Bicep and Azure Resource Manager deployment model templates for Front Door

The following table includes links to Bicep and Azure Resource Manager deployment model templates for Azure Front Door.

Sample Description
Front Door (quick create) Creates a basic Front Door profile including an endpoint, origin group, origin, and route.
Rule set Creates a Front Door profile and rule set.
Custom domains Description
Custom domain and managed TLS certificate Creates a Front Door profile with a custom domain and a Microsoft-managed TLS certificate.
Custom domain and customer-managed TLS certificate Creates a Front Door profile with a custom domain and use your own TLS certificate by using Key Vault.
Custom domain and Azure DNS Creates a Front Door profile with a custom domain and an Azure DNS zone.
Web Application Firewall Description
WAF policy with managed rule set Creates a Front Door profile and WAF with managed rule set.
WAF policy with custom rule Creates a Front Door profile and WAF with custom rule.
WAF policy with rate limit Creates a Front Door profile and WAF with a custom rule to perform rate limiting.
WAF policy with geo-filtering Creates a Front Door profile and WAF with a custom rule to perform geo-filtering.
App Service origins Description
App Service Creates an App Service app with a public endpoint, and a Front Door profile.
App Service with Private Link Creates an App Service app with a private endpoint, and a Front Door profile.
Azure Functions origins Description
Azure Functions Creates an Azure Functions app with a public endpoint, and a Front Door profile.
API Management origins Description
API Management (external) Creates an API Management instance with external VNet integration, and a Front Door profile.
Storage origins Description
Storage static website Creates an Azure Storage account and static website with a public endpoint, and a Front Door profile.
Storage blobs with Private Link Creates an Azure Storage account and blob container with a private endpoint, and a Front Door profile.
Application Gateway origins Description
Application Gateway Creates an Application Gateway, and a Front Door profile.
Virtual machine origins Description
Virtual machine with Private Link service Creates a virtual machine and Private Link service, and a Front Door profile.
Template Description
Create a basic Front Door Creates a basic Front Door configuration with a single backend.
Create a Front Door with multiple backends and backend pools and URL based routing Creates a Front Door with load balancing configured for multiple backends in a backend pool and also across backend pools based on URL path.
Onboard a custom domain and managed TLS certificate with Front Door Add a custom domain to your Front Door and use a Front Door-managed TLS certificate.
Onboard a custom domain and customer-managed TLS certificate with Front Door Add a custom domain to your Front Door and use your own TLS certificate by using Key Vault.
Create Front Door with geo filtering Create a Front Door that allows/blocks traffic from certain countries/regions.
Control Health Probes for your backends on Front Door Update your Front Door to change the health probe settings by updating the probe path and also the intervals in which the probes will be sent.
Create Front Door with Active/Standby backend configuration Creates a Front Door that demonstrates priority-based routing for Active/Standby application topology, that is, by default send all traffic to the primary (highest-priority) backend until it becomes unavailable.
Create Front Door with caching enabled for certain routes Creates a Front Door with caching enabled for the defined routing configuration thus caching any static assets for your workload.
Configure Session Affinity for your Front Door host names Updates a Front Door to enable session affinity for your frontend host, thereby, sending subsequent traffic from the same user session to the same backend.
Configure Front Door for client IP allowlisting or blocklisting Configures a Front Door to restrict traffic certain client IPs using custom access control using client IPs.
Configure Front Door to take action with specific http parameters Configures a Front Door to allow or block certain traffic based on the http parameters in the incoming request by using custom rules for access control using http parameters.
Configure Front Door rate limiting Configures a Front Door to rate limit incoming traffic for a given frontend host.

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