Customize namespace-scoped resources in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager with resource overrides

This article provides an overview of how to use the ResourceOverride API to override namespace-scoped resources in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager (Kubernetes Fleet).

You can modify or override specific attributes of existing resources within a namespace. With ResourceOverride, you can define rules based on cluster labels and specify changes to be applied to resources such as Deployments, StatefulSets, ConfigMaps, or Secrets.

These changes can include updates to container images, environment variables, resource limits, or any other configurable parameters. Such updates help ensure consistent management and enforcement of configurations across your Kubernetes clusters managed through Kubernetes Fleet.

API components

The ResourceOverride API consists of the following components:

  • resourceSelectors: Specifies the set of resources selected for overriding.
  • policy: Specifies the set of rules to apply to the selected resources.

Resource selectors

A ResourceOverride object can include one or more resource selectors to specify which resources to override. The ResourceSelector object includes the following fields.


If you select a namespace in ResourceSelector, the override will apply to all resources in the namespace.

  • group: The API group of the resource.
  • version: The API version of the resource.
  • kind: The kind of the resource.
  • namespace: The namespace of the resource.

To add a resource selector to a ResourceOverride object, use the resourceSelectors field with the following YAML format.


The ResourceOverride object needs to be in the same namespace as the resource that you want to override.

kind: ResourceOverride
  name: example-resource-override
  namespace: test-namespace
    -  group: apps
       kind: Deployment
       version: v1
       name: test-nginx

This example selects a Deployment object named test-nginx from the test-namespace namespace for overriding.


A Policy object consists of a set of rules, overrideRules, that specify the changes to apply to the selected resources. Each overrideRules object supports the following fields:

  • clusterSelector: Specifies the set of clusters to which the override rule applies.
  • jsonPatchOverrides: Specifies the changes to apply to the selected resources.

To add an override rule to a ResourceOverride object, use the policy field with the following YAML format:

kind: ResourceOverride
  name: example-resource-override
  namespace: test-namespace
    -  group: apps
       kind: Deployment
       version: v1
       name: test-nginx
      - clusterSelector:
            - labelSelector:
                  env: prod
          - op: replace
            path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
            value: "nginx:1.20.0"

This example replaces the container image in the Deployment object with the nginx:1.20.0 image for clusters with the env: prod label.

Cluster selector

You can use the clusterSelector field in the overrideRules object to specify the resources to which the override rule applies. The ClusterSelector object supports the following field:

  • clusterSelectorTerms: A list of terms that specify the criteria for selecting clusters. Each term includes a labelSelector field that defines a set of labels to match.

JSON patch overrides

You can use jsonPatchOverrides in the overrideRules object to specify the changes to apply to the selected resources. The JsonPatch object supports the following fields:

  • op: The operation to perform. Supported operations include:

    • add: Adds a new value to the specified path.
    • remove: Removes the value at the specified path.
    • replace: Replaces the value at the specified path.
  • path: The path to the field to modify. Guidance on specifying paths includes:

    • Must start with a slash (/) character.
    • Can't be empty or contain an empty string.
    • Can't be a TypeMeta field (/kind or /apiVersion).
    • Can't be a Metadata field (/metadata/name or /metadata/namespace), except the fields /metadata/labels and /metadata/annotations.
    • Can't be any field in the status of the resource.

    Examples of valid paths include:

    • /metadata/labels/new-label
    • /metadata/annotations/new-annotation
    • /spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources/limits/cpu
    • /spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources/requests/memory
  • value: The value to add, remove, or replace. If op is remove, you can't specify value.

The jsonPatchOverrides fields apply a JSON patch on the selected resources by following RFC 6902.

Multiple override rules

You can add multiple overrideRules objects to a policy field to apply multiple changes to the selected resources. Here's an example:

kind: ResourceOverride
  name: ro-1
  namespace: test
    -  group: apps
       kind: Deployment
       version: v1
       name: test-nginx
      - clusterSelector:
            - labelSelector:
                  env: prod
          - op: replace
            path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
            value: "nginx:1.20.0"
      - clusterSelector:
            - labelSelector:
                  env: test
          - op: replace
            path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
            value: "nginx:latest"

This example replaces the container image in the Deployment object with:

  • The nginx:1.20.0 image for clusters with the env: prod label.
  • The nginx:latest image for clusters with the env: test label.

Apply the cluster resource placement

  1. Create a ClusterResourcePlacement resource to specify the placement rules for distributing the resource overrides across the cluster infrastructure. The following code is an example. Be sure to select the appropriate namespaces.

    kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
      name: crp-example
        - group: ""
          kind: Namespace
          name: test-namespace
          version: v1
        placementType: PickAll
                - labelSelector:
                      env: prod
                - labelSelector:
                      env: test

    This example distributes resources within test-namespace across all clusters labeled with env:prod and env:test. As the changes are implemented, the corresponding ResourceOverride configurations are applied to the designated resources. The selection of a matching deployment resource, my-deployment, triggers the application of the configurations to the designated resources.

  2. Apply the ClusterResourcePlacement resource by using the kubectl apply command:

    kubectl apply -f cluster-resource-placement.yaml
  3. Verify that the ResourceOverride object was applied to the selected resources by checking the status of the ClusterResourcePlacement resource via the kubectl describe command:

    kubectl describe clusterresourceplacement crp-example

    Your output should resemble the following example:

        Message:                The selected resources are successfully overridden in the 10 clusters
        Observed Generation:    1
        Reason:                 OverriddenSucceeded
        Status:                 True
        Type:                   ClusterResourcePlacementOverridden
      Observed Resource Index:  0
      Placement Statuses:
        Applicable Resource Overrides:
          Name:        ro-1-0
          Namespace:   test-namespace
        Cluster Name:  member-50
          Last Transition Time:  2024-04-26T22:57:14Z
          Message:               Successfully applied the override rules on the resources
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                OverriddenSucceeded
          Status:                True
          Type:                  Overridden

    The ClusterResourcePlacementOverridden condition indicates whether the resource override was successfully applied to the selected resources. Each cluster maintains its own Applicable Resource Overrides list. This list contains the resource override snapshot, if relevant. Individual status messages for each cluster indicate whether the override rules were successfully applied.