Tutorial: Implement the Azure Industrial IoT reference solution architecture

Manufacturers want to deploy an overall Industrial IoT solution on a global scale and connecting all of their production sites to this solution to increase efficiencies for each individual production site.

These increased efficiencies lead to faster production and lower energy consumption, which all lead to lowering the cost for the produced goods while increasing their quality in most cases.

The solution must be as efficient as possible and enable all required use cases like condition monitoring, OEE calculation, forecasting, and anomaly detection. From the insights gained from these use cases, in a second step a digital feedback loop can be created which can then apply optimizations and other changes to the production processes.

Interoperability is the key to achieving a fast rollout of the solution architecture and the use of open standards like OPC UA significantly helps with achieving this interoperability.

IEC 62541 Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA)

This solution uses IEC 62541 Open Platform Communications (OPC) Unified Architecture (UA) for all Operational Technology (OT) data. This standard is described here.

Reference solution architecture

Simplified Architecture (both Azure and Fabric Options):

Diagram of a simple IIoT architecture.

Detailed Architecture (Azure Only):

Diagram of an IIoT architecture.


Here are the components involved in this solution:

Component Description
Industrial Assets A set of simulated OPC UA enabled production lines hosted in Docker containers
Azure IoT Operations Azure IoT Operations is a unified data plane for the edge. It includes a set of modular, scalable, and highly available data services that run on Azure Arc-enabled edge Kubernetes clusters.
Data Gateway This gateway connects your on-premises data sources (like SAP) to Azure Logic Apps in the cloud.
Azure Event Hubs The cloud message broker that receives OPC UA PubSub messages from edge gateways and stores them until retrieved by subscribers.
Azure Data Explorer The time series database and front-end dashboard service for advanced cloud analytics, including built-in anomaly detection and predictions.
Azure Logic Apps Azure Logic Apps is a cloud platform you can use to create and run automated workflows with little to no code.
Azure Arc This cloud service is used to manage the on-premises Kubernetes cluster at the edge. New workloads can be deployed via Flux.
Azure Managed Grafana Azure Managed Grafana is a data visualization platform built on top of the Grafana software by Grafana Labs. Grafana is a fully managed service that Microsoft hosts and supports.
Microsoft Power BI Microsoft Power BI is a collection of SaaS software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service is a turnkey SaaS solution for managing field service requests.
UA Cloud Commander This open-source reference application converts messages sent to a Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) or Kafka broker (possibly in the cloud) into OPC UA Client/Server requests for a connected OPC UA server. The application runs in a Docker container.
UA Cloud Action This open-source reference cloud application queries the Azure Data Explorer for a specific data value. The data value is the pressure in one of the simulated production line machines. It calls UA Cloud Commander via Azure Event Hubs when a certain threshold is reached (4,000 mbar). UA Cloud Commander then calls the OpenPressureReliefValve method on the machine via OPC UA.
UA Cloud Library The UA Cloud Library is an online store of OPC UA Information Models, hosted by the OPC Foundation here.
UA Edge Translator This open-source industrial connectivity reference application translates from proprietary asset interfaces to OPC UA using W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Descriptions as the schema to describe the industrial asset interface.


In a real-world deployment, something as critical as opening a pressure relief valve would be done on-premises. This is just a simple example of how to achieve the digital feedback loop.

UA Cloud Library

To read OPC UA Information Models directly from Azure Data Explorer, you can import the OPC UA nodes defined in the OPC UA Information Model into a table. You can use the imported information for lookup of more metadata within queries.

First, configure an Azure Data Explorer (ADX) callout policy for the UA Cloud Library by running the following query on your ADX cluster. Before you start, make sure you're an ADX cluster administrator, which you can configure in the Azure portal by navigating to Permissions in the ADX tab.

.alter cluster policy callout @'[{"CalloutType": "webapi","CalloutUriRegex": "uacloudlibrary.opcfoundation.org","CanCall": true}]'

Then, run the following Azure Data Explorer query from the Azure portal:

let uri='https://uacloudlibrary.opcfoundation.org/infomodel/download/\<insert information model identifier from the UA Cloud Library here\>';
let headers=dynamic({'accept':'text/plain'});
let options=dynamic({'Authorization':'Basic \<insert your cloud library credentials hash here\>'});
evaluate http_request(uri, headers, options)
| project title = tostring(ResponseBody.['title']), contributor = tostring(ResponseBody.contributor.name), nodeset = parse_xml(tostring(ResponseBody.nodeset.nodesetXml))
| mv-expand UAVariable=nodeset.UANodeSet.UAVariable
| project-away nodeset
| extend NodeId = UAVariable.['@NodeId'], DisplayName = tostring(UAVariable.DisplayName.['#text']), BrowseName = tostring(UAVariable.['@BrowseName']), DataType = tostring(UAVariable.['@DataType'])
| project-away UAVariable
| take 10000

