retryable error occurs during an upload, you receive a notification with instructions for fixing the error. If you can't fix the error, or prefer not to, you can proceed with the order without fixing the errors.
To resolve retryable copy errors during an upload, do these steps:
Open your order in the Azure portal.
If any retryable copy errors prevented files from uploading, you'll see the following notification. The current order status will be Data copy halted for disks in this order.
Select Resolve to view help for the errors.
Your screen will look similar to the one below. In the example, the Enable large file share error can be resolved by toggling Not enabled for each storage account.
You can then select Proceed with data copy or Skip and proceed with data erasure. If you opt for Proceed with data copy, you can select if you want to address the error for Selected disk or All disks.
After you resolve the errors, select the check box by I confirm that the errors have been resolved. Then select Proceed.
The order status changes to Data copy error resolved. The data copy will proceed within 24 hours.
If you don't resolve all of the retryable errors, this process will repeat after the data copy proceeds. To proceed without resolving any of the retryable errors, select Skip and proceed with data erasure on the Overview screen.
Summary of upload errors
Review the summary tables on the Retryable errors tab or the Non-retryable errors tab to find out how to resolve or follow up on data copy errors that occurred during your upload.
When the following errors occur, you can resolve the errors and include the files in the current data upload.
Error message | Error description | Error resolution |
Large file share not enabled on account | Large file shares aren’t enabled on one or more storage accounts. Resolve the error and resume data copy, or skip to data erasure and complete the order. | Large file shares are not enabled on the indicated storage accounts. Select the option highlighted to enable quota up to 100 TiB per share. |
Unknown user error | An error has halted the data copy. Contact Support for details on how to resolve the error. Alternatively, you may skip to data erasure and review copy and error logs for the order for the list of files that weren’t copied. | Error during data copy Data copy is halted due to an error. Contact Support for details on how to resolve the error. After the error is resolved, confirm to resume data copy. |
For more information about the data copy log's contents, see Use logs to troubleshoot upload issues in Azure Data Box Disk.
Other REST API errors might occur during data uploads. For more information, see Common REST API error codes.