Similar to a role assignment, a deny assignment attaches a set of deny actions to a user, group, or service principal at a particular scope for the purpose of denying access. Deny assignments block users from performing specific Azure resource actions even if a role assignment grants them access.
This article describes how to list deny assignments.
You can't directly create your own deny assignments. Deny assignments are created and managed by Azure.
How deny assignments are created
Deny assignments are created and managed by Azure to protect resources. You can't directly create your own deny assignments. However, you can specify deny settings when creating a deployment stack, which creates a deny assignment that is owned by the deployment stack resources. Deployment stacks is currently in preview. For more information, see Protect managed resources against deletion.
Compare role assignments and deny assignments
Deny assignments follow a similar pattern as role assignments, but also have some differences.
The display name of the deny assignment. Names must be unique for a given scope.
The description of the deny assignment.
At least one Actions or one DataActions
An array of strings that specify the control plane actions to which the deny assignment blocks access.
An array of strings that specify the control plane action to exclude from the deny assignment.
At least one Actions or one DataActions
An array of strings that specify the data plane actions to which the deny assignment blocks access.
An array of strings that specify the data plane actions to exclude from the deny assignment.
A string that specifies the scope that the deny assignment applies to.
Specifies whether the deny assignment applies to child scopes. Default value is false.
An array of Microsoft Entra principal object IDs (user, group, service principal, or managed identity) to which the deny assignment applies. Set to an empty GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to represent all principals.
An array of object types represented by Principals[i].Id. Set to SystemDefined to represent all principals.
An array of Microsoft Entra principal object IDs (user, group, service principal, or managed identity) to which the deny assignment does not apply.
An array of object types represented by ExcludePrincipals[i].Id.
Specifies whether this deny assignment was created by Azure and cannot be edited or deleted. Currently, all deny assignments are system protected.
The All Principals principal
To support deny assignments, a system-defined principal named All Principals has been introduced. This principal represents all users, groups, service principals, and managed identities in a Microsoft Entra directory. If the principal ID is a zero GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 and the principal type is SystemDefined, the principal represents all principals. In Azure PowerShell output, All Principals looks like the following:
All Principals can be combined with ExcludePrincipals to deny all principals except some users. All Principals has the following constraints:
Can be used only in Principals and cannot be used in ExcludePrincipals.
Principals[i].Type must be set to SystemDefined.
List deny assignments
Follow these steps to list deny assignments.
You can't directly create your own deny assignments. Deny assignments are created and managed by Azure. For more information, see Protect managed resources against deletion.
To get information about a deny assignment, you must have:
Microsoft.Authorization/denyAssignments/read permission, which is included in most Azure built-in roles.
List deny assignments in the Azure portal
Follow these steps to list deny assignments at the subscription or management group scope.
In the Azure portal, open the selected scope, such as resource group or subscription.
Select Access control (IAM).
Select the Deny assignments tab (or select the View button on the View deny assignments tile).
If there are any deny assignments at this scope or inherited to this scope, they'll be listed.
To display additional columns, select Edit Columns.
Name of the deny assignment.
Principal type
User, group, system-defined group, or service principal.
Name of the security principal that is included in the deny assignment.
Unique identifier for the deny assignment.
Excluded principals
Whether there are security principals that are excluded from the deny assignment.
Does not apply to children
Whether the deny assignment is inherited to subscopes.
System protected
Whether the deny assignment is managed by Azure. Currently, always Yes.
Management group, subscription, resource group, or resource.
Add a checkmark to any of the enabled items and then select OK to display the selected columns.
List details about a deny assignment
Follow these steps to list additional details about a deny assignment.
Open the Deny assignments pane as described in the previous section.
Select the deny assignment name to open the Users page.
The Users page includes the following two sections.
Deny setting
Deny assignment applies to
Security principals that the deny assignment applies to.
Deny assignment excludes
Security principals that are excluded from the deny assignment.
System-Defined Principal represents all users, groups, service principals, and managed identities in an Azure AD directory.
To see a list of the permissions that are denied, select Denied Permissions.
Action type
Denied control plane actions.
Control plane actions excluded from denied control plane actions.
Denied data plane actions.
Data plane actions excluded from denied data plane actions.
For the example shown in the previous screenshot, the following are the effective permissions:
All storage actions on the data plane are denied except for compute actions.
To see the properties for a deny assignment, select Properties.
On the Properties page, you can see the deny assignment name, ID, description, and scope. The Does not apply to children switch indicates whether the deny assignment is inherited to subscopes. The System protected switch indicates whether this deny assignment is managed by Azure. Currently, this is Yes in all cases.
To get information about a deny assignment, you must have:
Microsoft.Authorization/denyAssignments/read permission, which is included in most Azure built-in roles
To list all deny assignments at a subscription scope, use Get-AzDenyAssignment. To get the subscription ID, you can find it on the Subscriptions page in the Azure portal or you can use Get-AzSubscription.
Replace {filter} with the condition that you want to apply to filter the deny assignment list.
(no filter)
Lists all deny assignments at, above, and below the specified scope.
Lists deny assignments for only the specified scope and above. Does not include the deny assignments at subscopes.
Lists deny assignments for the specified user or service principal. If the user is a member of a group that has a deny assignment, that deny assignment is also listed. This filter is transitive for groups which means that if the user is a member of a group and that group is a member of another group that has a deny assignment, that deny assignment is also listed. This filter only accepts an object ID for a user or a service principal. You cannot pass an object ID for a group.
Lists deny assignments for the specified user or service principal and at the specified scope.
Explore how to use built-in Azure roles, managed identities, and RBAC-policy to control access to Azure resources. Identity is the key to secure solutions.
Learn how to remove access to Azure resources for users, groups, service principals, or managed identities using Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.
Learn how to add, edit, view, or delete attribute-based access control (ABAC) conditions in Azure role assignments using the Azure portal and Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC).
This article describes the Azure built-in roles for Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC). It lists Actions, NotActions, DataActions, and NotDataActions.
Learn how to create or update Azure custom roles using an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) and Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC).