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Resolve issues with information protection scanner deployment


The Azure Information Protection unified labeling scanner is being renamed Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner. At the same time, configuration (currently in preview) is moving to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Currently, you can configure the scanner in both the Azure portal and the compliance portal. Instructions in this article refer to both admin portals.

If you're having issues with the Microsoft Preview Information Protection scanner, verify whether your deployment is healthy by using the Start-AIPScannerDiagnostics PowerShell cmdlet to start the scanner diagnostic tool:


The diagnostics tool checks the following details and then creates a log file with the results:

  • Whether the database is up to date
  • Whether network URLs are accessible
  • Whether there's a valid authentication token and the policy can be acquired
  • Whether the profile is defined in the Azure portal
  • Whether offline/online configuration exists and can be acquired
  • Whether the rules configured are valid


  • If you're not running the tool by using the service account that is used to run the scanner service, you must use the -OnBehalf parameter. Else you will encounter errors.
  • To print the last 10 errors from the scanner log, add the Verbose parameter. If you want to print more errors, use the VerboseErrorCount to define the number of errors you want to print.

The Start-AIPScannerDiagnostics command doesn't run a complete prerequisites check. If you're having issues with the scanner, you must also ensure that your system complies with scanner requirements, and your scanner configuration and installation is complete.

Verify scanning details per scanner node and repository

Run the Get-AIPScannerStatus PowerShell cmdlet to get details about the current scan status and the list of nodes in your scanner cluster.

PS C:\> Get-AIPScannerStatus
Cluster        : contoso-test
ClusterStatus  : Scanning
StartTime      : 12/22/2020 9:05:02 AM
TimeFromStart  : 00:00:00:37
NodesInfo      : {,}

Use the NodesInfo variable with the Get-AIPScannerStatus cmdlet to get further details about each node in the cluster:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $x=Get-AIPScannerStatus
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $x.NodesInfo

The output displays details for each node in a table as shown in the following example:

NodeName                            Status    IsScanning    Summary
--------                            --------  ----------    -------    Scanning        True    Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData    Scanning     Pending    Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData

To drill down further into each node, use the NodesInfo variable again, with the node integer starting with 0.

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.NodesInfo[0].Summary

The output displays the details about the scans on the selected node as shown in the following example:

ScannerID               :
ScannedFiles            : 2280
FailedFiles             : 0
ScannedBytes            : 78478187
Classified              : 0
Labeled                 : 0

Use the Verbose parameter with the Get-AIPScannerStatus cmdlet to get data about a current scan.

PS C:\> Get-AIPScannerStatus -Verbose
ScannedFiles    MBScanned    CurrentScanSummary                                         RepositoriesStatus
------------    ---------    ------------------                                         ------------------
        2280    78478187     Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData    {{ Path = C:\temp, Status = Scanning }

Use the RepositoriesStatus or the CurrentScanSummary variables to drill down further for more details about the status of the repositories.

Possible repository status values include:

  • Skipped, if the repository was skipped
  • Pending, if the current scan hasn't yet started scanning the repository
  • Scanning, if the current scan is running on the repository
  • Finished, if the current scan has completed running on the repository

Example: use the RepositoriesStatus variable

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.Get-AIPScannerStatus -Verbose
PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.RepositoriesStatus
Path        Status
----        ------
C:\temp     Scanning

Example: use the CurrentScanSummary variable

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.CurrentScanSummary
ScannerID               : 
ScannedFiles            : 2280
FailedFiles             : 0
ScannedBytes            : 78478187
Classified              : 0
Labeled                 : 0

This output shows only a single repository. If there are multiple repositories, each one will be listed separately.

Scanner error reference

The following table provides information about specific error messages that are generated by the scanner, and provides actions to fix the associated issue:

Error type Troubleshooting
Authentication errors
Policy errors
DB / Schema errors
Other errors

Authentication token not accepted

Error message

Microsoft.InformationProtection.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException: The service didn't accept the auth token.


The Set-AIPAuthentication command has failed.


Verfy that the appropriate permissions are defined correctly in the Azure portal.

For more information, see Create and configure Microsoft Entra applications for Set-AIPAuthentication.

Authentication token missing

Error messages

  • NoAuthTokenException: Client application failed to provide authentication token for HTTP request

  • Microsoft.InformationProtection.Exceptions.NoAuthTokenException: Client application failed to provide authentication token for HTTP request. Failed with: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalException: user_interaction_required: One of two conditions was encountered: 1. The PromptBehavior.Never flag was passed, but the constraint could not be honored, because user interaction was required. 2. An error occurred during a silent web authentication that prevented the http authentication flow from completing in a short enough time frame

  • Failed to acquire a token using windows integrated authentication (No SSO)

  • From the Azure portal, on the Nodes page:

    Policy does not include any automatic labeling condition


These authentication errors occur when the scanner runs non-interactively.


You must authenticate by using a token by using the Set-AIPAuthentication cmdlet.

