Manage your academic grant in the Azure Education Hub

Your main landing page in the Azure Education Hub is the Overview page. This page contains all the relevant information about your academic grant, such as the number of classes that you established and your total running credit allocated and used from those classes. It also displays shortcuts to other benefits that the Education Hub provides: software, learning materials, and quickstart templates.

Overview page

Screenshot that shows the Overview page of the Azure Education Hub.

  1. Courses shows the total number of active courses on your account.
  2. Labs shows the total number of active labs that you gave to students.
  3. Action needed lists any actions that you need to complete, such as accepting a lab invitation.
  4. Download free software lists free software that's available for you to download as an educator.
  5. Start learning links to free Azure learning paths and modules.
  6. Azure Quickstart Templates includes Azure templates to help speed up and simplify deployment for common tasks.

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