Configure Azure IoT MQ Preview diagnostic service settings


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in PREVIEW. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Azure IoT MQ Preview includes a diagnostics service that periodically self tests Azure IoT MQ components and emits metrics. Operators can use these metrics to monitor the health of the system. The diagnostics service provides a Prometheus endpoint for metrics from all IoT MQ components including Broker self-test metrics.

Diagnostics service configuration

The diagnostics service processes and collates diagnostic signals from various Azure IoT MQ core components. You can configure it using a custom resource definition (CRD). The following table lists its properties.

Name Required Format Default Description
dataExportFrequencySeconds false Int32 10 Frequency in seconds for data export
enableTls false Boolean false Enable TLS for the diagnostics service
image.repository true String N/A Docker image name
image.tag true String N/A Docker image tag
image.pullPolicy false String N/A Image pull policy to use
image.pullSecrets false String N/A Kubernetes secret containing docker authentication details
logFormat false String json Log format. json or text
logLevel false String info Log level. trace, debug, info, warn, or error.
maxDataStorageSize false Unsigned integer 16 Maximum data storage size in MiB
metricsPort false Int32 9600 Port for metrics
openTelemetryTracesCollectorAddr false String null Endpoint URL of the OpenTelemetry collector
staleDataTimeoutSeconds false Int32 600 Data timeouts in seconds

Example of a diagnostics service resource

Here's an example of a diagnostics service resource with basic configuration:

kind: DiagnosticService
  name: diagnostics
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
  enableTls: false
    tag: 0.4.0-preview
  logLevel: info
  logFormat: text