Azure PowerShell samples for Azure Lab Services

This article includes the sample Azure PowerShell scripts for Azure Lab Services.


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

This sample requires Azure PowerShell Az 1.0 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to see which versions are installed. If you need to install, see Install Azure PowerShell module.

Run Connect-AzAccount to sign in to Azure.

This article includes the following samples:

Script Description
Add an external user to a lab This PowerShell script adds an external user to a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.
Add marketplace images to a lab This PowerShell script adds marketplace images to a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.
Create a custom image from a virtual hard drive (VHD) This PowerShell script creates a custom image in a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.
Create a custom role in a lab This PowerShell script creates a custom role in a lab in Azure Lab Services.
Set allowed virtual machine sizes in a lab This PowerShell script sets allowed virtual machine sizes in a lab.


All of these scripts have the following prerequisite:

Add an external user to a lab

This sample PowerShell script adds an external user to a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.

# Values to change
$subscriptionId = "<Enter Azure subscription ID here>"
$labResourceGroup = "<Enter lab's resource name here>"
$labName = "<Enter lab name here>"
$userDisplayName = "<Enter user's display name here>"

# Log into your Azure account

# Select the Azure subscription that contains the lab. 
# This step is optional if you have only one subscription.
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

# Retrieve the user object
$adObject = Get-AzADUser -SearchString $userDisplayName

# Create the role assignment. 
$labId = ('subscriptions/' + $subscriptionId + '/resourceGroups/' + $labResourceGroup + '/providers/Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/' + $labName)
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $adObject.Id -RoleDefinitionName 'DevTest Labs User' -Scope $labId

This script uses the following commands:

Command Notes
Get-AzADUser Retries the user object from Microsoft Entra ID.
New-AzRoleAssignment Assigns the specified role to the specified principal, at the specified scope.

Add a marketplace image to a lab

This sample PowerShell script adds a marketplace image to a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The name of the DevTest Lab to update")]
    [string] $DevTestLabName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The array of Marketplace Image names to enable")]
    [Array] $ImagesToAdd

function Get-Lab
    $lab = Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs' -ResourceNameEquals $DevTestLabName

        throw "Lab named $DevTestLabName was not found"
    return $lab

function Get-PolicyChanges ($lab)
    #start by finding the existing policy
    $script:labResourceName = $lab.Name + '/default'
    $existingPolicy = (Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies' -Name $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2016-05-15) | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'GalleryImage'}
        $existingImages = [Array] (ConvertFrom-Json $existingPolicy.Properties.threshold)
        $savePolicyChanges = $false
        $existingImages =  @()
        $savePolicyChanges = $true

    if($existingPolicy.Properties.threshold -eq '[]')
        Write-Output "Skipping $($lab.Name) because it currently allows all marketplace images"

    $allAvailableImages = Get-AzResource -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/galleryImages -Name $lab.Name -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2017-04-26-preview
    $finalImages = $existingImages

    # loop through the requested images and add them to the finalImages list if they arent already there
    foreach($image in $ImagesToAdd)
        $imageObject = $allAvailableImages | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $image}
            throw "Image $image is not available in the lab"

        $addImage = $true
        $parsedAvailableImage = $imageObject.Properties.imageReference

        foreach($finalImage in $finalImages)
            # determine whether or not the requested image is already allowed in this lab
            $parsedFinalImg = ConvertFrom-Json $finalImage

            if($parsedFinalImg.offer -eq $parsedAvailableImage.offer -and $parsedFinalImg.publisher -eq $parsedAvailableImage.publisher -and $parsedFinalImg.sku -eq $parsedAvailableImage.sku -and $parsedFinalImg.osType -eq $parsedAvailableImage.osType -and $parsedFinalImg.version -eq $parsedAvailableImage.version)
                $addImage = $false

            Write-Output "  Adding image $image to the lab"
            $finalImages += ConvertTo-Json $parsedAvailableImage -Compress
            $savePolicyChanges = $true

        Write-Output "No policy changes required for allowed Marketplace Images in lab $($lab.Name)"

    return @{
        existingPolicy = $existingPolicy
        savePolicyChanges = $savePolicyChanges
        finalImages = $finalImages

function Set-PolicyChanges ($lab, $policyChanges)
        $thresholdValue = '["'
        for($i = 0; $i -lt $policyChanges.finalImages.Length; $i++)
            $value = $policyChanges.finalImages[$i]
            if($i -ne 0)
                $thresholdValue = $thresholdValue + '","'

            $thresholdValue = $thresholdValue + $value.Replace('"', '\"')
        $thresholdValue = $thresholdValue + '"]'

        $policyObj = @{
            status = 'Enabled'
            factName = 'GalleryImage'
            threshold = $thresholdValue
            evaluatorType = 'AllowedValuesPolicy'

        $resourceType = "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies/galleryimage"
            Write-Output "Updating $($lab.Name) Marketplace Images policy"
            Set-AzResource -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2017-04-26-preview -Properties $policyObj -Force
            Write-Output "Creating $($lab.Name) Marketplace Images policy"
            New-AzResource -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2017-04-26-preview -Properties $policyObj -Force

$lab = Get-Lab
$policyChanges = Get-PolicyChanges $lab
Set-PolicyChanges $lab $policyChanges

This script uses the following commands:

Command Notes
Get-AzResource Gets resources.
Set-AzResource Modifies a resource.
New-AzResource Create a resource.

Create a custom image from a VHD file

This sample PowerShell script creates a custom image from a VHD file in Azure Lab Services.

