Restoring backup in Azure Service Fabric

In Azure Service Fabric, Reliable Stateful services and Reliable Actors can maintain a mutable, authoritative state after a request and response transaction is completed. A stateful service might go down for a long time or lose information because of a disaster. If that happens, the service needs to be restored from the latest acceptable backup so that it can keep working.

For example, you can configure a service to back up its data to protect against the following scenarios:

  • Case of disaster recovery: Permanent loss of an entire Service Fabric cluster.
  • Case of data loss: Permanent loss of a majority of the replicas of a service partition.
  • Case of data loss: Accidental deletion or corruption of the service. For example, an administrator erroneously deletes the service.
  • Case of data corruption: Bugs in the service cause data corruption. For example, data corruption may happen when a service code upgrade writes faulty data to a Reliable Collection. In such a case, you may have to restore both the code and the data to an earlier state.


  • To trigger a restore, the Fault Analysis Service (FAS) must be enabled for the cluster.
  • The Backup Restore Service (BRS) created the backup.
  • The restore can only be triggered at a partition.
  • Install Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module (Preview) for making configuration calls.
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http -AllowPrerelease


If your PowerShellGet version is less than 1.6.0, you'll need to update to add support for the -AllowPrerelease flag:

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force

  • Make sure that Cluster is connected using the Connect-SFCluster command before making any configuration request using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module.

    Connect-SFCluster -ConnectionEndpoint ''   -X509Credential -FindType FindByThumbprint -FindValue '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3' -StoreLocation 'CurrentUser' -StoreName 'My' -ServerCertThumbprint '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3'  

Triggered restore

A restore can be triggered for any of the following scenarios:

  • Data restore for disaster recovery.
  • Data restore for data corruption/data loss.

Data restore in the case of disaster recovery

If an entire Service Fabric cluster is lost, you can recover the data for the partitions of the Reliable Stateful service and Reliable Actors. The desired backup can be selected from the list when you use GetBackupAPI with backup storage details. The backup enumeration can be for an application, service, or partition.

For the following example, assume that the lost cluster is the same cluster that's referred to in Enabling periodic backup for Reliable Stateful service and Reliable Actors. In this case, SampleApp is deployed with backup policy enabled, and the backups are configured to Azure Storage.

Powershell using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module

Get-SFBackupsFromBackupLocation -Application -ApplicationName 'fabric:/SampleApp' -AzureBlobStore -ConnectionString 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<account-name>;AccountKey=<account-key>;' -ContainerName 'backup-container'

Rest Call using Powershell

Execute a PowerShell script to use the REST API to return a list of the backups created for all partitions inside the SampleApp application. The API requires the backup storage information to list the available backups.

$StorageInfo = @{
    ConnectionString = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<account-name>;AccountKey=<account-key>;'
    ContainerName = 'backup-container'
    StorageKind = 'AzureBlobStore'

$BackupEntity = @{
    EntityKind = 'Application'

$BackupLocationAndEntityInfo = @{
    Storage = $StorageInfo
    BackupEntity = $BackupEntity

$body = (ConvertTo-Json $BackupLocationAndEntityInfo)
$url = "$/GetBackups?api-version=6.4"

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -CertificateThumbprint '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3'
$BackupPoints = (ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content)

Sample output for the above run:

