The deployIfNotExists effect makes it possible to deploy
an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM
template) when creating or updating a resource that isn't compliant. This approach can be preferred
to using the deny effect as it lets resources continue to be created,
but ensures the changes are made to make them compliant.
Sample policy definition
This policy definition uses the field operator to evaluate the type of resource created or
updated. When that resource is a Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, the policy looks for a network
watcher in the location of the new or updated resource. If a matching network watcher isn't located,
the ARM template is deployed to create the missing resource.
This policy requires you have a resource group named NetworkWatcherRG in your subscription. Azure
creates the NetworkWatcherRG resource group when you enable Network Watcher in a region.
"properties": {
"displayName": "Deploy network watcher when virtual networks are created",
"mode": "Indexed",
"description": "This policy creates a network watcher resource in regions with virtual networks. You need to ensure existence of a resource group named networkWatcherRG, which will be used to deploy network watcher instances.",
"metadata": {
"category": "Network"
"parameters": {},
"policyRule": {
"if": {
"field": "type",
"equals": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks"
"then": {
"effect": "DeployIfNotExists",
"details": {
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers",
"resourceGroupName": "networkWatcherRG",
"existenceCondition": {
"field": "location",
"equals": "[field('location')]"
"roleDefinitionIds": [
"deployment": {
"properties": {
"mode": "incremental",
"template": {
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"location": {
"type": "string"
"resources": [{
"apiVersion": "2016-09-01",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers",
"name": "[concat('networkWacher_', parameters('location'))]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]"
"parameters": {
"location": {
"value": "[field('location')]"
The properties.policyRule.then.details block tells Azure Policy what to look for related to the
created or updated resource in the properties.policyRule.if block. In this example, a network
watcher in the resource group networkWatcherRG must exist with fieldlocation equal to the
location of the new or updated resource. Using the field() function allows the
existenceCondition to access properties on the new or updated resource, specifically the
location property.
The roleDefinitionIdsarray property in the properties.policyRule.then.details block tells
the policy definition which rights the managed identity needs to deploy the included Resource
Manager template. This property must be set to include roles that have the permissions needed by the
template deployment, but should use the concept of 'principle of least privilege' and only have the
needed operations and nothing more.
Deployment template
The deployment portion of the policy definition has a properties block that defines the
three core components:
mode - This property sets the
deployment mode of the template.
template - This property includes the template itself. In this example, the location
template parameter sets the location of the new network watcher resource.
parameters - This property defines parameters that are provided to the template. The
parameter names must match what are defined in template. In this example, the parameter is
named location to match. The value of location uses the field() function again to get
the value of the evaluated resource, which is the virtual network in the policyRule.if block.