You need to provide two things in this query:

  • The Information Model's unique ID from the UA Cloud Library and enter it into the <insert information model identifier from cloud library here> field of the ADX query.
  • Your UA Cloud Library credentials (generated during registration) basic authorization header hash and insert it into the <insert your cloud library credentials hash here> field of the ADX query. Use tools like https://www.debugbear.com/basic-auth-header-generator to generate the hash.

For example, to render the production line simulation Station OPC UA Server's Information Model in the Kusto Explorer tool available for download here, run the following query:

let uri='https://uacloudlibrary.opcfoundation.org/infomodel/download/1627266626';
let headers=dynamic({'accept':'text/plain'});
let options=dynamic({'Authorization':'Basic \<insert your cloud library credentials hash here\>'});
let variables = evaluate http_request(uri, headers, options)
    | project title = tostring(ResponseBody.['title']), contributor = tostring(ResponseBody.contributor.name), nodeset = parse_xml(tostring(ResponseBody.nodeset.nodesetXml))
    | mv-expand UAVariable = nodeset.UANodeSet.UAVariable
    | extend NodeId = UAVariable.['@NodeId'], ParentNodeId = UAVariable.['@ParentNodeId'], DisplayName = tostring(UAVariable['DisplayName']), DataType = tostring(UAVariable.['@DataType']), References = tostring(UAVariable.['References'])
    | where References !contains "HasModellingRule"
    | where DisplayName != "InputArguments"
    | project-away nodeset, UAVariable, References;
let objects = evaluate http_request(uri, headers, options)
    | project title = tostring(ResponseBody.['title']), contributor = tostring(ResponseBody.contributor.name), nodeset = parse_xml(tostring(ResponseBody.nodeset.nodesetXml))
    | mv-expand UAObject = nodeset.UANodeSet.UAObject
    | extend NodeId = UAObject.['@NodeId'], ParentNodeId = UAObject.['@ParentNodeId'], DisplayName = tostring(UAObject['DisplayName']), References = tostring(UAObject.['References'])
    | where References !contains "HasModellingRule"
    | project-away nodeset, UAObject, References;
let nodes = variables
    | project source = tostring(NodeId), target = tostring(ParentNodeId), name = tostring(DisplayName)
    | join kind=fullouter (objects
        | project source = tostring(NodeId), target = tostring(ParentNodeId), name = tostring(DisplayName)) on source
        | project source = coalesce(source, source1), target = coalesce(target, target1), name = coalesce(name, name1);
let edges = nodes;
    | make-graph source --> target with nodes on source

For best results, change the Layout option to Grouped and the Labels to name.

Graph of the Station Info Model.

Production line simulation

The solution uses a production line simulation made up of several stations, using an OPC UA information model, and a simple Manufacturing Execution System (MES). Both the Stations and the MES are containerized for easy deployment.

Default simulation configuration

The simulation is configured to include two production lines. The default configuration is:

Production Line Ideal Cycle Time (in seconds)
Munich 6
Seattle 10
Shift Name Start End
Morning 07:00 14:00
Afternoon 15:00 22:00
Night 23:00 06:00


Shift times are in local time, specifically the time zone the Virtual Machine (VM) hosting the production line simulation is set to.

OPC UA node IDs of Station OPC UA server

The following OPC UA Node IDs are used in the Station OPC UA Server for telemetry to the cloud.

  • i=379 - manufactured product serial number
  • i=385 - number of manufactured products
  • i=391 - number of discarded products
  • i=398 - running time
  • i=399 - faulty time
  • i=400 - status (0=station ready to do work, 1=work in progress, 2=work done and good part manufactured, 3=work done and scrap manufactured, 4=station in fault state)
  • i=406 - energy consumption
  • i=412 - ideal cycle time
  • i=418 - actual cycle time
  • i=434 - pressure

Digital feedback loop with UA Cloud Commander and UA Cloud Action

This section shows how to implement a "digital feedback loop. To create the feedback loop, you trigger a command on one of the OPC UA servers in the simulation from the cloud. The trigger is based on time-series data that reach a certain threshold for the simulated pressure. You can see the pressure of the assembly machine in the Azure Data Explorer dashboard. The pressure is released at regular intervals for the Seattle production line.

