Use taints on member clusters and tolerations on cluster resource placements

This article explains how to add or remove taints on MemberCluster resources and tolerations on ClusterResourcePlacement resources in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager (Kubernetes Fleet).

Taints and tolerations work together to ensure that member clusters receive only specified resources during resource propagation. Taints are applied to MemberCluster resources to prevent resources from being propagated to the member cluster. Tolerations are applied to ClusterResourcePlacement resources to allow resources to be propagated to the member cluster, even if the member cluster has a taint.


Add a taint to a member cluster

In this example, you add a taint to a MemberCluster resource. Then you try to propagate resources to the member cluster by using ClusterResourcePlacement with a PickAll placement policy. The resources shouldn't be propagated to the member cluster because of the taint.

  1. Create a namespace to propagate to the member cluster by using the kubectl create ns command:

    kubectl create ns test-ns
  2. Create a taint on the MemberCluster resource by using the following example code:

    kind: MemberCluster
      name: kind-cluster-1
        name: fleet-member-agent-cluster-1
        kind: ServiceAccount
        namespace: fleet-system
        apiGroup: ""
      taints:                    # Add a taint to the member cluster
        - key: test-key1
          value: test-value1
          effect: NoSchedule
  3. Apply the taint to the MemberCluster resource by using the kubectl apply command. Be sure to replace the file name with the name of your file.

    kubectl apply -f member-cluster-taint.yml
  4. Create a PickAll placement policy on the ClusterResourcePlacement resource by using the following example code:

        - group: ""
          kind: Namespace
          version: v1          
          name: test-ns
        placementType: PickAll
  5. Apply the ClusterResourcePlacement resource by using the kubectl apply command. Be sure to replace the file name with the name of your file.

    kubectl apply -f cluster-resource-placement-pick-all.yml
  6. Verify that the resources weren't propagated to the member cluster by checking the details of the ClusterResourcePlacement resource via the kubectl describe command:

    kubectl describe clusterresourceplacement test-ns

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T19:03:17Z"
        message: found all the clusters needed as specified by the scheduling policy
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: SchedulingPolicyFulfilled
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementScheduled
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T19:03:17Z"
        message: All 0 cluster(s) are synchronized to the latest resources on the hub
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: SynchronizeSucceeded
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementSynchronized
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T19:03:17Z"
        message: There are no clusters selected to place the resources
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: ApplySucceeded
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementApplied
      observedResourceIndex: "0"
      - kind: Namespace
        name: test-ns
        version: v1

Remove a taint from a member cluster

In this example, you remove the taint that you created earlier in this article. This removal should automatically trigger the Kubernetes Fleet scheduler to propagate the resources to the member cluster.

  1. Open your MemberCluster YAML file and remove the taint section.

  2. Apply the changes to the MemberCluster resource by using the kubectl apply command. Be sure to replace the file name with the name of your file.

    kubectl apply -f member-cluster-taint.yml
  3. Verify that the resources were propagated to the member cluster by checking the details of the ClusterResourcePlacement resource via the kubectl describe command:

    kubectl describe clusterresourceplacement test-ns

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:00:03Z"
        message: found all the clusters needed as specified by the scheduling policy
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: SchedulingPolicyFulfilled
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementScheduled
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:02:57Z"
        message: All 1 cluster(s) are synchronized to the latest resources on the hub
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: SynchronizeSucceeded
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementSynchronized
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:02:57Z"
        message: Successfully applied resources to 1 member clusters
        observedGeneration: 2
        reason: ApplySucceeded
        status: "True"
        type: ClusterResourcePlacementApplied
      observedResourceIndex: "0"
      - clusterName: kind-cluster-1
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:02:52Z"
          message: 'Successfully scheduled resources for placement in kind-cluster-1 (affinity
            score: 0, topology spread score: 0): picked by scheduling policy'
          observedGeneration: 2
          reason: ScheduleSucceeded
          status: "True"
          type: Scheduled
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:02:57Z"
          message: Successfully Synchronized work(s) for placement
          observedGeneration: 2
          reason: WorkSynchronizeSucceeded
          status: "True"
          type: WorkSynchronized
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:02:57Z"
          message: Successfully applied resources
          observedGeneration: 2
          reason: ApplySucceeded
          status: "True"
          type: Applied
      - kind: Namespace
        name: test-ns
        version: v1

Add a toleration to a cluster resource placement

In this example, you add a toleration to a ClusterResourcePlacement resource to propagate resources to a member cluster that has a taint. The toleration allows the resources to be propagated to the member cluster.

  1. Create a namespace to propagate to the member cluster by using the kubectl create ns command:

    kubectl create ns test-ns
  2. Create a taint on the MemberCluster resource by using the following example code:

    kind: MemberCluster
      name: kind-cluster-1
        name: fleet-member-agent-cluster-1
        kind: ServiceAccount
        namespace: fleet-system
        apiGroup: ""
      taints:                    # Add a taint to the member cluster
        - key: test-key1
          value: test-value1
          effect: NoSchedule
  3. Apply the taint to the MemberCluster resource by using the kubectl apply command. Be sure to replace the file name with the name of your file.

    kubectl apply -f member-cluster-taint.yml
  4. Create a toleration on the ClusterResourcePlacement resource by using the following example code:

        placementType: PickAll
          - key: test-key1
            operator: Exists
        - group: ""
          kind: Namespace
          name: test-ns
          version: v1
      revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        type: RollingUpdate
  5. Apply the ClusterResourcePlacement resource by using the kubectl apply command. Be sure to replace the file name with the name of your file.

    kubectl apply -f cluster-resource-placement-toleration.yml
  6. Verify that the resources were propagated to the member cluster by checking the details of the ClusterResourcePlacement resource via the kubectl describe command:

    kubectl describe clusterresourceplacement test-ns

    Your output should look similar to the following example:

        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:10Z"
          message: found all the clusters needed as specified by the scheduling policy
          observedGeneration: 3
          reason: SchedulingPolicyFulfilled
          status: "True"
          type: ClusterResourcePlacementScheduled
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:15Z"
          message: All 1 cluster(s) are synchronized to the latest resources on the hub
          observedGeneration: 3
          reason: SynchronizeSucceeded
          status: "True"
          type: ClusterResourcePlacementSynchronized
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:15Z"
          message: Successfully applied resources to 1 member clusters
          observedGeneration: 3
          reason: ApplySucceeded
          status: "True"
          type: ClusterResourcePlacementApplied
      observedResourceIndex: "0"
        - clusterName: kind-cluster-1
            - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:10Z"
              message: 'Successfully scheduled resources for placement in kind-cluster-1 (affinity
            score: 0, topology spread score: 0): picked by scheduling policy'
              observedGeneration: 3
              reason: ScheduleSucceeded
              status: "True"
              type: Scheduled
            - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:15Z"
              message: Successfully Synchronized work(s) for placement
              observedGeneration: 3
              reason: WorkSynchronizeSucceeded
              status: "True"
              type: WorkSynchronized
            - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-16T20:16:15Z"
              message: Successfully applied resources
              observedGeneration: 3
              reason: ApplySucceeded
              status: "True"
              type: Applied
        - kind: Namespace
          name: test-ns
          version: v1