Client authentication when publishing events to Event Grid

Authentication for clients publishing events to Event Grid is supported using the following methods:

  • Microsoft Entra ID
  • Access key or shared access signature (SAS)

Authenticate using Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft Entra integration for Event Grid resources provides Azure role-based access control (RBAC) for fine-grained control over a client’s access to resources. You can use Azure RBAC to grant permissions to a security principal, which may be a user, a group, or an application service principal. Microsoft Entra authenticates the security principal and returns an OAuth 2.0 token. The token can be used to authorize a request to access Event Grid resources (topics, domains, or partner namespaces). For detailed information, see Authenticate and authorize with the Microsoft identity platform.


Authenticating and authorizing users or applications using Microsoft Entra identities provides superior security and ease of use over key-based and shared access signatures (SAS) authentication. With Microsoft Entra ID, there is no need to store secrets used for authentication in your code and risk potential security vulnerabilities. We strongly recommend that you use Microsoft Entra ID with your Azure Event Grid event publishing applications.


Azure Event Grid on Kubernetes does not support Microsoft Entra authentication yet.

Authenticate using access keys and shared access signatures

You can authenticate clients that publish events to Azure Event Grid topics, domains, partner namespaces using access key or Shared Access Signature (SAS) token. For more information, see Using access keys or using Shared Access Signatures (SAS).

Next steps

This article deals with authentication when publishing events to Event Grid (event ingress). To learn about authenticating when delivering events (event egress), see Authenticate event delivery to event handlers.