Microsoft.AlertsManagement prometheusRuleGroups

Bicep resource definition

The prometheusRuleGroups resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups@2021-07-22-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  properties: {
    clusterName: 'string'
    description: 'string'
    enabled: bool
    interval: 'string'
    rules: [
        actions: [
            actionGroupId: 'string'
            actionProperties: {}
        alert: 'string'
        annotations: {}
        enabled: bool
        expression: 'string'
        for: 'string'
        labels: {}
        record: 'string'
        resolveConfiguration: {
          autoResolved: bool
          timeToResolve: 'string'
        severity: int
    scopes: [

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties The Prometheus rule group properties of the resource. PrometheusRuleGroupProperties (required)


Name Description Value
clusterName the cluster name of the rule group evaluation. string
description the description of the Prometheus rule group that will be included in the alert email. string
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule group is enabled. bool
interval the interval in which to run the Prometheus rule group represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string
rules defines the rules in the Prometheus rule group. PrometheusRule[] (required)
scopes the list of resource id's that this rule group is scoped to. string[] (required)


Name Description Value
actions The array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleGroupAction[]
alert the name of the alert rule. string
annotations annotations for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule is enabled. bool
expression the expression to run for the rule. string (required)
for the amount of time alert must be active before firing. Only relevant for alerts. string
labels labels for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
record the name of the recording rule. string
resolveConfiguration defines the configuration for resolving fired alerts. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleResolveConfiguration
severity the severity of the alerts fired by the rule. Only relevant for alerts. int


Name Description Value
actionGroupId The resource id of the action group to use. string
actionProperties The properties of an action group object. object


Name Description Value
autoResolved the flag that indicates whether or not to auto resolve a fired alert. bool
timeToResolve the duration a rule must evaluate as healthy before the fired alert is automatically resolved represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string

ARM template resource definition

The prometheusRuleGroups resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups",
  "apiVersion": "2021-07-22-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "clusterName": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "bool",
    "interval": "string",
    "rules": [
        "actions": [
            "actionGroupId": "string",
            "actionProperties": {}
        "alert": "string",
        "annotations": {},
        "enabled": "bool",
        "expression": "string",
        "for": "string",
        "labels": {},
        "record": "string",
        "resolveConfiguration": {
          "autoResolved": "bool",
          "timeToResolve": "string"
        "severity": "int"
    "scopes": [ "string" ]

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups'
apiVersion The resource api version '2021-07-22-preview'
name The resource name string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties The Prometheus rule group properties of the resource. PrometheusRuleGroupProperties (required)


Name Description Value
clusterName the cluster name of the rule group evaluation. string
description the description of the Prometheus rule group that will be included in the alert email. string
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule group is enabled. bool
interval the interval in which to run the Prometheus rule group represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string
rules defines the rules in the Prometheus rule group. PrometheusRule[] (required)
scopes the list of resource id's that this rule group is scoped to. string[] (required)


Name Description Value
actions The array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleGroupAction[]
alert the name of the alert rule. string
annotations annotations for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule is enabled. bool
expression the expression to run for the rule. string (required)
for the amount of time alert must be active before firing. Only relevant for alerts. string
labels labels for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
record the name of the recording rule. string
resolveConfiguration defines the configuration for resolving fired alerts. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleResolveConfiguration
severity the severity of the alerts fired by the rule. Only relevant for alerts. int


Name Description Value
actionGroupId The resource id of the action group to use. string
actionProperties The properties of an action group object. object


Name Description Value
autoResolved the flag that indicates whether or not to auto resolve a fired alert. bool
timeToResolve the duration a rule must evaluate as healthy before the fired alert is automatically resolved represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The prometheusRuleGroups resource type can be deployed to:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups@2021-07-22-preview"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      clusterName = "string"
      description = "string"
      enabled = bool
      interval = "string"
      rules = [
          actions = [
              actionGroupId = "string"
              actionProperties = {}
          alert = "string"
          annotations = {}
          enabled = bool
          expression = "string"
          for = "string"
          labels = {}
          record = "string"
          resolveConfiguration = {
            autoResolved = bool
            timeToResolve = "string"
          severity = int
      scopes = [

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups@2021-07-22-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
location The geo-location where the resource lives string (required)
parent_id To deploy to a resource group, use the ID of that resource group. string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties The Prometheus rule group properties of the resource. PrometheusRuleGroupProperties (required)


Name Description Value
clusterName the cluster name of the rule group evaluation. string
description the description of the Prometheus rule group that will be included in the alert email. string
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule group is enabled. bool
interval the interval in which to run the Prometheus rule group represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string
rules defines the rules in the Prometheus rule group. PrometheusRule[] (required)
scopes the list of resource id's that this rule group is scoped to. string[] (required)


Name Description Value
actions The array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleGroupAction[]
alert the name of the alert rule. string
annotations annotations for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
enabled the flag that indicates whether the Prometheus rule is enabled. bool
expression the expression to run for the rule. string (required)
for the amount of time alert must be active before firing. Only relevant for alerts. string
labels labels for rule group. Only relevant for alerts. object
record the name of the recording rule. string
resolveConfiguration defines the configuration for resolving fired alerts. Only relevant for alerts. PrometheusRuleResolveConfiguration
severity the severity of the alerts fired by the rule. Only relevant for alerts. int


Name Description Value
actionGroupId The resource id of the action group to use. string
actionProperties The properties of an action group object. object


Name Description Value
autoResolved the flag that indicates whether or not to auto resolve a fired alert. bool
timeToResolve the duration a rule must evaluate as healthy before the fired alert is automatically resolved represented in ISO 8601 duration format. Should be between 1 and 15 minutes string