Install the production line simulation and cloud services

Select the Deploy button to deploy all required resources on Microsoft Azure:

Deploy to Azure

During deployment, you must provide a password for a Virtual Machine (VM) used to host the production line simulation and for UA Cloud Twin. The password must have three of the following attributes: One lower case character, one upper case character, one number, and one special character. The password must be between 12 and 72 characters long.


To save cost, the deployment deploys a single Windows 11 Enterprise VM for both the production line simulation and Edge infrastructure. In production scenarios, the production line simulation isn't required and for the base OS, we recommend Windows IoT Enterprise Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC).

Once the deployment completes, connect to the deployed Windows VM with an RDP (remote desktop) connection. You can download the RDP file in the Azure portal page for the VM, under the Connect options. Sign in using the credentials you provided during deployment, open a Windows command prompt and install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) via:

    wsl --install

Once the command is finished, reboot your VM and log back in again. A command prompt finishes the installation of WSL and you're prompted to enter a new username and password for WSL. Then, install K3S, a lightweight Kubernetes runtime, via:

    curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh

You can now run the production line simulation.

Run the production line simulation

From the deployed VM, run a Windows command prompt, enter wsl, and press Enter. Navigate to the /mnt/c/ManufacturingOntologies-main/Tools/FactorySimulation directory and run the StartSimulation shell script:

    sudo ./StartSimulation.sh "<EventHubsCS>"


<EventHubCS> is the Event Hubs namespace connection string as described here.

Example: StartSimulation "Endpoint=sb://ontologies.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=abcdefgh="


If a Kubernetes service's external IP address shows up as <pending>, you can assign the external IP address of the traefik service to it via sudo kubectl patch service <theService> -n <the service's namespace> -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":["<the traefik external IP address>"]}}'.


To prevent WSL (and K3s) from automatically shutting down, keep your WSL command prompt open.

Deploying Azure IoT Operations on the edge

Before you deploy, confirm that you started the production line simulation. Then, follow these steps as described here.

Use cases condition monitoring, calculating OEE, detecting anomalies, and making predictions in Azure Data Explorer

You can also visit the Azure Data Explorer documentation to learn how to create no-code dashboards for condition monitoring, yield or maintenance predictions, or anomaly detection. We provided a sample dashboard here for you to deploy to the ADX Dashboard by following the steps outlined here. After import, you need to update the dashboard's data source by specifying the HTTPS endpoint of your ADX server cluster instance in the format https://ADXInstanceName.AzureRegion.kusto.windows.net/ in the top-right-hand corner of the dashboard.

Screenshot of an Azure Data Explorer dashboard.


If you want to display the OEE for a specific shift, select Custom Time Range in the Time Range drop-down in the top-left hand corner of the ADX Dashboard and enter the date and time from start to end of the shift you're interested in.

Render the built-in Unified NameSpace (UNS) and ISA-95 model graph in Kusto Explorer

This reference solution implements a Unified NameSapce (UNS), based on the OPC UA metadata sent to the time-series database in the cloud (Azure Data Explorer). This OPC UA metadata also includes the ISA-95 asset hierarchy. The resulting graph can be easily visualized in the Kusto Explorer tool available for download here.

Add a new connection to your Azure Data Explorer instance deployed in this reference solution and then run the following query in Kusto Explorer:

let edges = opcua_metadata_lkv
| project source = DisplayName, target = Workcell
| join kind=fullouter (opcua_metadata_lkv
    | project source = Workcell, target = Line) on source
    | join kind=fullouter (opcua_metadata_lkv
        | project source = Line, target = Area) on source
        | join kind=fullouter (opcua_metadata_lkv
            | project source = Area, target = Site) on source
            | join kind=fullouter (opcua_metadata_lkv
                | project source = Site, target = Enterprise) on source
                | project source = coalesce(source, source1, source2, source3, source4), target = coalesce(target, target1, target2, target3, target4);
let nodes = opcua_metadata_lkv;
edges | make-graph source --> target with nodes on DisplayName

For best results, change the Layout option to Grouped.

Graph that shows an ISA-95 asset hierarchy.

