Deploy Azure Operator 5G Core Preview observability services

Use the following Azure CLI commands to deploy observability resources for Azure Operator 5G Core Preview.


You must deploy the clusterServices resource before deploying observability services.

Deploy observability

$ export resourceGroupName <Name of resource group> 
$ export templateFile <Path to bicep scripts>
$ export resourceName <Choose name for the AO5GC resource – note the same resourceName should be used for clusterServices and all associated NFs> 
$ export location <Azure region where resources are deployed> 
$ export templateParamsFile <Path to bicep script parameters file> 

$ az deployment group create  
--resource-group $resourceGroupName \ 
--template-file $templateFile \ 
--parameters resourceName=$resourceName \ 
--parameters locationName=$location \ 
--parameters $templateParamsFile 
-- verbose 

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