When you run the Set-AIPAuthentication cmdlet, make sure you use the token parameter on behalf of the service account that's used to run the scanner service as shown in the following example:

$pscreds = Get-Credential CONTOSO\scanner
Set-AIPAuthentication -AppId "77c3c1c3-abf9-404e-8b2b-4652836c8c66" -AppSecret "OAkk+rnuYc/u+]ah2kNxVbtrDGbS47L4" -DelegatedUser -TenantId "9c11c87a-ac8b-46a3-8d5c-f4d0b72ee29a" -OnBehalfOf $pscreds
Acquired application access token on behalf of CONTOSO\scanner.

For more information, see Get a Microsoft Entra token for the scanner.

Policy missing

Error message

Policy is missing


The scanner is unable to find your sensitivity label policy file.


To verify that your policy file exists as expected, check in the following location: %localappdata%\Microsoft\MSIP\mip\MSIP.Scanner.exe\mip\mip.policies.sqlite3.

For more information about sensitivity labels and their label policies, see Create and configure sensitivity labels and their policies.

Policy doesn't include automatic labeling conditions

Error message

Policy is missing labeling conditions


The labeling policy is missing automatic labeling conditions.


Configure the following settings:

Setting Steps to configure settings
Content scan job settings In the Azure portal, do the following:
Labeling policy settings In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, do the following:

If the settings are already defined as expected, the policy file itself may be missing or inaccessible, such as when there's a timeout from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

To verify your policy file, check that the following file exists: %localappdata%\Microsoft\MSIP\mip\MSIP.Scanner.exe\mip\mip.policies.sqlite3

For more information, see What is the Azure Information Protection unified labeling scanner? and Learn about sensitivity labels.

Database errors

Error message

DB error


The scanner is not able to connect to the database.


Check the network connectivity between the scanner computer and the database.

Additionally, make sure that the service account being used to run scanner processes has all the permissions required to access the database.

Mismatched or outdated schema

Error message

One of the following:

  • SchemaMismatchException

  • In the Azure portal, on the Nodes page:

    DB schema is not up to date. Run Update-AIPScanner command to update the DB schema
    Error: DB schema is not up to date


The database schema is not up to date.


Run the Update-AIPScanner cmdlet to resynchronize your schema and ensure that it's up to date with any recent changes.

Underlying connection was closed

Error messages

System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. ---> System.IO.IOException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.

[System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


These errors indicate that TLS 1.2 isn't enabled.


To enable TLS 1.2, see:

Stuck scanner processes

Error message

There's no error message displayed but the scanner times out.


The scanner is processing a single file for a longer time than expected or it stops unexpectedly while scanning a large number of files in a repository. The scanner process might be stuck.


Modify one of the following settings:

  • Number of dynamic ports. You may need to increase the number of dynamic ports for the operating system hosting the files. Server hardening for SharePoint can be one reason why the scanner exceeds the number of allowed network connections, and stops.

    For information about how to view the current port range and increase the range, see Settings that can be Modified to Improve Network Performance.

  • List view threshold. For large SharePoint farms, you may need to increase the list view threshold. By default, the list view threshold is set to 5,000.

    For information on increasing the threshold, see Manage large lists and libraries in SharePoint.

If the issue still occurs, check the detailed report to determine whether the file is increasing in size.

If the file size continues to increase, then the scanner is still processing data, and you must wait until it's done.

If the file is no longer increasing in size, do the following:

  1. Run the following cmdlets:

    • Start-AIPScannerDiagnostics cmdlet: to run diagnostic checks on your scanner, and export and zip log files for any errors that are found.
    • Export-AIPLogs cmdlet: to export and create a .zip version of the log files from the %localappdata%\Microsoft\MSIP\Logs directory.
  2. Create a dump file for the MSIP Scanner service. In the Windows Task Manager, right-click the MSIP Scanner service, and select Create dump file.

  3. In the Azure portal, stop the scan.

  4. On the scanner machine, restart the service.

  5. Open a support ticket and attach the dump files from the scanner process.

Unable to connect to remote server

Error message

In the MSIPScanner.iplog file located under %localappdata%\Microsoft\MSIP\Logs\:

Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted IP:port

If there are multiple logs, then MSIPScanner.iplog file will be a .zip file.


The scanner has exceeded the number of allowed network connections.


Increase the number of dynamic ports for the operating system hosting the files.

For information about how to view the current port range and increase the range, see Settings that can be modified to improve network performance.

Missing content scan job or profile

Error message

In the Azure portal, on the Nodes page:

No content scan job found


This error occurs when the content scan job or profile can't be found.


Check your scanner configuration in the Azure portal.

For more information, see Configuring and installing the Azure Information Protection unified labeling scanner.

Note: A profile is a legacy scanner term that has been replaced by the scanner cluster and content scan job in newer versions of the scanner.

No repositories configured

Error message

In the admin portal, on the Nodes page:

No repositories are configured


You may have a content scan job with no repositories configured.


Check your content scan job settings and add at least one repository.

For more information, see Create a content scan job.

No cluster found

Error message

In the admin portal, on the Nodes page:

No cluster found


No actual match found for one of the scanner clusters you've defined.


Verify your cluster configuration and check it against your own system details for typos and errors.

For more information, see Create a scanner cluster.

More information

Best practices for deploying and using the AIP UL scanner.