Azure Pipelines - Sprint 193 Update


macOS-latest label will soon point to macOS-11 image

macOS-11 is ready to be the default version for the macos-latest label in Microsoft-hosted agents. Until now, this label pointed to macOS-10.15 agents. This change will be rolled out over a period of several weeks beginning on September 15. We plan to complete the migration by November 3.

Azure Pipelines has supported macOS-11 for several months now. During this period, we have monitored customer feedback to improve the macOS-11 image stability and now we are ready to set it as the latest.

The macOS-11 image has a different set of software than macOS-10.15. If you use macos-latest label in your Pipelines and if your application is not written with these differences in mind, then you may experience pipeline failures. For a full list of differences between macOS-10.15 and macOS-11, visit the GitHub issue tracking this rollout. If you experience failures, change your pipeline to explicitly use macos-10.15 instead of macos-latest so that you can get more time to address your failures.

Updated schedule for removal of Ubuntu 16.04 image on Microsoft-hosted agents

In the last release notes, we communicated a schedule for the brownout of pipelines using Ubuntu 16.04 image and the eventual removal of this image. According to that schedule, we ran a first brownout on September 7th. Since ubuntu-latest image label in Azure Pipelines still pointed to ubuntu-16.04, the brownout unfortunately affected customers that did not explicitly set a pool in their pipeline or those that used ubuntu-latest. As a result, we had to halt that brownout. We have been working on addressing this issue since then.

The second brownout is now scheduled for October 11, 2021 4:00pm UTC – 10:00pm UTC. The removal of the image is planned for October 18th. Please note the updated schedule.

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

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