Validate Azure Managed HSM keys with key attestation

Key attestation is a functionality of Azure Managed HSM. It enables a way to validate the integrity and authenticity of cryptographic keys stored within the hardware security module (HSM). It allows organizations to verify that keys were generated and stored within a trusted, FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified HSM without ever leaving the FIPS boundary. By providing cryptographic proof that the keys are securely handled, key attestation enhances trust in key management processes, enabling compliance with stringent security standards and regulations. This feature is especially valuable in scenarios where customers need assurance that their keys are protected from unauthorized access, even from cloud providers.


  • AZ CLI version: azure-cli 2.62.0 or higher.
  • API version: 7.6-preview.1 or higher.
  • Python version: Python 3.8.10 or higher.
  • Permissions: Crypto user of the Managed HSM or a custom role with getkey permission.

Key attestation process

The key attestation process has six steps:

  • Downloading the Python scripts from Marvell's website and our GitHub repo
  • Retrieving key attestation data from the HSM via Azure CLI
  • Extracting attestation blob and certificates
  • Verifying the key's authenticity with a certificate chain
  • Verifying the attestation data file
  • Parsing the attributes of the attestation binary

Download python scripts

Download the following Python scripts required for key attestation

Get attestation data

Get attestation data for a specific key from the HSM using the Azure CLI az rest command. The JSON file contains key properties, attestation blob and all certificates required for key attestation.


az rest --method get --uri  https://<poolname><poolname>/<keyname>/<keyversion>?api-version=7.6-preview.1 --resource > attestation.json


az rest --method get --uri --resource > ContosoHSMattestation.json

Extract attestation blob and certificates

Extract attestation blob and certificates from the JSON file from above step. Asymmetric keys will have two binary files as an output with -pri and -pub suffix. Symmetric keys will just have one binary file -pri suffix.

Usage: python3 --attestation_json_file <attestation.json> --cert_bundle <cert_file.pem> --attestation_binary_file <attest_data.dat>

Example: python3 --attestation_json_file attestation.json --cert_bundle cert_file.pem --attestation_binary_file attest_data.dat

Verify the key's authenticity with a certificate chain

The python script constructs a certificate chain to confirm that the key is signed by Marvell, the HSM vendor's root. Additionally, the script verifies that the key is signed with a Microsoft-signed certificate

Usage: python3 --cert_bundle_file <cert_bundle cert_file.pem> --marvel_parittion_certificate <marvell_issued_partition_certificate.pem> --microsoft_parittion_certificate <microsoft_issued_partition_certificate.pem>


python3 --cert_bundle_file cert_bundle cert_file.pem  --marvel_parittion_certificate marvell_certificate.pem --microsoft_parittion_certificate microsoft_certificate.pem

Verify the attestation data file

Python script enables you to verify the attestation data file (.dat). This needs to be done twice once for Marvell cert and the other for Microsoft Cert.

Usage: python3 <partition.cert> <attestation.dat>


python3 marvell_certificate.pem attest_data.dat-pri
python3 microsoft_certificate.pem attest_data.dat-pri

python3 marvell_certificate.pem attest_data.dat-pub
python3 microsoft_certificate.pem attest_data.dat-pub

Parse attributes of the attestation binary

Usage: python3 <attest_data.dat>

Example: python3 ContosoHSM_attest_data.dat

Next steps

For a getting-started tutorial for an administrator, see What is Managed HSM?.

For more information about usage logging for Managed HSM logging, see Managed HSM logging.