Tools in prompt flow?

Tools are the fundamental building blocks of a flow in Azure Machine Learning prompt flow.

Each tool is a simple, executable unit with a specific function, allowing users to perform various tasks. By combining different tools, users can create a flow that accomplishes a wide range of goals.

One of the key benefit of prompt flow tools is their seamless integration with third-party APIs and python open source packages. This not only improves the functionality of large language models but also makes the development process more efficient for developers.

Types of tools

Prompt flow provides different kinds of tools:

  • LLM tool: The LLM tool allows you to write custom prompts and leverage large language models to achieve specific goals, such as summarizing articles, generating customer support responses, and more.
  • Python tool: The Python tool enables you to write custom Python functions to perform various tasks, such as fetching web pages, processing intermediate data, calling third-party APIs, and more.
  • Prompt tool: The prompt tool allows you to prepare a prompt as a string for more complex use cases or for use in conjunction with other prompt tools or python tools.

Next steps

For more information on the tools and their usage, visit the following resources: