Quickstart: Provision Azure Spring Apps using Bicep


The Basic, Standard, and Enterprise plans will be deprecated starting from mid-March, 2025, with a 3 year retirement period. We recommend transitioning to Azure Container Apps. For more information, see the Azure Spring Apps retirement announcement.

The Standard consumption and dedicated plan will be deprecated starting September 30, 2024, with a complete shutdown after six months. We recommend transitioning to Azure Container Apps. For more information, see Migrate Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan to Azure Container Apps.

This article applies to: ❎ Basic ✅ Standard ✅ Enterprise

This quickstart describes how to use a Bicep template to deploy an Azure Spring Apps cluster into an existing virtual network.

Azure Spring Apps makes it easy to deploy Spring applications to Azure without any code changes. The service manages the infrastructure of Spring applications so developers can focus on their code. Azure Spring Apps provides lifecycle management using comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics, configuration management, service discovery, CI/CD integration, blue-green deployments, and more.

The Enterprise deployment plan includes the following Tanzu components:

  • Build Service
  • Application Configuration Service
  • Service Registry
  • Spring Cloud Gateway
  • API Portal


  • An Azure subscription. If you don't have a subscription, create a free account before you begin.
  • Two dedicated subnets for the Azure Spring Apps cluster, one for the service runtime and another for the Spring applications. For subnet and virtual network requirements, see the Virtual network requirements section of Deploy Azure Spring Apps in a virtual network.
  • An existing Log Analytics workspace for Azure Spring Apps diagnostics settings. For more information, see Analyze logs and metrics with diagnostics settings.
  • Three internal Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) ranges (at least /16 each) that you've identified for use by the Azure Spring Apps cluster. These CIDR ranges won't be directly routable and will be used only internally by the Azure Spring Apps cluster. Clusters may not use,,, or for the internal Spring app CIDR ranges, or any IP ranges included within the cluster virtual network address range.
  • Service permission granted to the virtual network. The Azure Spring Apps Resource Provider requires User Access Administrator and Network Contributor permissions to your virtual network in order to grant a dedicated and dynamic service principal on the virtual network for further deployment and maintenance. For instructions and more information, see the Grant service permission to the virtual network section of Deploy Azure Spring Apps in a virtual network.
  • If you're using Azure Firewall or a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA), you'll also need to satisfy the following prerequisites:
  • Azure CLI
  • If you're deploying an Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan instance for the first time in the target subscription, see the Requirements section of Enterprise plan in Azure Marketplace.

Deploy using Bicep

To deploy the cluster, use the following steps.

First, create an azuredeploy.bicep file with the following contents:

@description('The instance name of the Azure Spring Cloud resource')
param springCloudInstanceName string

@description('The name of the Application Insights instance for Azure Spring Cloud')
param appInsightsName string

@description('The resource ID of the existing Log Analytics workspace. This will be used for both diagnostics logs and Application Insights')
param laWorkspaceResourceId string

@description('The resourceID of the Azure Spring Cloud App Subnet')
param springCloudAppSubnetID string

@description('The resourceID of the Azure Spring Cloud Runtime Subnet')
param springCloudRuntimeSubnetID string

@description('Comma-separated list of IP address ranges in CIDR format. The IP ranges are reserved to host underlying Azure Spring Cloud infrastructure, which should be 3 at least /16 unused IP ranges, must not overlap with any Subnet IP ranges')
param springCloudServiceCidrs string = ',,'

@description('The tags that will be associated to the Resources')
param tags object = {
  environment: 'lab'

var location = resourceGroup().location

resource appInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02-preview' = {
  name: appInsightsName
  location: location
  kind: 'web'
  tags: tags
  properties: {
    Application_Type: 'web'
    Flow_Type: 'Bluefield'
    Request_Source: 'rest'
    WorkspaceResourceId: laWorkspaceResourceId

resource springCloudInstance 'Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring@2022-03-01-preview' = {
  name: springCloudInstanceName
  location: location
  tags: tags
  sku: {
    name: 'S0'
    tier: 'Standard'
  properties: {
    networkProfile: {
      serviceCidr: springCloudServiceCidrs
      serviceRuntimeSubnetId: springCloudRuntimeSubnetID
      appSubnetId: springCloudAppSubnetID

resource springCloudMonitoringSettings 'Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/monitoringSettings@2020-07-01' = {
  name: '${springCloudInstance.name}/default' // The only supported value is 'default'
  properties: {
    traceEnabled: true
    appInsightsInstrumentationKey: appInsights.properties.InstrumentationKey

resource springCloudDiagnostics 'microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings@2017-05-01-preview' = {
  name: 'monitoring'
  scope: springCloudInstance
  properties: {
    workspaceId: laWorkspaceResourceId
    logs: [
        category: 'ApplicationConsole'
        enabled: true
        retentionPolicy: {
          days: 30
          enabled: false

Next, open a Bash window and run the following Azure CLI command, replacing the <value> placeholders with the following values:

  • resource-group: The resource group name for deploying the Azure Spring Apps instance.

  • springCloudInstanceName: The name of the Azure Spring Apps resource.

  • appInsightsName: The name of the Application Insights instance for Azure Spring Apps.

  • laWorkspaceResourceId: The resource ID of the existing Log Analytics workspace (for example, /subscriptions/<your subscription>/resourcegroups/<your Log Analytics resource group>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<your Log Analytics workspace name>.)

  • springCloudAppSubnetID: The resource ID of the Azure Spring Apps Application Subnet.

  • springCloudRuntimeSubnetID: The resource ID of the Azure Spring Apps Runtime Subnet.

  • springCloudServiceCidrs: A comma-separated list of IP address ranges (three in total) in CIDR format. The IP ranges are reserved to host underlying Azure Spring Apps infrastructure. These three ranges should be at least /16 unused IP ranges, and must not overlap with any routable subnet IP ranges used within the network.

    az deployment group create \
        --resource-group <value> \
        --name initial \
        --template-file azuredeploy.bicep \
        --parameters \
            springCloudInstanceName=<value> \
            appInsightsName=<value> \
            laWorkspaceResourceId=<value> \
            springCloudAppSubnetID=<value> \
            springCloudRuntimeSubnetID=<value> \

    This command uses the Bicep template to create an Azure Spring Apps instance in an existing virtual network. The command also creates a workspace-based Application Insights instance in an existing Azure Monitor Log Analytics Workspace.

Review deployed resources

You can either use the Azure portal to check the deployed resources, or use Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell script to list the deployed resources.

Clean up resources

If you plan to continue working with subsequent quickstarts and tutorials, you might want to leave these resources in place. When no longer needed, delete the resource group, which deletes the resources in the resource group. To delete the resource group by using Azure CLI, use the following commands:

echo "Enter the Resource Group name:" &&
read resourceGroupName &&
az group delete --name $resourceGroupName &&
echo "Press [ENTER] to continue ..."

Next steps

In this quickstart, you deployed an Azure Spring Apps instance into an existing virtual network using Bicep, and then validated the deployment. To learn more about Azure Spring Apps, continue on to the resources below.