Configure OPC UA user authentication options to use with Azure IoT OPC UA Broker Preview


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in PREVIEW. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

In this article, you learn how to configure OPC UA user authentication options. These options provide more control over your OPC UA authentication, and let you configure authentication in a way that makes sense for your solution.


Azure IoT Operations Preview installed. For more information, see Quickstart: Deploy Azure IoT Operations Preview to an Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

Features supported

Features Meaning Symbol
Configuration of OPC UA user authentication with username and password Supported
Configuration of OPC UA user authentication with an X.509 user certificate Unsupported

Configure OPC UA user authentication with username and password

If an OPC UA Server requires user authentication with username and password, you can select that option in the Azure IoT Operations (preview) portal, and configure the secrets references for the username and password.

Before you can configure secrets for the username and password, you need to complete two more configuration steps: If an OPC UA Server requires user authentication with username and password, you can select that option in the Azure IoT Operations (preview) portal, and configure the secret references for the username and password.

  1. Configure the username and password in Azure Key Vault. In the following example, use the username and password as secret references for the configuration in the Azure IoT Operations (preview) portal.


    Replace the values in the example for user (user1) and password (password) with the actual credentials used in the OPC UA server to connect.

    To configure the username and password, run the following code:

    # Create username Secret in Azure Key Vault
      az keyvault secret set \
        --name "username" \
        --vault-name <azure-key-vault-name> \
        --value "user1" \
        --content-type "text/plain"
    # Create password Secret in Azure Key Vault
      az keyvault secret set \
        --name "password" \
        --vault-name <azure-key-vault-name> \
        --value "password" \
        --content-type "text/plain"
  2. Configure the secret provider class aio-opc-ua-broker-user-authentication custom resource (CR) in the connected cluster. Use a K8s client such as kubectl to configure the secrets (username and password, in the following example) in the SPC object array in the connected cluster.

    The following example shows a complete SPC CR after you add the secret configurations:

    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: aio-opc-ua-broker-user-authentication
      namespace: azure-iot-operations
      provider: azure
        usePodIdentity: 'false'
        keyvaultName: <azure-key-vault-name>
        tenantId: <azure-tenant-id>
        objects: |
            - |
              objectName: username
              objectType: secret
              objectVersion: ""
            - |
              objectName: password
              objectType: secret
              objectVersion: ""

    The projection of the Azure Key Vault secrets and certificates into the cluster takes some time depending on the configured polling interval.