# Select the desired Azure subscription. 
$subscriptionId = '<Specify your subscription ID here>'
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

# Get the lab object.
$labRg = '<Specify your lab resource group name here>'
$labName = '<Specify your lab name here>'
$lab = Get-AzResource -ResourceId ('/subscriptions/' + $subscriptionId + '/resourceGroups/' + $labRg + '/providers/Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/' + $labName)

# Get the lab storage account and lab storage account key values.
$labStorageAccount = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $lab.Properties.defaultStorageAccount 
$labStorageAccountKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $labStorageAccount.ResourceGroupName -Name $labStorageAccount.ResourceName)[0].Value

# Set the URI of the VHD file.  
$vhdUri = '<Specify the VHD URI here>'

# Set the custom image name and description values.
$customImageName = '<Specify the custom image name>'
$customImageDescription = '<Specify the custom image description>'

# Set up the parameters object.
$parameters = @{existingLabName="$($lab.Name)"; existingVhdUri=$vhdUri; imageOsType='windows'; isVhdSysPrepped=$false; imageName=$customImageName; imageDescription=$customImageDescription}

# Create the custom image. 
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -Name CreateCustomImage -TemplateUri '' -TemplateParameterObject $parameters

This script uses the following commands:

Command Notes
Get-AzResource Gets resources.
Get-AzStorageAccountKey Gets the access keys for an Azure Storage account.
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment Adds an Azure deployment to a resource group.

Create a custom role in a lab

This sample PowerShell script creates a custom role to use in a lab in Azure DevTest Labs.

$rgName = <Specify your lab's resource group name>
$subscriptionId = <Specify your subscription ID>
$labName = <Specify your lab name>

‘List all the operations/actions for a resource provider.
Get-AzProviderOperation -OperationSearchString "Microsoft.DevTestLab/*"

‘List actions in a particular role.
(Get-AzRoleDefinition "DevTest Labs User").Actions

‘Create custom role.
$policyRoleDef = (Get-AzRoleDefinition "DevTest Labs User")
$policyRoleDef.Id = $null
$policyRoleDef.Name = "Policy Contributor"
$policyRoleDef.IsCustom = $true
$policyRoleDef.AssignableScopes.Add("/subscriptions/" + $subscriptionId)
$policyRoleDef = (New-AzRoleDefinition -Role $policyRoleDef)

$user=Get-AzADUser -SearchString "SomeUser"
$scope = '/subscriptions/' + subscriptionId + '/resourceGroups/' + $rgName + '/providers/Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/' + $labName + '/policySets/default/policies/AllowedVmSizesInLab'
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $user.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Policy Contributor" -Scope $scope

This script uses the following commands:

Command Notes
Get-AzProviderOperation Gets the operations for an Azure resource provider that are securable using Azure role-based access control.
Get-AzRoleDefinition Lists all Azure roles that are available for assignment.
New-AzRoleDefinition Creates a custom role.

Set allowed virtual machine sizes

This sample PowerShell script sets allowed virtual machine sizes in Azure Lab Services.

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The name of the DevTest Lab to update")]
    [string] $DevTestLabName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The array of VM Sizes to be added")]
    [Array] $SizesToAdd

function Get-Lab
    $lab = Find-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs' -ResourceNameEquals $DevTestLabName

        throw "Lab named $DevTestLabName was not found"
    return $lab

function Get-PolicyChanges ($lab)
    #start by finding the existing policy
    $script:labResourceName = $lab.Name + '/default'
    $existingPolicy = (Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies' -ResourceName $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2016-05-15) | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'AllowedVmSizesInLab'}
        $existingSizes = $existingPolicy.Properties.threshold
        $savePolicyChanges = $false
        $existingSizes = ''
        $savePolicyChanges = $true

    if($existingPolicy.Properties.threshold -eq '[]')
        Write-Output "Skipping $($lab.Name) because it currently allows all sizes"

    # Make a list of all the sizes. It needs all their current sizes as well as any from our list that arent already there
    $finalVmSizes = $existingSizes.Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '').Split(',',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

    foreach($vmSize in $SizesToAdd)
        $quotedSize = '"' + $vmSize + '"'

            $finalVmSizes += $quotedSize
            $savePolicyChanges = $true

        Write-Output "No policy changes required for VMSize in lab $($lab.Name)"

    return @{
        existingPolicy = $existingPolicy
        savePolicyChanges = $savePolicyChanges
        finalVmSizes = $finalVmSizes

function Set-PolicyChanges ($lab, $policyChanges)
        $thresholdValue = ('[' + [String]::Join(',', $policyChanges.finalVmSizes) + ']')

        $policyObj = @{
            subscriptionId = $lab.SubscriptionId
            status = 'Enabled'
            factName = 'LabVmSize'
            resourceGroupName = $lab.ResourceGroupName
            labName = $lab.Name
            policySetName = 'default'
            name = $lab.Name + '/default/allowedvmsizesinlab'
            threshold = $thresholdValue
            evaluatorType = 'AllowedValuesPolicy'

        $resourceType = "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies/AllowedVmSizesInLab"
            Write-Output "Updating $($lab.Name) VM Size policy"
            Set-AzResource -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2016-05-15 -Properties $policyObj -Force
            Write-Output "Creating $($lab.Name) VM Size policy"
            New-AzResource -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $labResourceName -ResourceGroupName $lab.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion 2016-05-15 -Properties $policyObj -Force

$lab = Get-Lab
$policyChanges = Get-PolicyChanges $lab
Set-PolicyChanges $lab $policyChanges
Command Notes
Get-AzResource Gets resources.
Set-AzResource Modifies a resource.
New-AzResource Create a resource.

Next steps

For more information on Azure PowerShell, see Azure PowerShell documentation.