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This article references CentOS, a Linux distribution that is End Of Life (EOL) status. Please consider your use and plan accordingly. For more information, see the CentOS End Of Life guidance.
This article describes how to automate installation and updates for the Mobility Service agent in Azure Site Recovery.
When you deploy Site Recovery for disaster recovery of on-premises VMware VMs and physical servers to Azure, you install the Mobility Service agent on each machine you want to replicate. The Mobility Service captures data writes on the machine, and forwards them to the Site Recovery process server for replication. You can deploy the Mobility Service in a few ways:
Push installation: Let Site Recovery install the Mobility service agent when you enable replication for a machine in the Azure portal.
Manual installation: Install the Mobility service manually on each machine. Learn more about push and manual installation.
Automated deployment: Automate installation with software deployment tools such as Microsoft Configuration Manager, or third-party tools such as JetPatch. Learn more
Automated installation and updating provides a solution if:
Your organization doesn't allow for push installation on protected servers.
Your company policy requires passwords to be changed periodically. You have to specify a password for the push installation.
Your security policy doesn't permit adding firewall exceptions for specific machines.
You're acting as a hosting service provider and don't want to provide customer machine credentials that are needed for push installation with Site Recovery.
You need to scale agent installations to lots of servers simultaneously.
You want to schedule installations and upgrades during planned maintenance windows.
To automate the installation, you need the following items:
The following table summarizes tools and processes for automating Mobility Service deployment.
Configuration Manager
1. Verify that you have the prerequisites listed above in place.
2. Deploy disaster recovery by setting up the source environment, including downloading an OVA file to deploy the Site Recovery configuration server as a VMware VM using an OVF template.
3. You register the configuration server with the Site Recovery service, set up the target Azure environment, and configure a replication policy.
4. For automated Mobility Service deployment, you create a network share containing the configuration server passphrase and Mobility Service installation files.
5. You create a Configuration Manager package containing the installation or updates, and prepare for Mobility Service deployment.
6. You can then enable replication to Azure for the machines that have the Mobility Service installed.
1. Verify that you have the prerequisites listed above in place.
2. Deploy disaster recovery by setting up the source environment, including downloading and deploying JetPatch Agent Manager for Azure Site Recovery in your Site Recovery environment, using an OVF template.
3. You register the configuration server with Site Recovery, set up the target Azure environment, and configure a replication policy.
4. For automated deployment, initialize and complete the JetPatch Agent Manager configuration.
5. In JetPatch you can create a Site Recovery policy to automate deployment and upgrade of the Mobility Service agent.
6. You can then enable replication to Azure for the machines that have the Mobility Service installed.
Create a secure network file share (SMB share) that can be accessed by the machine running the configuration server.
In Configuration Manager, categorize the servers on which you want to install or update the Mobility Service. One collection should contain all Windows servers, the other all Linux servers.
On the network share, create a folder:
For installation on Windows machines, create a folder named MobSvcWindows.
For installation on Linux machines, create a folder named MobSvcLinux.
Sign in to the configuration server machine.
On the configuration server machine, open an administrative command prompt.
To generate the passphrase file, run this command:
cd %ProgramData%\ASR\home\svsystems\bin
genpassphrase.exe -v > MobSvc.passphrase
Copy the MobSvc.passphrase file to the Windows folder and the Linux folder.
To browse to the folder that contains the installation files, run this command:
cd %ProgramData%\ASR\home\svsystems\pushinstallsvc\repository
Copy these installation files to the network share:
For Windows, copy Microsoft-ASR_UA_version_Windows_GA_date_Release.exe to MobSvcWindows.
For Linux, copy the following files to MobSvcLinux:
As described in the following procedures, copy the code to the Windows or Linux folders. We're assuming that:
The configuration server's IP address is
The secure network file share is \\ContosoSecureFS\MobilityServiceInstallers.
Copy code to the Windows folder
Copy the following code:
Save the code in the MobSvcWindows folder as install.bat.
Replace the [CSIP] placeholders in this script with the actual values of the IP address of your configuration server.
The script supports new installations of the Mobility Service agent, and updates to agents that are already installed.
