Retrieve attack path data with API

You can consume attack path data programmatically by querying Azure Resource Graph (ARG) API. Learn how to query ARG API.

Consume attack path data programmatically using API

The following examples show sample ARG queries that you can run:

Get all attack paths in subscription ‘X’:

| where type == ""
| where subscriptionId == <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>

Get all instances for a specific attack path: For example, Internet exposed VM with high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a Key Vault.

| where type == ""
| where subscriptionId == "212f9889-769e-45ae-ab43-6da33674bd26"
| extend AttackPathDisplayName = tostring(properties["displayName"])
| where AttackPathDisplayName == "<DISPLAY_NAME>"

API response schema

The following table lists the data fields returned from the API response:

Field Description
ID The Azure resource ID of the attack path instance
Name The Unique identifier of the attack path instance
Type The Azure resource type, always equals
Tenant ID The tenant ID of the attack path instance
Location The location of the attack path
Subscription ID The subscription of the attack path
Properties.description The description of the attack path
Properties.displayName The display name of the attack path
Properties.attackPathType The type of the attack path
Properties.manualRemediationSteps Manual remediation steps of the attack path
Properties.refreshInterval The refresh interval of the attack path
Properties.potentialImpact The potential impact of the attack path being breached
Properties.riskCategories The categories of risk of the attack path
Properties.entryPointEntityInternalID The internal ID of the entry point entity of the attack path
Properties.targetEntityInternalID The internal ID of the target entity of the attack path
Properties.assessments Mapping of entity internal ID to the security assessments on that entity
Properties.graphComponent List of graph components representing the attack path
Properties.graphComponent.insights List of insights graph components related to the attack path
Properties.graphComponent.entities List of entities graph components related to the attack path
Properties.graphComponent.connections List of connections graph components related to the attack path
Properties.AttackPathID The unique identifier of the attack path instance

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