Metrics for Azure IoT Layered Network Management Preview


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in PREVIEW. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Azure IoT Layered Network Management Preview provides a set of observability metrics that you can use to monitor and analyze the health of your solution. This article lists the available metrics, and describes the meaning and usage details of each metric.

General metrics

Metric name Definition
server_uptime Total time that the Layered Network Management service has been running.
total_connections Total network connections that have been initiated through the Layered Network Management service.

TLS Inspector metrics

Metric name Definition
client_hello_too_large Indicates that an unreasonably large client hello was received.
tls_found The total number of times TLS was found.
tls_not_found The total number of times TLS was not found.
alpn_found The total number of times that Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation was successful.
alpn_not_found The total number of times that Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation failed.
sni_found The total number of times that Server Name Indication was found.
sni_not_found The total number of times that Server Name Indication was not found.
bytes_processed The recorded number of bytes that the tls_inspector processed while analyzing for tls usage. If the connection uses TLS, this metric indicates the size of client hello. If the client hello is too large, then the recorded value will be 64KiB which is the maximum client hello size. If the connection does not use TLS, the metric is the number of bytes processed until the inspector determined that the connection was not using TLS. If the connection terminates early, nothing is recorded if there weren't sufficient bytes for either of previous cases.

TCP proxy metrics

Metric name Definition
downstream_cx_total The total number of connections handled by the filter.
downstream_cx_no_route The number of connections for which no matching route was found or the cluster for the route was not found.
downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total The total bytes written to the downstream connection.
downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered The total bytes currently buffered to the downstream connection.
downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total The total bytes read from the downstream connection.
downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered The total bytes currently buffered from the downstream connection.
downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total The total number of times that flow control paused reading from downstream.
downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total The total number of times that flow control resumed reading from downstream.
idle_timeout The total number of connections closed due to idle timeout.
max_downstream_connection_duration The total number of connections closed due to max_downstream_connection_duration timeout.
on_demand_cluster_attempt The total number of connections that requested on demand cluster.
on_demand_cluster_missing The total number of connections closed due to on demand cluster is missing.
on_demand_cluster_success The total number of connections that requested and received an on-demand cluster.
on_demand_cluster_timeout The total number of connections closed due to an on-demand cluster lookup timeout.
upstream_flush_total The total number of connections that continued to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed.
upstream_flush_active The total connections currently continuing to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed.