Here are suggestions for where you can get help when developing your Azure IoT solutions.
Create an Azure support request
Explore the range of Azure support options and choose the plan that best fits, whether you're a developer just starting your cloud journey or a large organization deploying business-critical, strategic applications. Azure customers can create and manage support requests in the Azure portal.
Azure IoT solutions depend on services which may have different log retention periods. To help resolve your issue, please open a support request as soon as possible to help with troubleshooting.
Post a question on Microsoft Q&A
For quick and reliable answers on your technical product questions from Microsoft Engineers, Azure Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), or our expert community, engage with us on Microsoft Q&A, Azure's preferred destination for community support.
If you can't find an answer to your problem using search, submit a new question to Microsoft Q&A. Use one of the following tags when you ask your question:
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