Time /t >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
REM ==================================================REM ==== Clean up the folders ========================RMDIR /S /q %temp%\MobSvc
REM ==================================================
REM ==== Copy new files ==============================COPY M*.* %Temp%\MobSvc
REN Micro*.exe MobSvcInstaller.exe
REM ==================================================
REM ==== Extract the installer =======================
MobSvcInstaller.exe /q /x:%Temp%\MobSvc\Extracted
REM ==== Wait 10s for extraction to complete =========
TIMEOUT /t 10REM =================================================
REM ==== Perform installation =======================REM =================================================CD%Temp%\MobSvc\Extracted
whoami >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
SET PRODKEY=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
REG QUERY %PRODKEY%\{275197FC-14FD-4560-A5EB-38217F80CBD1}
echo "Product is not installed. Goto INSTALL." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Product is installed." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
echo "Checking for Post-install action status." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\InMage Systems\Installed Products\5" /v "PostInstallActions" | Find "Succeeded"
echo "Post-install actions succeeded. Checking for Configuration status." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Post-install actions didn't succeed. Goto INSTALL." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\InMage Systems\Installed Products\5" /v "AgentConfigurationStatus" | Find "Succeeded"
echo "Configuration has succeeded. Goto UPGRADE." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Configuration didn't succeed. Goto CONFIGURE." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
echo "Perform installation." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
UnifiedAgent.exe /Role MS /InstallLocation "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery" /Platform "VmWare" /Silent
echo "Installation has succeeded." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Installation has failed." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
echo "Perform configuration." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery\agent"
UnifiedAgentConfigurator.exe /CSEndPoint "[CSIP]" /PassphraseFilePath %Temp%\MobSvc\MobSvc.passphrase
echo "Configuration has succeeded." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Configuration has failed." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
echo "Perform upgrade." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
UnifiedAgent.exe /Platform "VmWare" /Silent
echo "Upgrade has succeeded." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
) ELSE (
echo "Upgrade has failed." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
echo "End of script." >> C:\Temp\logfile.log
Copy code to the Linux folder
Copy the following code:
Save the code in the MobSvcLinux folder as install_linux.sh.
Replace the [CSIP] placeholders in this script with the actual values of the IP address of your configuration server.
The script supports new installations of the Mobility Service agent, and updates to agents that are already installed.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf /tmp/MobSvc
mkdir -p /tmp/MobSvc
VX_VERSION_FILE='/usr/local/.vx_version'echo"=============================" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
echo `date` >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
echo"=============================" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
if [ -f /etc/oracle-release ] && [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; thenif grep -q 'Oracle Linux Server release 6.*' /etc/oracle-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="OL6-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *OL6*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fifielif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; thenif grep -q 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.* (Santiago)' /etc/redhat-release || \
grep -q 'CentOS Linux release 6.* (Final)' /etc/redhat-release || \
grep -q 'CentOS release 6.* (Final)' /etc/redhat-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="RHEL6-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *RHEL6*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fielif grep -q 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.* (Maipo)' /etc/redhat-release || \
grep -q 'CentOS Linux release 7.* (Core)' /etc/redhat-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="RHEL7-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *RHEL7*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fielif grep -q 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.* (Ootpa)' /etc/redhat-release || \
grep -q 'CentOS Linux release 8.* (Core)' /etc/redhat-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="RHEL8-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *RHEL8*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fifielif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && grep -q 'VERSION = 11' /etc/SuSE-release; thenif grep -q "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11" /etc/SuSE-release && grep -q 'PATCHLEVEL = 3' /etc/SuSE-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="SLES11-SP3-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *SLES11-SP3*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fielif grep -q "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11" /etc/SuSE-release && grep -q 'PATCHLEVEL = 4' /etc/SuSE-release; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="SLES11-SP4-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *SLES11-SP4*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fifielif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] ; thenif grep -q 'DISTRIB_RELEASE=14.04' /etc/lsb-release ; thenif uname -a | grep -q x86_64; then
OS="UBUNTU-14.04-64"echo$OS >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp *UBUNTU-14*.tar.gz /tmp/MobSvc
fifielseexit 1
fiif [ -z "$OS" ]; thenexit 1
echo"Perform Installation." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
./install -q -d ${INSTALL_DIR} -r MS -v VmWare -c CSLegacy -a Install
echo"Installation Returncode: $RET_VAL" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
if [ $RET_VAL -eq 0 ]; thenecho"Installation has succeeded. Proceed to configuration." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
elseecho"Installation has failed." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
echo"Perform configuration." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
${INSTALL_DIR}/Vx/bin/UnifiedAgentConfigurator.sh -i [CSIP] -P MobSvc.passphrase
echo"Configuration Returncode: $RET_VAL" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
if [ $RET_VAL -eq 0 ]; thenecho"Configuration has succeeded." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
elseecho"Configuration has failed." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
echo"Perform Upgrade." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
./install -q -v VmWare -r MS -v VmWare -c CSLegacy -a Upgrade
echo"Upgrade Returncode: $RET_VAL" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
if [ $RET_VAL -eq 0 ]; thenecho"Upgrade has succeeded." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
elseecho"Upgrade has failed." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
cp MobSvc.passphrase /tmp/MobSvc
cd /tmp/MobSvc
tar -zxvf *.tar.gz
if [ -e ${VX_VERSION_FILE} ]; thenecho"${VX_VERSION_FILE} exists. Checking for configuration status." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
agent_configuration=$(grep ^AGENT_CONFIGURATION_STATUS "${VX_VERSION_FILE}" | cut -d"=" -f2 | tr -d " ")
echo"agent_configuration=$agent_configuration" >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
if [ "$agent_configuration" == "Succeeded" ]; thenecho"Agent is already configured. Proceed to Upgrade." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
elseecho"Agent is not configured. Proceed to Configure." >> /tmp/MobSvc/sccm.log
ficd /tmp
Create a package
Sign in to the Configuration Manager console and go to Software Library > Application Management > Packages.
Right-click Packages > Create Package.
Provide package details including a name, description, manufacturer, language, and version.
Select This package contains source files.
Click Browse, and select the network share and folder that contains the relevant installer (MobSvcWindows or MobSvcLinux). Then, select Next.
In Choose the program type that you want to create page, select Standard Program > Next.
In Specify information about this standard program page, specify the following values:
Windows value
Linux value
Install Microsoft Azure Mobility Service (Windows)
Install Microsoft Azure Mobility Service (Linux).
Command line
Program can run
Whether or not a user is logged on
Whether or not a user is logged on
Other parameters
Use default setting
Use default setting
In Specify the requirements for this standard program, do the following tasks:
For Windows machines, select This program can run only on specified platforms. Then, select the supported Windows operating systems and select Next.
For Linux machines, select This program can run on any platform. Then select Next.
Finish the wizard.
Deploy the package
In the Configuration Manager console, right-click the package and select Distribute Content.
Select the distribution points on to which the packages should be copied. Learn more.
Complete the wizard. The package then starts replicating to the specified distribution points.
After the package distribution finishes, right-click the package > Deploy.
Select the Windows or Linux device collection you created previously.
On the Specify the content destination page, select Distribution Points.
In Specify settings to control how this software is deployed page, set Purpose to Required.
In Specify the schedule for this deployment, set up a schedule. Learn more.
The Mobility Service is installed in accordance with the schedule you specify.
To avoid unnecessary reboots, schedule the package installation during your monthly maintenance window or software updates window.
On the Distribution Points page, configure settings and finish the wizard.
Monitor deployment progress in the Configuration Manager console. Go to Monitoring > Deployments > <your package name>.
Uninstall the Mobility Service
You can create Configuration Manager packages to uninstall the Mobility Service. For example, the following script uninstalls the Mobility Service:
Time /t >> C:\logfile.log
REM ==================================================REM ==== Check if Mob Svc is already installed =======REM ==== If not installed no operation required ========REM ==== Else run uninstall command =====================REM ==== {275197FC-14FD-4560-A5EB-38217F80CBD1} is ====REM ==== guid for Mob Svc Installer ====================
whoami >> C:\logfile.log
NETSTART | FIND "InMage Scout Application Service"
echo "No Operation Required." >> c:\logfile.log
echo "Uninstall" >> C:\logfile.log
MsiExec.exe /qn /x {275197FC-14FD-4560-A5EB-38217F80CBD1} /L+*V "C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs\UnifiedAgentMSIUninstall.log"
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