Microsoft Azure AI Health Bot Service management API
The Microsoft Azure AI Health Bot Service provides API to enable programmatic management actions; for example, programmatic import and export of scenarios from the Scenario Editor.
How to use the API
Code samples
The provided code samples demonstrate how to use the API.
API structure
The API is implemented with REST architecture, enabling performance of CRUD operations on resources that are represented as URLs.
API security
The API is protected with standard JWT tokens. The JWT tokens contain two claims:
tenantName, taken from the management portal in the keys tab
iat, timestamp as an UNIX epoch value
The JWT token is signed with an API secret, called API_JWT_secret. The secret is taken from the Integration - Secrest & Keys Page.
An example of a JWT token payload before encoding is shown here:
"tenantName": "myTenant",
The JWT token is placed in the authorization header, according to the following example:
It's recommended that the author implement the JWT tokens with standard libraries -- for example, Node.js jsonwebtoken library.