BackupId                : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
BackupChainId           : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
ApplicationName         : fabric:/SampleApp
ServiceName             : fabric:/SampleApp/MyStatefulService
PartitionInformation    : @{LowKey=-9223372036854775808; HighKey=9223372036854775807; ServicePartitionKind=Int64Range; Id=974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22}
BackupLocation          : SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06
BackupType              : Full
EpochOfLastBackupRecord : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
LsnOfLastBackupRecord   : 3334
CreationTimeUtc         : 2018-04-06T20:55:16Z
FailureError            : 
BackupId                : b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4
BackupChainId           : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
ApplicationName         : fabric:/SampleApp
ServiceName             : fabric:/SampleApp/MyStatefulService
PartitionInformation    : @{LowKey=-9223372036854775808; HighKey=9223372036854775807; ServicePartitionKind=Int64Range; Id=974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22}
BackupLocation          : SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06
BackupType              : Incremental
EpochOfLastBackupRecord : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
LsnOfLastBackupRecord   : 3552
CreationTimeUtc         : 2018-04-06T21:10:27Z
FailureError            :
BackupId                : 69436834-c810-4163-9386-a7a800f78359
BackupChainId           : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
ApplicationName         : fabric:/SampleApp
ServiceName             : fabric:/SampleApp/MyStatefulService
PartitionInformation    : @{LowKey=-9223372036854775808; HighKey=9223372036854775807; ServicePartitionKind=Int64Range; Id=974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22}
BackupLocation          : SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06
BackupType              : Incremental
EpochOfLastBackupRecord : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
LsnOfLastBackupRecord   : 3764
CreationTimeUtc         : 2018-04-06T21:25:36Z
FailureError            :

To trigger the restore, choose one of the backups. For example, the current backup for disaster recovery could be the following backup:

BackupId                : b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4
BackupChainId           : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
ApplicationName         : fabric:/SampleApp
ServiceName             : fabric:/SampleApp/MyStatefulService
PartitionInformation    : @{LowKey=-9223372036854775808; HighKey=9223372036854775807; ServicePartitionKind=Int64Range; Id=974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22}
BackupLocation          : SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06
BackupType              : Incremental
EpochOfLastBackupRecord : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
LsnOfLastBackupRecord   : 3552
CreationTimeUtc         : 2018-04-06T21:10:27Z
FailureError            :

For the restore API, you need to provide the BackupId and BackupLocation details.

You also need to choose a destination partition in the alternate cluster as detailed in the partition scheme. The alternate cluster backup is restored to the partition specified in the partition scheme from the original lost cluster.

If the partition ID on alternate cluster is 1c42c47f-439e-4e09-98b9-88b8f60800c6, you can map it to the original cluster partition ID 974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22 by comparing the high key and low key for Ranged Partitioning (UniformInt64Partition).

For Named Partitioning, the name value is compared to identify the target partition in alternate cluster.

Powershell using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module

Restore-SFPartition  -PartitionId '1c42c47f-439e-4e09-98b9-88b8f60800c6' -BackupId 'b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4' -BackupLocation 'SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06' -AzureBlobStore -ConnectionString 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<account-name>;AccountKey=<account-key>;' -ContainerName 'backup-container'

Rest Call using Powershell

You request the restore against the backup cluster partition by using the following Restore API:

$StorageInfo = @{
    ConnectionString = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<account-name>;AccountKey=<account-key>;'
    ContainerName = 'backup-container'
    StorageKind = 'AzureBlobStore'

$RestorePartitionReference = @{
    BackupId = 'b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4'
    BackupLocation = 'SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06'
    BackupStorage  = $StorageInfo

$body = (ConvertTo-Json $RestorePartitionReference) 
$url = "$/Restore?api-version=6.4" 

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -CertificateThumbprint '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3'

You can track the progress of a restore with TrackRestoreProgress.


When using Powershell to restore partition, if backuplocation has '$', escape it using '~'

Using Service Fabric Explorer

You can trigger a restore from Service Fabric Explorer. Make sure Advanced Mode has been enabled in Service Fabric Explorer settings.

  1. Select the desired partitions and click on Actions.

  2. Select Trigger Partition Restore and fill in information for Azure:

    Trigger Partition Restore

    or FileShare:

    Trigger Partition Restore Fileshare

Data restore for data corruption/data loss

For data loss or data corruption, backed-up partitions for Reliable Stateful service and Reliable Actors partitions can be restored to any of the chosen backups.

The following example is a continuation of Enabling periodic backup for Reliable Stateful service and Reliable Actors. In this example, a backup policy is enabled for the partition, and the service is making backups at a desired frequency in Azure Storage.

Select a backup from the output of GetBackupAPI. In this scenario, the backup is generated from the same cluster as before.