Use Azure Managed Grafana service

You can also use Grafana to create a dashboard on Azure for the solution described in this article. Grafana is used within manufacturing to create dashboards that display real-time data. Azure offers a service named Azure Managed Grafana. With Grafana, you can create cloud dashboards. In this configuration manual, you enable Grafana on Azure, and you create a dashboard with data that is queried from Azure Data Explorer and Azure Digital Twins service. You use the simulated production line data from this reference solution.

The following screenshot shows the dashboard:

Screenshot that shows a Grafana dashboard.

Enable Azure Managed Grafana service

  1. Go to the Azure portal and search for the service 'Grafana' and select the Azure Managed Grafana service.

    Screenshot of enabling Grafana in the Marketplace.

  2. Give your instance a name and leave the standard options on - and create the service.

  3. After the service is created, navigate to the URL where you access your Grafana instance. You can find the URL in the homepage of the service.

Add a new data source in Grafana

After your first sign in, you'll need to add a new data source to Azure Data Explorer.

  1. Navigate to 'Configuration' and add a new datasource.

  2. Search for Azure Data Explorer and select the service.

  3. Configure your connection and use the app registration (follow the manual that is provided on the top of this page).

  4. Save and test your connection on the bottom of the page.

Import a sample dashboard

Now you're ready to import the provided sample dashboard.

  1. Download the sample dashboard here: Sample Grafana Manufacturing Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Dashboard and select Import.

  3. Select the source that you downloaded and select Save You get an error on the page, because two variables aren't set yet. Go to the settings page of the dashboard.

  4. Select Variables and update the two URLs with the URL of your Azure Digital Twins Service.

  5. Navigate back to the dashboard and hit the refresh button. You should now see data (don't forget to hit the save button on the dashboard).

    The location variable on the top of the page is automatically filled with data from Azure Digital Twins (the area nodes from ISA95). Here you can select the different locations and see the different datapoints of every factory.

  6. If data isn't showing up in your dashboard, navigate to the individual panels and see if the right data source is selected.

Configure alerts

Within Grafana, it's also possible to create alerts. In this example, we create a low OEE alert for one of the production lines.

  1. Sign in to your Grafana service, and select Alert rules in the menu.

    Screenshot that shows navigation to alerts.

  2. Select Create alert rule.

    Screenshot that shows how to create an alert rule.

  3. Give your alert a name and select Azure Data Explorer as data source. Select query in the navigation pane.

    Screenshot of creating an alert query.

  4. In the query field, enter the following query. In this example, we use the Seattle production line.

    let oee = CalculateOEEForStation("assembly", "seattle", 6, 6);
    print round(oee * 100, 2)
  5. Select table as output.

  6. Scroll down to the next section. Here, you configure the alert threshold. In this example, we use 'below 10' as the threshold, but in production environments, this value can be higher.

    Screenshot that shows a threshold alert.

  7. Select the folder where you want to save your alerts and configure the 'Alert Evaluation behavior'. Select the option 'every 2 minutes'.

  8. Select the Save and exit button.

In the overview of your alerts, you can now see an alert being triggered when your OEE is less than 10.

Screenshot that shows an alert overview.

You can integrate this setup with, for example, Microsoft Dynamics Field Services.

Connect the reference solution to Microsoft Power BI

To connect the reference solution Power BI, you need access to a Power BI subscription.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Power BI Desktop app from here.

  2. Sign in to Power BI Desktop app using the user with access to the Power BI subscription.

  3. From the Azure portal, navigate to your Azure Data Explorer database instance (ontologies) and add Database Admin permissions to an Azure Active Directory user with access to just a single Azure subscription, specifically the subscription used for your deployed instance of this reference solution. Create a new user in Azure Active Directory if you have to.

  4. From Power BI, create a new report and select Azure Data Explorer time-series data as a data source via Get data > Azure > Azure Data Explorer (Kusto).

  5. In the popup window, enter the Azure Data Explorer endpoint of your instance (for example https://erichbtest3adx.eastus2.kusto.windows.net), the database name (ontologies), and the following query:

    let _startTime = ago(1h);
    let _endTime = now();
    | where Name contains "assembly"
    | where Name contains "munich"
    | join kind=inner (opcua_telemetry
        | where Name == "ActualCycleTime"
        | where Timestamp > _startTime and Timestamp < _endTime
    ) on DataSetWriterID
    | extend NodeValue = todouble(Value)
    | project Timestamp, NodeValue
  6. Select Load. This action imports the actual cycle time of the Assembly station of the Munich production line for the last hour.

  7. When prompted, log into Azure Data Explorer using the Azure Active Directory user you gave permission to access the Azure Data Explorer database earlier.

  8. From the Data view, select the NodeValue column and select Don't summarize in the Summarization menu item.

  9. Switch to the Report view.

  10. Under Visualizations, select the Line Chart visualization.

  11. Under Visualizations, move the Timestamp from the Data source to the X-axis, select it, and select Timestamp.

  12. Under Visualizations, move the NodeValue from the Data source to the Y-axis, select it, and select Median.

  13. Save your new report.


    You can add other data from Azure Data Explorer to your report similarly.

    Screenshot of a Power BI view.

Connect the reference solution to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

This integration showcases the following scenarios:

  • Uploading assets from the Manufacturing Ontologies reference solution to Dynamics 365 Field Service.
  • Create alerts in Dynamics 365 Field Service when a certain threshold on Manufacturing Ontologies reference solution telemetry data is reached.

The integration uses Azure Logics Apps. With Logic Apps bussiness-critcal apps and services can be connected via no-code workflows. We fetch information from Azure Data Explorer and trigger actions in Dynamics 365 Field Service.

First, if you're not already a Dynamics 365 Field Service customer, activate a 30 day trial here. Remember to use the same Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) used while deploying the Manufacturing Ontologies reference solution. Otherwise, you would need to configure cross tenant authentication that isn't part of these instructions.

Create an Azure Logic App workflow to create assets in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Let's start with uploading assets from the Manufacturing Ontologies into Dynamics 365 Field Service:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and create a new Logic App.

  2. Give the Azure Logic App a name, and place it in the same resource group as the Manufacturing Ontologies reference solution.

  3. Select Workflows.

  4. Give your workflow a name - for this scenario we use the stateful state type, because assets aren't flows of data.

  5. Create a new trigger. We start with creating a recurrence trigger. This checks the database every day if new assets are created. You can change the trigger to occur more often.

  6. In actions, search for Azure Data Explorer and select the Run KQL query command. Within this query, we check what kind of assets we have. Use the following query to get assets and paste it in the query field:

    let ADTInstance =  "PLACE YOUR ADT URL";let ADTQuery = "SELECT T.OPCUAApplicationURI as AssetName, T.$metadata.OPCUAApplicationURI.lastUpdateTime as UpdateTime FROM DIGITALTWINS T WHERE IS_OF_MODEL(T , 'dtmi:digitaltwins:opcua:nodeset;1') AND T.$metadata.OPCUAApplicationURI.lastUpdateTime > 'PLACE DATE'";evaluate azure_digital_twins_query_request(ADTInstance, ADTQuery)
  7. To get your asset data into Dynamics 365 Field Service, you need to connect to Microsoft Dataverse. Connect to your Dynamics 365 Field Service instance and use the following configuration:

    • Use the 'Customer Assets' Table Name
    • Put the 'AssetName' into the Name field
  8. Save your workflow and run it. You see in a few seconds later that new assets are created in Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Create an Azure Logic App workflow to create alerts in Dynamics 365 Field Service

This workflow creates alerts in Dynamics 365 Field Service, specifically when a certain threshold of FaultyTime on an asset of the Manufacturing Ontologies reference solution is reached.

  1. First, create an Azure Data Explorer function to get the right data. Go to your Azure Data Explorer query panel in the Azure portal and run the following code to create a FaultyFieldAssets function:

    Screenshot of creating a function ADX query.

    .create-or-alter function  FaultyFieldAssets() {  
    let Lw_start = ago(3d);
    | where Name == 'FaultyTime'
    and Value > 0
    and Timestamp between (Lw_start .. now())
    | join kind=inner (
        | extend AssetList =split (Name, ';')
        | extend AssetName=AssetList[0]
        ) on DataSetWriterID
    | project AssetName, Name, Value, Timestamp}
  2. Create a new workflow in Azure Logic App. Create a 'Recurrence' trigger to start - every 3 minutes. Create as action 'Azure Data Explorer' and select the Run KQL Query.

  3. Enter your Azure Data Explorer Cluster URL, then select your database and use the function name created in step 1 as the query.

  4. Select Microsoft Dataverse as action.

  5. Run the workflow and to see new alerts being generated in your Dynamics 365 Field Service dashboard:

    Screenshot of alerts in Dynamics 365 FS.