To trigger the restore, choose a backup from the list. For the current data loss/data corruption, select the following backup:

BackupId                : b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4
BackupChainId           : b9577400-1131-4f88-b309-2bb1e943322c
ApplicationName         : fabric:/SampleApp
ServiceName             : fabric:/SampleApp/MyStatefulService
PartitionInformation    : @{LowKey=-9223372036854775808; HighKey=9223372036854775807; ServicePartitionKind=Int64Range; Id=974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22}
BackupLocation          : SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06
BackupType              : Incremental
EpochOfLastBackupRecord : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
LsnOfLastBackupRecord   : 3552
CreationTimeUtc         : 2018-04-06T21:10:27Z
FailureError            :

For the restore API, provide the BackupId and BackupLocation details. The cluster has backup enabled so the Service Fabric Backup Restore Service (BRS) identifies the correct storage location from the associated backup policy.

Powershell using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module

Restore-SFPartition  -PartitionId '974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22' -BackupId 'b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4' -BackupLocation 'SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06'

Rest Call using Powershell

$RestorePartitionReference = @{
    BackupId = 'b0035075-b327-41a5-a58f-3ea94b68faa4',
    BackupLocation = 'SampleApp\MyStatefulService\974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22\2018-04-06'

$body = (ConvertTo-Json $RestorePartitionReference)
$url = "$/Restore?api-version=6.4"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -CertificateThumbprint '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3'

You can track the restore progress by using TrackRestoreProgress.


When using Powershell to restore partition, if backuplocation has '$', escape it using '~'

Track restore progress

A partition of a Reliable Stateful service or Reliable Actor accepts only one restore request at a time. A partition only accepts another request after the current restore request is completed. Multiple restore requests can be triggered on different partitions at the same time.

Powershell using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Http Module

    Get-SFPartitionRestoreProgress -PartitionId '974bd92a-b395-4631-8a7f-53bd4ae9cf22'

Rest Call using Powershell

$url = "$/GetRestoreProgress?api-version=6.4"

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -CertificateThumbprint '1b7ebe2174649c45474a4819dafae956712c31d3'

$restoreResponse = (ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content)
$restoreResponse | Format-List

The restore request progresses in the following order:

  1. Accepted: An Accepted restore state indicates that the requested partition has been triggered with correct request parameters.

    RestoreState  : Accepted
    TimeStampUtc  : 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
    RestoredEpoch : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
    RestoredLsn   : 3552
  2. InProgress: An InProgress restore state indicates that a restore is occurring in the partition with the backup mentioned in request. The partition reports the dataloss state.

    RestoreState  : RestoreInProgress
    TimeStampUtc  : 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
    RestoredEpoch : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
    RestoredLsn   : 3552
  3. Success, Failure, or Timeout: A requested restore can be completed in any of the following states. Each state has the following significance and response details:

    • Success: A Success restore state indicates a regained partition state. The partition reports RestoredEpoch and RestoredLSN states along with the time in UTC.

      RestoreState  : Success
      TimeStampUtc  : 2018-11-22T11:22:33Z
      RestoredEpoch : @{DataLossNumber=131675205859825409; ConfigurationNumber=8589934592}
      RestoredLsn   : 3552
    • Failure: A Failure restore state indicates the failure of the restore request. The cause of the failure is reported.

      RestoreState  : Failure
      TimeStampUtc  : 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
      RestoredEpoch : 
      RestoredLsn   : 0
    • Timeout: A Timeout restore state indicates that the request has timeout. Create a new restore request with greater RestoreTimeout. The default timeout is 10 minutes. Make sure that the partition isn't in a data loss state before requesting restore again.

      RestoreState  : Timeout
      TimeStampUtc  : 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
      RestoredEpoch : 
      RestoredLsn   : 0

Automatic restore

You can configure Reliable Stateful service and Reliable Actors partitions in the Service Fabric cluster for auto restore. In the backup policy set AutoRestore to true. Enabling auto restore automatically restores data from the latest partition backup when data loss is reported. For more information, see:

Next steps